Recently, information provided by various Global Climate Models (GCMs) has been applied to variou... more Recently, information provided by various Global Climate Models (GCMs) has been applied to various research fields. A Multi-model Ensemble (MME) approach, which assesses the impact of climate change on agricultural crop production using one or more climate datasets from GCMs, has been widely used. We estimated the changes in soybean potential yield at 16 sites using the climate change scenarios, and then predicted the relative change in predicted potential yield for each single GCM, producing an observation climate-based simulated potential yield. Lastly, we assessed the degree of uncertainty for changes in potential yield predicted from MME approach.
The agro-climatic index is one of the ways to assess the climate resources of particular agricult... more The agro-climatic index is one of the ways to assess the climate resources of particular agricultural areas on the prospect of agricultural production; it can be a key indicator of agricultural productivity by providing the basic information required for the implementation of different and various farming techniques and practicalities to estimate the growth and yield of crops from the climate resources such as air temperature, solar radiation, and precipitation. However, the agro-climate index can always be changed since the index is not the absolute. Recently, many studies which consider uncertainty of future climate change have been actively conducted using multi-model ensemble (MME) approach by developing and improving dynamic and statistical downscaling of Global Climate Model (GCM) output. In this study, the agro-climatic index of Korean Peninsula, such as growing degree day based on 5 o C, plant period based on 5 o C, crop period based on 10 o C, and frost free day were calculated for assessment of the spatio-temporal variations and uncertainties of the indices according to climate change; the downscaled historical (1976-2005) and near future (2011-2040) RCP climate sceneries of AR5 were applied to the calculation of the index. The result showed four agro-climatic indices calculated by nine individual GCMs as well as MME agreed with agro-climatic indices which were calculated by the observed data. It was confirmed that MME, as well as each individual GCM emulated well on past climate in the four major Rivers of South Korea (Han, Nakdong, Geum, and Seumjin and Yeoungsan). However, spatial downscaling still needs further improvement since the agro-climatic indices of some individual GCMs showed different variations with the observed indices at the change of spatial distribution of the four Rivers. The four agro-climatic indices of the Korean Peninsula were expected to increase in nine individual GCMs and MME in future climate scenarios. The differences and uncertainties of the agro-climatic indices have not been reduced on the unlimited coupling of multi-model ensembles. Further research is still required although the differences started to improve when combining of three or four individual GCMs in the study. The agro-climatic indices which were derived and evaluated in the study will be the baseline for the assessment of agro-climatic abnormal indices and agro-productivity indices of the next research work.
농림업 분야 기후변화 영향평가를 위해 기후기록에 비해 상대적으로 미흡한 생물계절자료의 보완이 절실하다. 겨울기온의 상승이 동아시아 기후변화의 주된 특징임을 감안하면 낙엽수목의... more 농림업 분야 기후변화 영향평가를 위해 기후기록에 비해 상대적으로 미흡한 생물계절자료의 보완이 절실하다. 겨울기온의 상승이 동아시아 기후변화의 주된 특징임을 감안하면 낙엽수목의 월동기간 휴면생태가 큰 영향을 받았을 것으로 예상된다. 포도품종 Campbell Early의 품종특성을 갖도록 조절시킨 생물계절모형을 이용하여 1921년부터 2004년까지 남한지역 8곳의 기온경과에 따른 낙엽과수의 월동기간 중 휴면양상을 복원하고 발아기자료를 생산하였다. 이 자료에 따르면 내생휴면해제일은 대구, 전주에서 1월 중순, 인천, 제주에서 2월 하순이었으며 대구-전주 선을 기준으로 남북으로 멀어질수록 지연되며, 내동성유지기간도 짧아지는 공간분포특성을 보였다. 과거에 비해 휴면해제에 걸리는 기간은 단축되는 경향이며 목포의 경우 1921-1950 기간에 비해 1981-2004 기간에 15일 단축되었지만 제주에서는 예외적으로 지연되었다. 내동성유지 기간은 강릉과 서울에서 크게 단축되었고 인천, 목포에서는 변화가 없었다. 발아기는 인천에서 가장 늦고 부산, 대구에서 가장 빠른데 70년대부터 단축되기 시작하여 제주를 제외하고 단축정도는 6-10일이다. 단축의 원인은 지역에 따라 달라 인천, 목포에서는 휴면해 제일 단축, 제주, 부산은 휴면해제후 발아소요기간 단축이 주요인이며 나머지 지역은 두 가지 모두 해당되는 것으로 나타났다. 이 기간 중 발아일의 연차변이는 지속적으로 증가하였으며 인천, 강릉, 대구, 부산의 증가폭이 목포, 전주, 서울에 비해 컸다.
본 연구에서는 서울 도심과 전원 지역간 $CO_2$ 농도 차이가 IPCC 중단기 기후변화 시나리오에 상응하는 차이가 있는지를 확인하기 위해 수도권의 도시기후를 IPCC 기후변... more 본 연구에서는 서울 도심과 전원 지역간 $CO_2$ 농도 차이가 IPCC 중단기 기후변화 시나리오에 상응하는 차이가 있는지를 확인하기 위해 수도권의 도시기후를 IPCC 기후변화 시나리오를 재현한 "천연실험실"로 활용하고자 서울(도심), 수원(부도심), 이천(전원), 3지역에서 2006년 6월 19일부터 2007년 6월 25일(2007년 3월 3일-5월 22일까지 결측)까지 $CO_2$ 농도를 관측하였으며 이 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 3지점의 연 평균 대기 중 $CO_2$ 농도의 구배가 서울(439 ppm)>수원(419 ppm)>이천(416 ppm)으로 나타났다. 2) 계절에 따른 $CO_2$ 농도의 일변화 변동폭은 여름철에 크게 나타난 반면 겨울철에는 그 폭이 완만해졌다. 3) 계절에 따른 시간대별 대기 중 $CO_2$ 농도는 여름철에는 대체로 새벽 5시에, 가을철에는 오전 8시에, 겨울철에는 오전 9시에, 봄철에는 새벽 5시에 고농도가 나타남으로써 고농도가 나타나는 시간대가 가을철부터 지연되었다가 다시 봄철에는 일출 전후로 옮겨갔다. 4) 시간대별 대기 중 $CO_2$ 농도는 일출 직후에 442 ppm(서울: 0700 LST, Local Standard Time)으로 최대 농도를 보였으며, 최소 $CO_2$ 농도는 광합성이 활발한 오후 시간대로 407 ppm(수원: 1500 LST)으로 나타났다. 5) 배경대기관측소 안면도에서 산정한 배경 $CO_2$ 연평균 농도 377 ppm에 대해 서울은 14%, 수원은 10%, 이천은 9% 높았으며, IPCC BAU Scenario의 2030-2040년 대기 중 $CO_2$ 농도인 450 ppm에 대해 서울은 이미 98%에 도달하였고, 2040-2050년의 550 ppm에 대해서는 80%에 도달하여 우리나라의 도시-전원(서울-이천)간 $CO_2$ 농도차이는 IPCC BAU Scenario의 20-30년 후의 기후변화 시나리오에 상응하는 것으로 판단된다. 【Urban atmos...
Climate change is expected to impact global food supply and food security by affecting growing co... more Climate change is expected to impact global food supply and food security by affecting growing conditions for agricultural production. Process-based dynamic growth models are important tools to estimate crop yields based on minimum inputs of climate, soil, crop management, and crop cultivar parameters. Using region-specific cultivar parameters is critical when applying crop models at a global scale because cultivars vary in response to climate conditions, soils, and crop management. In this study, parameters were developed for modern cultivars representing all 17 CIMMYT wheat Mega Environments (MEs) using field experimental data and genetic cultivar relationships for the CROPSIM-CERES model in DSSAT v 4.5 (Decision-Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer). Cultivar performance was tested with independent CIMMYT breeding trial field experiments across several locations. Then crop simulations were carried out at 0.5 × 0.5 • pixels for global wheat-growing areas, using cultivars representing MEs, soil information, region-specific crop management, and initial soil conditions. Aggregated simulated wheat yields and production were compared to reported country yields and production from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistics, resulting in a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 1.3 t/ha for yield and 2.2 M t/country for country production. Some of the simulated errors are relatively large at country level because of uncertainties in pixel information for climate, soil, and crop management input and partly because of crop model uncertainties. In addition, FAO yield statistics have uncertainties because of incomplete farm reports or poor estimates. Nevertheless, this new cultivar-specific, partially-validated global baseline simulation enables new studies on issues of food security, agricultural technology, and breeding advancement impacts combined with climate change at a global scale.
Gridded temperature data are frequently used to run ecological models at regional scales and are ... more Gridded temperature data are frequently used to run ecological models at regional scales and are routinely generated by spatially interpolating point observations at synoptic weather stations. If synoptic stations are located in urbanized areas, observed temperature and the interpolated data could be contaminated by the urban heat island effect. Without an appropriate correction, temperature estimates over rural areas or forests might deviate significantly from the actual values. This study was conducted to remove the urban effects embedded in the interpolated surfaces of daily minimum temperature in South Korea, where most weather stations are located in urbanized or industrialized areas. To overcome the spatially discontinuous nature of the population statistics, urban land cover information at a 30 m ϫ 30 m resolution was used along with population data. A population density was calculated by dividing the population of a city by the number of urban pixels falling within the city boundary. Population-density values unique to each city were, in turn, assigned to all the urban pixels. Blocks of 3 ϫ 3 pixels were aggregated to form a ''digital population model'' (DPM) on a 90 m ϫ 90 m grid spacing. Temperature estimation error from the existing interpolation scheme, which considers both distance and elevation effects, was obtained at 31 synoptic station locations in Korea each month. They were regressed on the population information at the same locations, expressed in DPMs smoothed at the radial extent of 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 5.0 km. Selected regression equations were added to the widely used distance-altitude interpolation scheme. This new method was used to interpolate monthly normals of daily minimum temperature in South Korea for the 1971-2000 period. Cross validation showed approximately a 30% reduction in the estimation error over all months when compared with those by the best existing method.
Site-specific minimum temperature forecasts are critical in a short-term decision making procedur... more Site-specific minimum temperature forecasts are critical in a short-term decision making procedure for preventive measures as well as a long-term strategy such as site selection in fruits industry. Nocturnal cold air pools frequently formed in mountainous areas under anticyclonic systems are very dangerous to the flowering buds in spring over Korea, but the spatial resolution to detect them exceeds the current weather forecast scale. To supplement the insufficient spatial resolution of official forecasts, we developed a GIS-assisted frost risk assesment scheme for using in mountainous areas. Daily minimum temperature data were obtained from 6 sites located in a 2.1 by 2.1 km area with complex topography near the southern edge of Sobaek mountains during radiative cooling nights in spring 2001. A digital elevation model with a 10 m spatial resolution was prepared for the entire study area and the cold air inflow was simulated for each grid cell by counting the number of surrounding cells coming into the processing cell. Primitive temperature surfaces were prepared for the corresponding dates by interpolating the Korea Meteorological Administration's automated observational data with the lapse rate correction. The cell temperature values corresponding to the 6 observation sites were extracted from the primitive temperature surface, and subtracted from the observed values to obtain the estimation error. The errors were regressed to the flow accumulation at the corresponding cells, delineating a statistically significant relationship. When we applied this relationship to the primitive temperature surfaces of frost nights during April 2002, there was a good agreement with the observations, showing a feasibility of site-specific frost warning system development in mountainous areas.
Asia-pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Nov 1, 2016
In this study, we analyzed changes in the predicted flowering date (PFD) for cherry blossom trees... more In this study, we analyzed changes in the predicted flowering date (PFD) for cherry blossom trees under changing climate conditions by simulating the PFDs for six sites on the Korean Peninsula between 1981 and 2010. The spatial downscaled climate data from the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 8.5 scenarios of 30 global climate models (GCMs) were used in the analysis. Here, we present the range of uncertainty in the PFDs, which were calculated by comparing the simulated PFDs to the observed flowering dates. We determined that the root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) of PFDs from individual GCMs, at 7-15 days, were greater in range than those of the mean PFDs from multiple GCMs, at 7-8 days. During three future periods of 2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100, the standard deviations (SD), the interquartile ranges (IQRs), and the relative changes in the mean predicted flowering dates (MPFDs) were calculated to quantify the uncertainty levels inherent from the climate scenarios of multiple GCMs. Distinctive changes in the SDs and IQRs of MPFD were found among the analyzed sites. The SDs increased with time between each future period in Seoul, Incheon, and Jeonju, whereas those in Daegu, Busan, and Mokpo decreased with time. In addition, the IQRs increased with time at Seoul, Incheon, Jeonju, and Daegu but not at Busan and Mokpo. The relative changes in the MPFDs at all six sites became greater with time toward the year 2100. Therefore, combining multiple GCM scenarios may not contribute largely to reduce the uncertainty in the PFDs under changing climate conditions, although it may be useful in quantifying the uncertainty in order to make better decisions based on more accurate information.
Converting temperature forecasts and observations at irregular points into a gridded data set is ... more Converting temperature forecasts and observations at irregular points into a gridded data set is widely used for regional scale ecosystem modeling and model-based decision making. Neglect of terrain effects in spatial interpolation schemes for short-term temperature assessment may cause erroneous results in mountainous regions, where the observation network ineffectively covers complex terrain. We suggest a spatial interpolation model for daytime hourly temperature based on an error analysis of unsampled sites with respect to the site topography. The model has a solar irradiance correction scheme in addition to the common backbone of the lapse rate-corrected inverse distance weighting. The solar irradiance scheme calculates the direct, diffuse, and reflected components of shortwave radiation over sloping surfaces based on the sun-slope geometry and compares the sum with that over a reference surface. The deviation from reference radiation is used to calculate the temperature correction term by an empirical conversion formula between the solar energy and the air temperature at an hourly time scale, which can be prepared seasonally for each land cover type. When this model was applied to a topographically complex area, the estimated temperature differences agreed much better with the observations than those by the conventional lapse rate correction method.
Gridded temperature data are necessary to run ecological models at regional scales for climate im... more Gridded temperature data are necessary to run ecological models at regional scales for climate impact studies and have been generated by spatially interpolating measured values at synoptic stations. Because there are few synoptic stations with long-term records in rural areas in Korea, data from urban stations have been used for this purpose. Due to the overlapping of the rapid urbanization-industrialization period with the global warming era in Korea, climate data from these urbanized areas might be contaminated with urban heat island effect. This study was conducted to differentiate urbanization and regional climate change effects on apparent temperature change. Monthly averages of daily minimum, maximum, and mean temperature at 14 synoptic stations were prepared for 1951-1980 (past normal) and 1971-2000 (current normal) periods, respectively. Differences in two temperature normals were regressed to the logarithm of the population increase at 14 corresponding cities from 1966 to 1985. The regression equations were used to determine potential effects of urbanization and to extract the net contribution of regional climate change to the apparent temperature change. According to the model calculation, urbanization effect was common in all months except April. Up to 0.5 • warming of nighttime temperature was induced by urbanization in the current normal period compared with the past normal period. There was little effect of regional climate change on local warming in the warm season (May through November). The cool season was warmed mainly by regionally increased daytime temperature. The results could be used to remove urbanization effects embedded in raw data, helping restore unbiased rural temperature trends in South Korea.
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2004
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a critical component of the hydrologic cycle which influences economic... more Evapotranspiration (ET) is a critical component of the hydrologic cycle which influences economic activities as well as the natural ecosystem. While there have been numerous studies on ET estimation for homogeneous areas using point measurements of meteorological variables, monitoring of spatial ET has not been possible at landscape-or watershed-scales. We propose a site-specific application of the land surface model, which is enabled by spatially interpolated input data at the desired resolution. Gyunggi Province of South Korea was divided into a regular grid of 10 million cells with 30m spacing and hourly temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation and solar irradiance were estimated for each grid cell by spatial interpolation of synoptic weather data. Topoclimatology models were used to accommodate effects of topography in a spatial interpolation procedure, including cold air drainage on nocturnal temperature and solar irradiance on daytime temperature. Satellite remote sensing data were used to classify the vegetation type of each grid cell, and corresponding spatial attributes including soil texture, canopy structure, and phenological features were identified. All data were fed into a standalone version of SiB2(Simple Biosphere Model 2) to simulate latent heat flux at each grid cell. A computer program was written for data management in the cell-based SiB2 operation such as extracting input data for SiB2 from grid matrices and recombining the output data back to the grid format. ET estimates at selected grid cells were validated against the actual measurement of latent heat fluxes by eddy covariance measurement. We applied this system to obtain the spatial ET of the study area on a continuous basis for the 2001-2003 period. The results showed a strong feasibility of using spatial-data driven land surface models for operational monitoring of regional ET.
Recently, information provided by various Global Climate Models (GCMs) has been applied to variou... more Recently, information provided by various Global Climate Models (GCMs) has been applied to various research fields. A Multi-model Ensemble (MME) approach, which assesses the impact of climate change on agricultural crop production using one or more climate datasets from GCMs, has been widely used. We estimated the changes in soybean potential yield at 16 sites using the climate change scenarios, and then predicted the relative change in predicted potential yield for each single GCM, producing an observation climate-based simulated potential yield. Lastly, we assessed the degree of uncertainty for changes in potential yield predicted from MME approach.
The agro-climatic index is one of the ways to assess the climate resources of particular agricult... more The agro-climatic index is one of the ways to assess the climate resources of particular agricultural areas on the prospect of agricultural production; it can be a key indicator of agricultural productivity by providing the basic information required for the implementation of different and various farming techniques and practicalities to estimate the growth and yield of crops from the climate resources such as air temperature, solar radiation, and precipitation. However, the agro-climate index can always be changed since the index is not the absolute. Recently, many studies which consider uncertainty of future climate change have been actively conducted using multi-model ensemble (MME) approach by developing and improving dynamic and statistical downscaling of Global Climate Model (GCM) output. In this study, the agro-climatic index of Korean Peninsula, such as growing degree day based on 5 o C, plant period based on 5 o C, crop period based on 10 o C, and frost free day were calculated for assessment of the spatio-temporal variations and uncertainties of the indices according to climate change; the downscaled historical (1976-2005) and near future (2011-2040) RCP climate sceneries of AR5 were applied to the calculation of the index. The result showed four agro-climatic indices calculated by nine individual GCMs as well as MME agreed with agro-climatic indices which were calculated by the observed data. It was confirmed that MME, as well as each individual GCM emulated well on past climate in the four major Rivers of South Korea (Han, Nakdong, Geum, and Seumjin and Yeoungsan). However, spatial downscaling still needs further improvement since the agro-climatic indices of some individual GCMs showed different variations with the observed indices at the change of spatial distribution of the four Rivers. The four agro-climatic indices of the Korean Peninsula were expected to increase in nine individual GCMs and MME in future climate scenarios. The differences and uncertainties of the agro-climatic indices have not been reduced on the unlimited coupling of multi-model ensembles. Further research is still required although the differences started to improve when combining of three or four individual GCMs in the study. The agro-climatic indices which were derived and evaluated in the study will be the baseline for the assessment of agro-climatic abnormal indices and agro-productivity indices of the next research work.
농림업 분야 기후변화 영향평가를 위해 기후기록에 비해 상대적으로 미흡한 생물계절자료의 보완이 절실하다. 겨울기온의 상승이 동아시아 기후변화의 주된 특징임을 감안하면 낙엽수목의... more 농림업 분야 기후변화 영향평가를 위해 기후기록에 비해 상대적으로 미흡한 생물계절자료의 보완이 절실하다. 겨울기온의 상승이 동아시아 기후변화의 주된 특징임을 감안하면 낙엽수목의 월동기간 휴면생태가 큰 영향을 받았을 것으로 예상된다. 포도품종 Campbell Early의 품종특성을 갖도록 조절시킨 생물계절모형을 이용하여 1921년부터 2004년까지 남한지역 8곳의 기온경과에 따른 낙엽과수의 월동기간 중 휴면양상을 복원하고 발아기자료를 생산하였다. 이 자료에 따르면 내생휴면해제일은 대구, 전주에서 1월 중순, 인천, 제주에서 2월 하순이었으며 대구-전주 선을 기준으로 남북으로 멀어질수록 지연되며, 내동성유지기간도 짧아지는 공간분포특성을 보였다. 과거에 비해 휴면해제에 걸리는 기간은 단축되는 경향이며 목포의 경우 1921-1950 기간에 비해 1981-2004 기간에 15일 단축되었지만 제주에서는 예외적으로 지연되었다. 내동성유지 기간은 강릉과 서울에서 크게 단축되었고 인천, 목포에서는 변화가 없었다. 발아기는 인천에서 가장 늦고 부산, 대구에서 가장 빠른데 70년대부터 단축되기 시작하여 제주를 제외하고 단축정도는 6-10일이다. 단축의 원인은 지역에 따라 달라 인천, 목포에서는 휴면해 제일 단축, 제주, 부산은 휴면해제후 발아소요기간 단축이 주요인이며 나머지 지역은 두 가지 모두 해당되는 것으로 나타났다. 이 기간 중 발아일의 연차변이는 지속적으로 증가하였으며 인천, 강릉, 대구, 부산의 증가폭이 목포, 전주, 서울에 비해 컸다.
본 연구에서는 서울 도심과 전원 지역간 $CO_2$ 농도 차이가 IPCC 중단기 기후변화 시나리오에 상응하는 차이가 있는지를 확인하기 위해 수도권의 도시기후를 IPCC 기후변... more 본 연구에서는 서울 도심과 전원 지역간 $CO_2$ 농도 차이가 IPCC 중단기 기후변화 시나리오에 상응하는 차이가 있는지를 확인하기 위해 수도권의 도시기후를 IPCC 기후변화 시나리오를 재현한 "천연실험실"로 활용하고자 서울(도심), 수원(부도심), 이천(전원), 3지역에서 2006년 6월 19일부터 2007년 6월 25일(2007년 3월 3일-5월 22일까지 결측)까지 $CO_2$ 농도를 관측하였으며 이 결과를 요약하면 다음과 같다. 1) 3지점의 연 평균 대기 중 $CO_2$ 농도의 구배가 서울(439 ppm)>수원(419 ppm)>이천(416 ppm)으로 나타났다. 2) 계절에 따른 $CO_2$ 농도의 일변화 변동폭은 여름철에 크게 나타난 반면 겨울철에는 그 폭이 완만해졌다. 3) 계절에 따른 시간대별 대기 중 $CO_2$ 농도는 여름철에는 대체로 새벽 5시에, 가을철에는 오전 8시에, 겨울철에는 오전 9시에, 봄철에는 새벽 5시에 고농도가 나타남으로써 고농도가 나타나는 시간대가 가을철부터 지연되었다가 다시 봄철에는 일출 전후로 옮겨갔다. 4) 시간대별 대기 중 $CO_2$ 농도는 일출 직후에 442 ppm(서울: 0700 LST, Local Standard Time)으로 최대 농도를 보였으며, 최소 $CO_2$ 농도는 광합성이 활발한 오후 시간대로 407 ppm(수원: 1500 LST)으로 나타났다. 5) 배경대기관측소 안면도에서 산정한 배경 $CO_2$ 연평균 농도 377 ppm에 대해 서울은 14%, 수원은 10%, 이천은 9% 높았으며, IPCC BAU Scenario의 2030-2040년 대기 중 $CO_2$ 농도인 450 ppm에 대해 서울은 이미 98%에 도달하였고, 2040-2050년의 550 ppm에 대해서는 80%에 도달하여 우리나라의 도시-전원(서울-이천)간 $CO_2$ 농도차이는 IPCC BAU Scenario의 20-30년 후의 기후변화 시나리오에 상응하는 것으로 판단된다. 【Urban atmos...
Climate change is expected to impact global food supply and food security by affecting growing co... more Climate change is expected to impact global food supply and food security by affecting growing conditions for agricultural production. Process-based dynamic growth models are important tools to estimate crop yields based on minimum inputs of climate, soil, crop management, and crop cultivar parameters. Using region-specific cultivar parameters is critical when applying crop models at a global scale because cultivars vary in response to climate conditions, soils, and crop management. In this study, parameters were developed for modern cultivars representing all 17 CIMMYT wheat Mega Environments (MEs) using field experimental data and genetic cultivar relationships for the CROPSIM-CERES model in DSSAT v 4.5 (Decision-Support System for Agrotechnology Transfer). Cultivar performance was tested with independent CIMMYT breeding trial field experiments across several locations. Then crop simulations were carried out at 0.5 × 0.5 • pixels for global wheat-growing areas, using cultivars representing MEs, soil information, region-specific crop management, and initial soil conditions. Aggregated simulated wheat yields and production were compared to reported country yields and production from Food and Agriculture Organization (FAO) statistics, resulting in a Root Mean Square Error (RMSE) of 1.3 t/ha for yield and 2.2 M t/country for country production. Some of the simulated errors are relatively large at country level because of uncertainties in pixel information for climate, soil, and crop management input and partly because of crop model uncertainties. In addition, FAO yield statistics have uncertainties because of incomplete farm reports or poor estimates. Nevertheless, this new cultivar-specific, partially-validated global baseline simulation enables new studies on issues of food security, agricultural technology, and breeding advancement impacts combined with climate change at a global scale.
Gridded temperature data are frequently used to run ecological models at regional scales and are ... more Gridded temperature data are frequently used to run ecological models at regional scales and are routinely generated by spatially interpolating point observations at synoptic weather stations. If synoptic stations are located in urbanized areas, observed temperature and the interpolated data could be contaminated by the urban heat island effect. Without an appropriate correction, temperature estimates over rural areas or forests might deviate significantly from the actual values. This study was conducted to remove the urban effects embedded in the interpolated surfaces of daily minimum temperature in South Korea, where most weather stations are located in urbanized or industrialized areas. To overcome the spatially discontinuous nature of the population statistics, urban land cover information at a 30 m ϫ 30 m resolution was used along with population data. A population density was calculated by dividing the population of a city by the number of urban pixels falling within the city boundary. Population-density values unique to each city were, in turn, assigned to all the urban pixels. Blocks of 3 ϫ 3 pixels were aggregated to form a ''digital population model'' (DPM) on a 90 m ϫ 90 m grid spacing. Temperature estimation error from the existing interpolation scheme, which considers both distance and elevation effects, was obtained at 31 synoptic station locations in Korea each month. They were regressed on the population information at the same locations, expressed in DPMs smoothed at the radial extent of 0.5, 1.5, 2.5, 3.5, and 5.0 km. Selected regression equations were added to the widely used distance-altitude interpolation scheme. This new method was used to interpolate monthly normals of daily minimum temperature in South Korea for the 1971-2000 period. Cross validation showed approximately a 30% reduction in the estimation error over all months when compared with those by the best existing method.
Site-specific minimum temperature forecasts are critical in a short-term decision making procedur... more Site-specific minimum temperature forecasts are critical in a short-term decision making procedure for preventive measures as well as a long-term strategy such as site selection in fruits industry. Nocturnal cold air pools frequently formed in mountainous areas under anticyclonic systems are very dangerous to the flowering buds in spring over Korea, but the spatial resolution to detect them exceeds the current weather forecast scale. To supplement the insufficient spatial resolution of official forecasts, we developed a GIS-assisted frost risk assesment scheme for using in mountainous areas. Daily minimum temperature data were obtained from 6 sites located in a 2.1 by 2.1 km area with complex topography near the southern edge of Sobaek mountains during radiative cooling nights in spring 2001. A digital elevation model with a 10 m spatial resolution was prepared for the entire study area and the cold air inflow was simulated for each grid cell by counting the number of surrounding cells coming into the processing cell. Primitive temperature surfaces were prepared for the corresponding dates by interpolating the Korea Meteorological Administration's automated observational data with the lapse rate correction. The cell temperature values corresponding to the 6 observation sites were extracted from the primitive temperature surface, and subtracted from the observed values to obtain the estimation error. The errors were regressed to the flow accumulation at the corresponding cells, delineating a statistically significant relationship. When we applied this relationship to the primitive temperature surfaces of frost nights during April 2002, there was a good agreement with the observations, showing a feasibility of site-specific frost warning system development in mountainous areas.
Asia-pacific Journal of Atmospheric Sciences, Nov 1, 2016
In this study, we analyzed changes in the predicted flowering date (PFD) for cherry blossom trees... more In this study, we analyzed changes in the predicted flowering date (PFD) for cherry blossom trees under changing climate conditions by simulating the PFDs for six sites on the Korean Peninsula between 1981 and 2010. The spatial downscaled climate data from the Representative Concentration Pathways (RCP) 8.5 scenarios of 30 global climate models (GCMs) were used in the analysis. Here, we present the range of uncertainty in the PFDs, which were calculated by comparing the simulated PFDs to the observed flowering dates. We determined that the root-mean-square errors (RMSEs) of PFDs from individual GCMs, at 7-15 days, were greater in range than those of the mean PFDs from multiple GCMs, at 7-8 days. During three future periods of 2011-2040, 2041-2070, and 2071-2100, the standard deviations (SD), the interquartile ranges (IQRs), and the relative changes in the mean predicted flowering dates (MPFDs) were calculated to quantify the uncertainty levels inherent from the climate scenarios of multiple GCMs. Distinctive changes in the SDs and IQRs of MPFD were found among the analyzed sites. The SDs increased with time between each future period in Seoul, Incheon, and Jeonju, whereas those in Daegu, Busan, and Mokpo decreased with time. In addition, the IQRs increased with time at Seoul, Incheon, Jeonju, and Daegu but not at Busan and Mokpo. The relative changes in the MPFDs at all six sites became greater with time toward the year 2100. Therefore, combining multiple GCM scenarios may not contribute largely to reduce the uncertainty in the PFDs under changing climate conditions, although it may be useful in quantifying the uncertainty in order to make better decisions based on more accurate information.
Converting temperature forecasts and observations at irregular points into a gridded data set is ... more Converting temperature forecasts and observations at irregular points into a gridded data set is widely used for regional scale ecosystem modeling and model-based decision making. Neglect of terrain effects in spatial interpolation schemes for short-term temperature assessment may cause erroneous results in mountainous regions, where the observation network ineffectively covers complex terrain. We suggest a spatial interpolation model for daytime hourly temperature based on an error analysis of unsampled sites with respect to the site topography. The model has a solar irradiance correction scheme in addition to the common backbone of the lapse rate-corrected inverse distance weighting. The solar irradiance scheme calculates the direct, diffuse, and reflected components of shortwave radiation over sloping surfaces based on the sun-slope geometry and compares the sum with that over a reference surface. The deviation from reference radiation is used to calculate the temperature correction term by an empirical conversion formula between the solar energy and the air temperature at an hourly time scale, which can be prepared seasonally for each land cover type. When this model was applied to a topographically complex area, the estimated temperature differences agreed much better with the observations than those by the conventional lapse rate correction method.
Gridded temperature data are necessary to run ecological models at regional scales for climate im... more Gridded temperature data are necessary to run ecological models at regional scales for climate impact studies and have been generated by spatially interpolating measured values at synoptic stations. Because there are few synoptic stations with long-term records in rural areas in Korea, data from urban stations have been used for this purpose. Due to the overlapping of the rapid urbanization-industrialization period with the global warming era in Korea, climate data from these urbanized areas might be contaminated with urban heat island effect. This study was conducted to differentiate urbanization and regional climate change effects on apparent temperature change. Monthly averages of daily minimum, maximum, and mean temperature at 14 synoptic stations were prepared for 1951-1980 (past normal) and 1971-2000 (current normal) periods, respectively. Differences in two temperature normals were regressed to the logarithm of the population increase at 14 corresponding cities from 1966 to 1985. The regression equations were used to determine potential effects of urbanization and to extract the net contribution of regional climate change to the apparent temperature change. According to the model calculation, urbanization effect was common in all months except April. Up to 0.5 • warming of nighttime temperature was induced by urbanization in the current normal period compared with the past normal period. There was little effect of regional climate change on local warming in the warm season (May through November). The cool season was warmed mainly by regionally increased daytime temperature. The results could be used to remove urbanization effects embedded in raw data, helping restore unbiased rural temperature trends in South Korea.
Korean Journal of Agricultural and Forest Meteorology, 2004
Evapotranspiration (ET) is a critical component of the hydrologic cycle which influences economic... more Evapotranspiration (ET) is a critical component of the hydrologic cycle which influences economic activities as well as the natural ecosystem. While there have been numerous studies on ET estimation for homogeneous areas using point measurements of meteorological variables, monitoring of spatial ET has not been possible at landscape-or watershed-scales. We propose a site-specific application of the land surface model, which is enabled by spatially interpolated input data at the desired resolution. Gyunggi Province of South Korea was divided into a regular grid of 10 million cells with 30m spacing and hourly temperature, humidity, wind, precipitation and solar irradiance were estimated for each grid cell by spatial interpolation of synoptic weather data. Topoclimatology models were used to accommodate effects of topography in a spatial interpolation procedure, including cold air drainage on nocturnal temperature and solar irradiance on daytime temperature. Satellite remote sensing data were used to classify the vegetation type of each grid cell, and corresponding spatial attributes including soil texture, canopy structure, and phenological features were identified. All data were fed into a standalone version of SiB2(Simple Biosphere Model 2) to simulate latent heat flux at each grid cell. A computer program was written for data management in the cell-based SiB2 operation such as extracting input data for SiB2 from grid matrices and recombining the output data back to the grid format. ET estimates at selected grid cells were validated against the actual measurement of latent heat fluxes by eddy covariance measurement. We applied this system to obtain the spatial ET of the study area on a continuous basis for the 2001-2003 period. The results showed a strong feasibility of using spatial-data driven land surface models for operational monitoring of regional ET.
Papers by Uran Chung