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3 answers

How can I make the draggable titlebar file icon always appear at the top of files in Big Sur?

I don't know the nomenclature for this, but there used to be always a little file icon at the top of say, a pdf or jpeg which could be dragged to put the file somewhere else (eg paste it into an email)...
ezgranet's user avatar
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File's App Icon No Longer Displays

I'm a developer and use a framework called "JUCE," and the associated application with JUCE is the Projucer. Projucer uses .jucer files. Previously, the app icon would show up inline with the file ...
JosephTLyons's user avatar
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1 answer

How do Icon? files work and how to create your own

I recently noticed that in folders with special icons (eg. on the desktop) have a file in them named Icon? (its a hidden file btw). I tried opening one up using my text editor (Atom) and it comes up ...
Ethan's user avatar
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Keep desktop icons as they are shortly after logging in

The following image shows two screenshots of my Mac's desktop whilst starting up. The first is a few seconds after starting, whilst the other one is a few seconds to shutdown. I prefer the icons on ...
Bishow Adhikari's user avatar
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Finder "Show Icon Preview" for certain filetypes?

In OSX (Yosemite) I've figured out how to switch between showing a file as an icon or as a preview in Finder. I can go to Finder > View > Show View Options and then toggle the Show icon preview ...
istrasci's user avatar
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3 answers

Change file icon OS X

I tried following Apple's instruction to change a file icon, but it didn't work they way I expected. Details File type: "web internet location" or Inbox.webloc So this it what I've tried so far. ^...
Timber's user avatar
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How could I set apple icon image (xxx.icns) to file or folder?

There is already a related question talking about setting a png image to file or foler as icon ( How can I change a file or folder icon using the Terminal), but what if my image is an icns? I know ...
wtl's user avatar
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Make JSON files to have TextMate2 icon

I have all the JSON files on my system set to open with TextMate 2. When I get Info on one of these .js files, I see the TextMate 2 icon on the corner. But, how do I make for the TextMate icon to ...
Ari Porad's user avatar
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