The distribution of potassium iodide tablets: is Belgium prepared for a nuclear incident? Potassi... more The distribution of potassium iodide tablets: is Belgium prepared for a nuclear incident? Potassium iodide tablets are protective in case of a nuclear accident with the release of radioactive iodine. After the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, there was an increased incidence of thyroid cancer in the affected areas. Disaster readiness was deficient, and the population was not aware of the possible protective measures. In Belgium, these potassium iodide tablets are freely available in any public pharmacy upon simply showing one’s identity card. We conducted a survey among the general population, pharmacists and school board members, showing that in Belgium too there is a need for more information. In addition, the survey revealed that in Belgium the distribution to the target groups should be improved. If a nuclear disaster occurs, it goes without saying that a proper organization of protective measures is mandatory. Unfortunately, in Belgium, so many years after Chernobyl, the necessary p...
The bidirectional relationship between poverty and poor physical and mental health is wellknown. ... more The bidirectional relationship between poverty and poor physical and mental health is wellknown. All physicians should have sufficient knowledge on poverty as a social determinant and its impact on (mental) health. The knowledge of poverty in physicians is seldom investigated. An online and paper survey was circulated in March/April 2022 in Belgium, to assess physician's opinions about and attitudes toward patients in poverty. Not only was interest in the subject rather low, but there were also substantial contradictions in the responses. The lack of knowledge about poverty among physicians leads to reduced quality of medical care for this target group. This is an individual medical-ethical and societal problem. We suggest 10 point-action plan for policymakers, educational institutions, and physicians.
Background To address the many challenges health systems and communities face, primary care is co... more Background To address the many challenges health systems and communities face, primary care is constantly searching for new strategies to improve quality of care. One of the strategies is to focus on patients’ personal goals to direct the care process. To adopt an explicit focus on patients’ personal goals, actions at different levels are required. As a first step in this process, this study aims to explore the experiences of primary care stakeholders (i.e., scholars, primary care providers, and policy makers) and develop a comprehensive understanding on the idea ‘putting patients’ goals first’. This will help to formulate suggestions about what these actions should include. Method In this study, 41 primary care stakeholders participating in six focus groups between January 2020 and September 2020, were recruited via maximal variation purposive sampling. Data collection was done through an open-ended semi-structured interview guide. Focus groups were audio-recorded, transcribed verb...
ObjectiveTo identify strategies and interventions used to improve interprofessional collaboration... more ObjectiveTo identify strategies and interventions used to improve interprofessional collaboration and integration (IPCI) in primary care.DesignScoping reviewData sourcesSpecific Medical Subject Headings terms were used, and a search strategy was developed for PubMed and afterwards adapted to Medline, Eric and Web of Science.Study selectionIn the first stage of the selection, two researchers screened the article abstracts to select eligible papers. When decisions conflicted, three other researchers joined the decision-making process. The same strategy was used with full-text screening. Articles were included if they: (1) were in English, (2) described an intervention to improve IPCI in primary care involving at least two different healthcare disciplines, (3) originated from a high-income country, (4) were peer-reviewed and (5) were published between 2001 and 2020.Data extraction and synthesisFrom each paper, eligible data were extracted, and the selected papers were analysed inductiv...
Background Coping with a chronic disease can be really challenging. Self-management represents a ... more Background Coping with a chronic disease can be really challenging. Self-management represents a promising strategy to improve daily life experiences. The role of primary healthcare professionals cannot be underestimated in supporting self-management. Due to a shortage of theory, implementation of self-management support is hindered in primary care practice. The aim of this study is to create a conceptual model for self-management support by analysing patients’ care experiences towards self-management support. Methods An explorative-descriptive qualitative study was conducted in Flanders, Belgium. Semi-structured interviews were performed with 16 patients and their informal caregiver (dyads) using a purposive sampling strategy and processed by an inductive content analysis, according to Graneheim and Lundman. Results Interviews revealed in-depth insights into patients’ care experiences. A conceptual model was developed for primary care practice, including five fundamental tasks for ...
Background A longstanding debate exists about including a ‘reason for use’ on prescriptions for m... more Background A longstanding debate exists about including a ‘reason for use’ on prescriptions for medication. Little is known, however, about patients’ opinions on this subject. Methods An internet-based questionnaire, consisting mainly of Likert scale questions, was distributed online to the general public in Belgium. Results from 1034 responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results Opinions from patients toward including a ‘reason for use’ on medication prescriptions were generally positive. A clear majority of 62% increased to 74% after providing information about the possible link between indication and medication dose. A majority of the participants expressed a positive attitude regardless of the pathology involved, although sexually transmitted diseases were of greatest concern. Other important aspects differentiating the opinion positively was the transmission of this information in an electronic-only form and limiting it to the regular pharmacist excluding furthe...
Background Increased opioid prescribing has raised concern, as the benefits of pain relief not al... more Background Increased opioid prescribing has raised concern, as the benefits of pain relief not always outweigh the risks. Acute and chronic pain is often treated in a primary care out-of-hours (OOH) setting. This setting may be a driver of opioid use but the extent to which opioids are prescribed OOH is unknown. We aimed to investigate weak and strong opioid prescribing at OOH primary care services (PCS) in Flanders (Northern, Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) and the Netherlands between 2015 and 2019. Methods We performed a retrospective cross sectional study using data from routine electronic health records of OOH-PCSs in Flanders and the Netherlands (2015-2019). Our primary outcome was the opioid prescribing rate per 1000 OOH-contacts per year, in total and for strong (morphine, hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxycodone and naloxone, fentanyl, tapentadol, and buprenorphine and weak opioids (codeine combinations and tramadol and combinations) and type of opioids separately. Results Opioids were prescriped in approximately 2.5% of OOH-contacts in both Flanders and the Netherlands. In Flanders, OOH opioid prescribing went from 2.4% in 2015 to 2.1% in 2017 and then increased to 2.3% in 2019. In the Netherlands, opioid prescribing increased from 1.9% of OOH-contacts in 2015 to 2.4% in 2017 and slightly decreased thereafter to 2.1% of OOH-contacts. In 2019, in Flanders, strong opioids were prescribed in 8% of the OOH-contacts with an opioid prescription. In the Netherlands a strong opioid was prescribed in 57% of these OOH-contacts. Two thirds of strong opioids prescriptions in Flanders OOH were issued for patients over 75, in the Netherlands one third was prescribed to this age group.
Background and aims : Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is a complementary epidemiological data... more Background and aims : Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is a complementary epidemiological data source to monitor stimulant consumption. The aims were to: (i) study intra- and inter-year temporal changes in stimulant use in Belgium during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic; and (ii) evaluate the effect of COVID-19 restrictive measures on stimulant consumption. Methods : The study population corresponded to the catchments of four wastewater treatment plants corresponding with four Belgian cities (i.e. Antwerp-Zuid, Boom, Brussels, Leuven). Daily 24-h composite influent wastewater samples collected over one week in September 2019 and March through June 2020 during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic were analyzed for biomarkers of amphetamine, cocaine, methamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA). Measured concentrations were converted to population-normalized mass loads by considering the daily flow rate and the catchment population size. Mobile network data was used to accurately capture population movements in the different catchment areas. Temporal changes were assessed with multiple linear regression models, and the effect of the COVID-19 interventions on stimulant consumption were investigated. Results : An increase in amphetamine use was observed in three cities during governmental restrictions, with highest consumption predominantly during lockdown. Similarly, cocaine consumption was higher after the pandemic started, with highest consumption noted during the lockdown period in Boom and Leuven. Consumption of MDMA was similar in Antwerp-Zuid, Brussels and Leuven throughout the entire sampled period. In Boom, the highest consumption was observed during the full lockdown period. Conclusions : The present study shows the potential of WBE to assess the impact of stringent lockdown measures on stimulant use in Belgium. This paper shows that strong restrictive measures did not have a profound effect on stimulant consumption.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Gaining insight in how people living with chronic conditions experience prima... more AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Gaining insight in how people living with chronic conditions experience primary healthcare within their informal network. BACKGROUND The primary healthcare system is challenged by the increasing number of people living with chronic conditions. To strengthen chronic care management, literature and policy plans point to a person-centred approach of care (PCC). A first step to identify an appropriate strategy to implement PCC is to gain more insight into the care experiences of these people and their informal caregivers. DESIGN A phenomenological-hermeneutical philosophy is used. The study is in line with the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research Guidelines (COREQ). METHOD In-depth, semi-structured interviews with people living with chronic conditions and informal caregiver dyads (PCDs) (n = 16; 32 individuals) were conducted. An open-ended interview guide was used to elaborate on the PCDs' experiences regarding primary care. A purposive, maximal variation sampling was applied to recruit the participants. RESULTS Based on sixteen PCDs' reflections, ten themes were identified presenting their experiences with primary care and described quality care as listening and giving attention to what people with chronic conditions want, to what they strive for, and above all to promote their autonomy in a context wherein they are supported by a team of formal caregivers, family and friends. CONCLUSION To meet the PCDs' needs, self-management should be addressed in an interprofessional environment in which the PCD is an important partner. The findings may facilitate a shift to encourage PCDs in their strengths by enabling them to share their personal goals and by working towards meaningful activities in team collaboration. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE Three strategies-self-management support, goal-oriented care, and interprofessional collaboration-have been suggested to improve the PCDs' primary care experiences. These strategies could guide nursing practice in using more and improve high-quality nursing care.
Background In the European Union it is mandatory to include paper package leaflets (PPL) with all... more Background In the European Union it is mandatory to include paper package leaflets (PPL) with all medicines, including vaccines, to inform the recipient. However, it is difficult to meet the necessity for localized PPLs in each of the 24 official European languages. Replacing PPLs with electronic versions offers many advantages including redistribution across nations, reduced storage space, accessibility by the visually impaired, easily updated information or the addition of video content. We wanted to assess the attitudes of patients (vaccine recipients or their parents) to the potential of replacing PPL with electronic versions. Methods We surveyed vaccinees or their parents in four European countries—Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria and France—for their actual use of vaccine PPLs and their opinions about switching to an electronic package leaflet. Our survey was conducted online because of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulted in 2518 responses to a questionnaire targeted at three specific ...
Antibiotic overprescribing is one of the main drivers of the global and growing problem of antibi... more Antibiotic overprescribing is one of the main drivers of the global and growing problem of antibiotic resistance, especially in primary care and for respiratory tract infections (RTIs). RTIs are the most common reason for patients to consult out-of-hours (OOH) primary care. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way general practitioners (GPs) work, both during office hours and OOH. In Belgian OOH primary care, remote consultations with the possibility of issuing prescriptions and telephone triage were implemented. We aimed to describe the impact of COVID-19 on GPs’ antibiotic prescribing during OOH primary care. In an observational study, using routinely collected health data from GP cooperatives (GPCs) in Flanders, we analyzed GPs’ antibiotic prescriptions in 2019 (10 GPCs) and 2020 (20 GPCs) during OOH consultations (telephone and face-to-face). We used autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) modeling to identify any changes after lockdowns were implemented. In total, 388...
Prescribing patterns by primary care physicians concerning ophthalmic problems were studied using... more Prescribing patterns by primary care physicians concerning ophthalmic problems were studied using the iCAREdata, a database containing information from the out-of-hours care setting in the Flanders region of Belgium. A very high percentage of prescribed ophthalmic medication was topical antibiotics (89.4%) with tobramycin as the most prevalent substance and in clear conflict with the prevailing guidelines. In addition, a very substantial fraction of prescribed medication contained corticosteroids (30.4%). This is a potentially unsafe option within the technical infrastructure of this setting, which limits the diagnostic possibilities concerning viral infections or preexisting glaucoma risk. We conclude that more efforts are required to limit unnecessary and inappropriate prescribing behavior to further promote patient safety.
The distribution of potassium iodide tablets: is Belgium prepared for a nuclear incident? Potassi... more The distribution of potassium iodide tablets: is Belgium prepared for a nuclear incident? Potassium iodide tablets are protective in case of a nuclear accident with the release of radioactive iodine. After the Chernobyl disaster in 1986, there was an increased incidence of thyroid cancer in the affected areas. Disaster readiness was deficient, and the population was not aware of the possible protective measures. In Belgium, these potassium iodide tablets are freely available in any public pharmacy upon simply showing one’s identity card. We conducted a survey among the general population, pharmacists and school board members, showing that in Belgium too there is a need for more information. In addition, the survey revealed that in Belgium the distribution to the target groups should be improved. If a nuclear disaster occurs, it goes without saying that a proper organization of protective measures is mandatory. Unfortunately, in Belgium, so many years after Chernobyl, the necessary p...
The bidirectional relationship between poverty and poor physical and mental health is wellknown. ... more The bidirectional relationship between poverty and poor physical and mental health is wellknown. All physicians should have sufficient knowledge on poverty as a social determinant and its impact on (mental) health. The knowledge of poverty in physicians is seldom investigated. An online and paper survey was circulated in March/April 2022 in Belgium, to assess physician's opinions about and attitudes toward patients in poverty. Not only was interest in the subject rather low, but there were also substantial contradictions in the responses. The lack of knowledge about poverty among physicians leads to reduced quality of medical care for this target group. This is an individual medical-ethical and societal problem. We suggest 10 point-action plan for policymakers, educational institutions, and physicians.
Background To address the many challenges health systems and communities face, primary care is co... more Background To address the many challenges health systems and communities face, primary care is constantly searching for new strategies to improve quality of care. One of the strategies is to focus on patients’ personal goals to direct the care process. To adopt an explicit focus on patients’ personal goals, actions at different levels are required. As a first step in this process, this study aims to explore the experiences of primary care stakeholders (i.e., scholars, primary care providers, and policy makers) and develop a comprehensive understanding on the idea ‘putting patients’ goals first’. This will help to formulate suggestions about what these actions should include. Method In this study, 41 primary care stakeholders participating in six focus groups between January 2020 and September 2020, were recruited via maximal variation purposive sampling. Data collection was done through an open-ended semi-structured interview guide. Focus groups were audio-recorded, transcribed verb...
ObjectiveTo identify strategies and interventions used to improve interprofessional collaboration... more ObjectiveTo identify strategies and interventions used to improve interprofessional collaboration and integration (IPCI) in primary care.DesignScoping reviewData sourcesSpecific Medical Subject Headings terms were used, and a search strategy was developed for PubMed and afterwards adapted to Medline, Eric and Web of Science.Study selectionIn the first stage of the selection, two researchers screened the article abstracts to select eligible papers. When decisions conflicted, three other researchers joined the decision-making process. The same strategy was used with full-text screening. Articles were included if they: (1) were in English, (2) described an intervention to improve IPCI in primary care involving at least two different healthcare disciplines, (3) originated from a high-income country, (4) were peer-reviewed and (5) were published between 2001 and 2020.Data extraction and synthesisFrom each paper, eligible data were extracted, and the selected papers were analysed inductiv...
Background Coping with a chronic disease can be really challenging. Self-management represents a ... more Background Coping with a chronic disease can be really challenging. Self-management represents a promising strategy to improve daily life experiences. The role of primary healthcare professionals cannot be underestimated in supporting self-management. Due to a shortage of theory, implementation of self-management support is hindered in primary care practice. The aim of this study is to create a conceptual model for self-management support by analysing patients’ care experiences towards self-management support. Methods An explorative-descriptive qualitative study was conducted in Flanders, Belgium. Semi-structured interviews were performed with 16 patients and their informal caregiver (dyads) using a purposive sampling strategy and processed by an inductive content analysis, according to Graneheim and Lundman. Results Interviews revealed in-depth insights into patients’ care experiences. A conceptual model was developed for primary care practice, including five fundamental tasks for ...
Background A longstanding debate exists about including a ‘reason for use’ on prescriptions for m... more Background A longstanding debate exists about including a ‘reason for use’ on prescriptions for medication. Little is known, however, about patients’ opinions on this subject. Methods An internet-based questionnaire, consisting mainly of Likert scale questions, was distributed online to the general public in Belgium. Results from 1034 responses were analyzed using descriptive statistics. Results Opinions from patients toward including a ‘reason for use’ on medication prescriptions were generally positive. A clear majority of 62% increased to 74% after providing information about the possible link between indication and medication dose. A majority of the participants expressed a positive attitude regardless of the pathology involved, although sexually transmitted diseases were of greatest concern. Other important aspects differentiating the opinion positively was the transmission of this information in an electronic-only form and limiting it to the regular pharmacist excluding furthe...
Background Increased opioid prescribing has raised concern, as the benefits of pain relief not al... more Background Increased opioid prescribing has raised concern, as the benefits of pain relief not always outweigh the risks. Acute and chronic pain is often treated in a primary care out-of-hours (OOH) setting. This setting may be a driver of opioid use but the extent to which opioids are prescribed OOH is unknown. We aimed to investigate weak and strong opioid prescribing at OOH primary care services (PCS) in Flanders (Northern, Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) and the Netherlands between 2015 and 2019. Methods We performed a retrospective cross sectional study using data from routine electronic health records of OOH-PCSs in Flanders and the Netherlands (2015-2019). Our primary outcome was the opioid prescribing rate per 1000 OOH-contacts per year, in total and for strong (morphine, hydromorphone, oxycodone, oxycodone and naloxone, fentanyl, tapentadol, and buprenorphine and weak opioids (codeine combinations and tramadol and combinations) and type of opioids separately. Results Opioids were prescriped in approximately 2.5% of OOH-contacts in both Flanders and the Netherlands. In Flanders, OOH opioid prescribing went from 2.4% in 2015 to 2.1% in 2017 and then increased to 2.3% in 2019. In the Netherlands, opioid prescribing increased from 1.9% of OOH-contacts in 2015 to 2.4% in 2017 and slightly decreased thereafter to 2.1% of OOH-contacts. In 2019, in Flanders, strong opioids were prescribed in 8% of the OOH-contacts with an opioid prescription. In the Netherlands a strong opioid was prescribed in 57% of these OOH-contacts. Two thirds of strong opioids prescriptions in Flanders OOH were issued for patients over 75, in the Netherlands one third was prescribed to this age group.
Background and aims : Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is a complementary epidemiological data... more Background and aims : Wastewater-based epidemiology (WBE) is a complementary epidemiological data source to monitor stimulant consumption. The aims were to: (i) study intra- and inter-year temporal changes in stimulant use in Belgium during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic; and (ii) evaluate the effect of COVID-19 restrictive measures on stimulant consumption. Methods : The study population corresponded to the catchments of four wastewater treatment plants corresponding with four Belgian cities (i.e. Antwerp-Zuid, Boom, Brussels, Leuven). Daily 24-h composite influent wastewater samples collected over one week in September 2019 and March through June 2020 during the first wave of the COVID-19 pandemic were analyzed for biomarkers of amphetamine, cocaine, methamphetamine and 3,4-methylenedioxyamphetamine (MDMA). Measured concentrations were converted to population-normalized mass loads by considering the daily flow rate and the catchment population size. Mobile network data was used to accurately capture population movements in the different catchment areas. Temporal changes were assessed with multiple linear regression models, and the effect of the COVID-19 interventions on stimulant consumption were investigated. Results : An increase in amphetamine use was observed in three cities during governmental restrictions, with highest consumption predominantly during lockdown. Similarly, cocaine consumption was higher after the pandemic started, with highest consumption noted during the lockdown period in Boom and Leuven. Consumption of MDMA was similar in Antwerp-Zuid, Brussels and Leuven throughout the entire sampled period. In Boom, the highest consumption was observed during the full lockdown period. Conclusions : The present study shows the potential of WBE to assess the impact of stringent lockdown measures on stimulant use in Belgium. This paper shows that strong restrictive measures did not have a profound effect on stimulant consumption.
AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Gaining insight in how people living with chronic conditions experience prima... more AIMS AND OBJECTIVES Gaining insight in how people living with chronic conditions experience primary healthcare within their informal network. BACKGROUND The primary healthcare system is challenged by the increasing number of people living with chronic conditions. To strengthen chronic care management, literature and policy plans point to a person-centred approach of care (PCC). A first step to identify an appropriate strategy to implement PCC is to gain more insight into the care experiences of these people and their informal caregivers. DESIGN A phenomenological-hermeneutical philosophy is used. The study is in line with the Consolidated Criteria for Reporting Qualitative Research Guidelines (COREQ). METHOD In-depth, semi-structured interviews with people living with chronic conditions and informal caregiver dyads (PCDs) (n = 16; 32 individuals) were conducted. An open-ended interview guide was used to elaborate on the PCDs' experiences regarding primary care. A purposive, maximal variation sampling was applied to recruit the participants. RESULTS Based on sixteen PCDs' reflections, ten themes were identified presenting their experiences with primary care and described quality care as listening and giving attention to what people with chronic conditions want, to what they strive for, and above all to promote their autonomy in a context wherein they are supported by a team of formal caregivers, family and friends. CONCLUSION To meet the PCDs' needs, self-management should be addressed in an interprofessional environment in which the PCD is an important partner. The findings may facilitate a shift to encourage PCDs in their strengths by enabling them to share their personal goals and by working towards meaningful activities in team collaboration. RELEVANCE TO CLINICAL PRACTICE Three strategies-self-management support, goal-oriented care, and interprofessional collaboration-have been suggested to improve the PCDs' primary care experiences. These strategies could guide nursing practice in using more and improve high-quality nursing care.
Background In the European Union it is mandatory to include paper package leaflets (PPL) with all... more Background In the European Union it is mandatory to include paper package leaflets (PPL) with all medicines, including vaccines, to inform the recipient. However, it is difficult to meet the necessity for localized PPLs in each of the 24 official European languages. Replacing PPLs with electronic versions offers many advantages including redistribution across nations, reduced storage space, accessibility by the visually impaired, easily updated information or the addition of video content. We wanted to assess the attitudes of patients (vaccine recipients or their parents) to the potential of replacing PPL with electronic versions. Methods We surveyed vaccinees or their parents in four European countries—Belgium, Italy, Bulgaria and France—for their actual use of vaccine PPLs and their opinions about switching to an electronic package leaflet. Our survey was conducted online because of the COVID-19 pandemic and resulted in 2518 responses to a questionnaire targeted at three specific ...
Antibiotic overprescribing is one of the main drivers of the global and growing problem of antibi... more Antibiotic overprescribing is one of the main drivers of the global and growing problem of antibiotic resistance, especially in primary care and for respiratory tract infections (RTIs). RTIs are the most common reason for patients to consult out-of-hours (OOH) primary care. The COVID-19 pandemic has changed the way general practitioners (GPs) work, both during office hours and OOH. In Belgian OOH primary care, remote consultations with the possibility of issuing prescriptions and telephone triage were implemented. We aimed to describe the impact of COVID-19 on GPs’ antibiotic prescribing during OOH primary care. In an observational study, using routinely collected health data from GP cooperatives (GPCs) in Flanders, we analyzed GPs’ antibiotic prescriptions in 2019 (10 GPCs) and 2020 (20 GPCs) during OOH consultations (telephone and face-to-face). We used autoregressive integrated moving average (ARIMA) modeling to identify any changes after lockdowns were implemented. In total, 388...
Prescribing patterns by primary care physicians concerning ophthalmic problems were studied using... more Prescribing patterns by primary care physicians concerning ophthalmic problems were studied using the iCAREdata, a database containing information from the out-of-hours care setting in the Flanders region of Belgium. A very high percentage of prescribed ophthalmic medication was topical antibiotics (89.4%) with tobramycin as the most prevalent substance and in clear conflict with the prevailing guidelines. In addition, a very substantial fraction of prescribed medication contained corticosteroids (30.4%). This is a potentially unsafe option within the technical infrastructure of this setting, which limits the diagnostic possibilities concerning viral infections or preexisting glaucoma risk. We conclude that more efforts are required to limit unnecessary and inappropriate prescribing behavior to further promote patient safety.
Papers by Hans De Loof