There is also a absolutely free way to do this without any installations.
Open the Accessibility in your system preference and select Display. Now you can scale the mouse pointer to the size you like.
Doing it the Apple way (without some 3d party apps)
Create a script as follows that will toggle your cursor size.
Go to System Preferences / Universal Access and check Enable access for assistive devices, this will let you use AppleScript to query and control the user interface of most Applications.
Go to /Applications / Utilities / AppleScript Editor and paste this code and save it as Application:
tell application "System Preferences"
reveal anchor "Seeing_Display" of pane id ""
end tell
tell application "System Events"
set theSlider to slider "Cursor Size:" of group 1 of window 1 of application process "System Preferences"
set stash to value of theSlider
if value of theSlider is 1.0 then
set value of theSlider to 4.0
set value of theSlider to 1.0
end if
end tell
- Then there are other solutions like:
myPoint Light S 2.17 07-May-2015
Cursor locator that is highly customizable.