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3 votes
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Cloning apps on iOS

For some reasons I want to get two similar apps on my iPhone (in fact not similar — different versions). I have already installed this app from AppStore, and I have an IPA file of this app but of ...
xezo360hye's user avatar
5 votes
2 answers

Is it possible to develop an iOS application for my own use without having to pay 99$/year?

TL;DR How can I have a permanent profile for my Xcode-developped app on my own iPhone so that I could use it without having to rebuild it from Xcode every 6 days, likely by issuing myself the needed ...
Hugues's user avatar
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See letter below: IOS Distribution cert. revoked: What does this mean? I have an app developer developing this APP for me [duplicate]

Any input on the following: I have no idea if these means that we need to simply resubmit our APP, or our they denying our APP for any future development? Dear Jane Doe, You have revoked your ...
Sonya Rose's user avatar
0 votes
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Do I need to enroll in "Apple Developer Program Enrollment" for creating a certificate?

I have a website that I am trying to convert to a iOS app using Phonegap. But it requires that I provide ‘certificate (p12) file’ and a ‘provisioning profile’. I am using a Windows machine and have ...
Flying Gambit's user avatar
4 votes
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Renewing the Developer Program Membership after it expires

My Developer Program Membership (along with the iOS Distribution Certificate - it seems) expires in a couple of weeks. About a week ago, Apple sent me an email implying that I must renew the ...
Gabe12's user avatar
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Cannot reach webpage for certificate generation on my developer account

I am trying to reach the webpage for certificates under But I get redirected to the Welcome page. My Apple ID is an iCloud address *[email protected]. Why does https://developer....
Abdennour TOUMI's user avatar