DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2015
Tehlike Analizleri ve Kritik Kontrol Noktaları (HACCP) programı, sağlık açısından güvenilir gıda ... more Tehlike Analizleri ve Kritik Kontrol Noktaları (HACCP) programı, sağlık açısından güvenilir gıda üretimini sağlamak amacıyla, proses sırasında söz konusu olabilecek tehlikeleri tanımlama ve kontrol etme aracı olarak et işletmelerinde kullanımı giderek artan bir kontrol sistemidir. Et işletmelerine HACCP programının yerleştirilmesi, raf ömrü sınırlı olan ve uygun olmayan koşullarda işlendiğinde veya muhafaza edildiğindi insan sağlığına yönelik ciddi riskler taşıyan et ve et ürünlerinin güvenirliğini sağlaması bakımından önemlidir. HACCP yaklaşımı, özellikle mikro biyolojik tehlikeleri ve çıkması olası problemleri ortaya çıkmadan önlemeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Geleneksel et urunumuz olan sucuk, uretimi formulasyon, fermantasyon ve kurutma/olgunlastirma asa... more Geleneksel et urunumuz olan sucuk, uretimi formulasyon, fermantasyon ve kurutma/olgunlastirma asamalarina dayanan yari-kuru fermente bir urundur. Sucugun stabilitesi, olusturulan ortama hakim olan laktik asit bakterilerinin veya disaridan katilan starter kulturun/lerin ette bulunan veya formulasyona dahil edilen karbonhidratlari fermente etmesiyle meydana gelen asitlik artisi ile saglanmaktadir. Bu calismada, uc farkli karbonhidrat kaynagi; sakkaroz, glukoz ve elma suyu konsantresi kullanilarak starterli (Pediococcus pentosaceus ve Staphylococcus xylosus karisimi) sucuklar uretilmistir. Her bir karbonhidrat kaynagi %0,6 duzeyinde katilmis ve fermantasyon ve kurutma islemleri 20-22oC’de yurutulmustur. Farkli karbonhidrat kaynaklarinin uretim sirasinda meydana gelen organik asitlerin kompozisyonuna ve miktarlarina etkisi ile diger bazi kalite ozelliklerine etkisi incelenmistir.Sucuklarda uretim sonunda kurumaya bagli olarak nem miktarlarinda ve aw degerlerinde azalma, protein, yag ve kul miktarlarinda artis gorulmustur. Her uc karbonhidrat kaynagi da sucukta onemli duzeyde pH dususune ve titrasyon asitliginde artisa neden olmustur. Sucukta pH 0. gunde 5,92’den 9. gunde 4,54’e dusmus, titrasyon asitligi 0. gunde %0,38’den 9. gunde %1,22’ye yukselmistir. Sucukta pH dususu en cok fermantasyonun 2. ve 3. gunlerinde, titrasyon asitligideki artis ise en cok uretimin 3. ve 5. gunlerinde meydana gelmistir. Sucukta uretim sirasinda meydana gelen baslica dort organik asit tanimlanmis ve degisimleri incelenmistir. Bunlar laktik, asetik, piruvik ve sitrik asittir. Fermantasyon ve kuruma sirasinda laktik asit miktari karbonhidrat kaynagindan etkilenmeksizin surekli artmistir (0. gunde 4,14 mg/g’dan 9. gunde 14,89 mg/g’a). Buna karsin asetik asit, piruvik asit ve sitrik asit miktarlari fermantasyon sirasinda giderek azalmistir. Duyusal analiz sonuclari sakkaroz, glukoz ve elma suyu konsantresi iceren cig ve pismis sucuklarin begenildigini gostermistir.Abstract Sucuk, a traditional Turkish sausage, is a semi-dry fermented meat product and its production involves with formulation, fermentation and drying/ripening processes. The stability of fermented sucuk depend on acidification formed by fermentation of native and added carbohydrates by lactic acid bacteria which come from natural meat flora or starter inoculation. In this study, three different carbohydrate sources (sucrose, glucose and apple juice concentrate) were tested for acidification process in sucuk inoculated with a freeze-dried starter culture of Pediococcus pentosaceus and Staphylococcus xylosus mixture. The sausages contained 0,6% of carbohydrate were fermented and dried at 20-22oC for 9 days. The effect of carbohydrate sources on organic acid composition and other quality characteristics was studied.Moisture content and water activity decreased and protein, fat and ash contents increased in the end product depending on drying. The sausages contained 0,6% carbohydrate showed a significant but similar rates of pH reduction and titratable acidity yields. pH decreased from 5,92 to 4,54 and titratable acidity increased from 0,38% to 1,22% from the beginning day to the end product. The fastest reduction in pH was observed at days 2 and 3 while the fastest increase in titratable acidity was at days 3 and 5. Major acids detected during ripening were lactic, acetic, piruvic and citric acids. Lactic acid, the main metabolite responsible for acidification, increased during fermentation for all carbohydrate groups. The most rapid increase in lactic acid content occurred on the third day of fermentation and this increase continued during drying (from 4,14 mg/g to 14,89 mg/g). However, acetic, piruvic and citric acids were decreased during fermentation. Sensory evaluation showed that sucuk samples with different carbohydrate sources were highly accepted in terms of odour, colour, taste, texture and general acceptability attributes in both raw and cooked samples.
Bu calismada geleneksel et urunleri sucuk ve pastirmanin 5o, 15o ve 25oC’de desorpsiyon izotermle... more Bu calismada geleneksel et urunleri sucuk ve pastirmanin 5o, 15o ve 25oC’de desorpsiyon izotermleri belirlenmis ve elde edilen deneysel verilerin BET ve GAB modellerine uygunluklari incelenmistir. Elde edilen deneysel sucuk ve pastirma desorpsiyon izotermleri, sicaklik arttikca denge nem iceriginin azaldigini gostermistir. Bu durum sorpsiyon izotermlerinin sicakliga bagli oldugunu gostermektedir. BET modelinin hem sucuk hem de pastirmada, calisilan her uc sicaklik derecesinde uyum gosterdigi belirlenmistir. GAB modeli sucuk ve pastirmada 5oC ve 15oC’de uyum sagladigi halde, her iki urunde de 25oC’de uyum saglamadigi belirlenmistir.
Kolyozun lipid oksidasyonuna ve diger bazi kalite ozelliklerine askorbik asit (AA), butillendiril... more Kolyozun lipid oksidasyonuna ve diger bazi kalite ozelliklerine askorbik asit (AA), butillendirilmis hidroksitoluen (BHT), butillendirilmis hidroksianizol (BHA) ve BHT/BHA karisimi ile glazelemenin, vakumlu ve vakumsuz ambalajlamanin etkisi, -18°C'de 10 aylik depolama suresince belirlenmistir. Kolyozun rutubet, toplam lipid (TL), protein ve kul miktarlarina glazeleme ve vakum ambalajlama etkili olmus, glazelenerek vakum ambalajlanan orneklerde 10 aylik depolama suresince rutubet kaybi engellenmis ve TL, protein ve kul miktarlari da degismemistir. Kolyozun pH degerleri ve trimetilamin-azotu (TMA-N) miktarlari, gerek vakum ambalajsiz, gerekse vakum ambalajli glazeli gruplarin hicbirinde bozulma sinirlarina ulasmamistir. Kolyozdaki lipid oksidasyonunu geciktirmede antioksidanlaria glazeleme etkili olmus, vakum ambalajlama ise bu etkiyi artirmistir. Vakum ambalajli ve vakum ambalajsiz antioksidanlaria glazeli gruplarin tiyobarbiturik asit reaktif maddesi (TBARM), peroksit ve dien ...
Balik, et kalitesinin ve besin degerinin yuksekliginden dolayi sevilen bir gidadir. Baliktaki lip... more Balik, et kalitesinin ve besin degerinin yuksekliginden dolayi sevilen bir gidadir. Baliktaki lipidler, proteinler ve protein olmayan bilesikler olum sonrasi olusan ortam nedeniyle biyokimyasal reaksiyonlara maruz kalmaktadirlar. Baliktaki temel enerji kaynaklari olan adenozin trifosfat (ATP) ve kas glikojeni, olum sonrasi surekli uretimin durmasi sonucu suratle harcanmaktadir. ATP’nin harcanmasi ve membran butunlugunun bozulmasi sonucu aktin ve miyosin kopruleri geri donussuz olarak olusmaktadir (rigor-mortis). ATP’nin hipoksantine parcalanmasi, olusan anaerobik ortamda glikoliz yoluyla kas glikojeninden laktik asit olusmasi, trimetilamin oksitten trimetilamin olusmasi ortamdaki enzimler ve mikroorganizmalarin varliginda ileri duzeyde biyokimyasal reaksiyonlara neden olmakta, lipidler ve proteinlerde meydana gelen degismeler balik tat, koku ve teksturunde degismelere yol acmaktadir.
Microbiological effects of sodium tripolyphosphate (0.1%; 0.2%; 0.3%) were investigated on hambur... more Microbiological effects of sodium tripolyphosphate (0.1%; 0.2%; 0.3%) were investigated on hamburgers which were stored at âq10 oC and âq20 oC for 60 days. No significant bacterial inhibition by sodium tripolyphosphate levels was observed on mesophilic, psychrotrophic and coliform bacterial numbers but the interaction of storage temperature and storage time affected significantly (Pl0.01) on these bacteria. The reduction of these bacterial numbers at âq20 oC was higher than at âq10 oC.
The effect of green tea (GTE), grape seed (GSE) and pomegranate rind (PRE) extract addition on qu... more The effect of green tea (GTE), grape seed (GSE) and pomegranate rind (PRE) extract addition on quality of mackerel mince during frozen storage were investigated. Considering the quantity of plant materials phenolic content, total phenolic content of the final product was adjusted to 100 mg/kg for mince samples. Effect of plant extracts was compared with a synthetic antioxidant (BHT) and control (without any antioxidant) mince samples. Freezing process and extract treatment slowed down microbial growth (P<0.01). At the end of frozen storage, PRE samples significantly lowered (3.23 log CFU/g) total viable count than other samples (P<0.01). The increase in total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) and trimethylamine nitrogen (TMA-N) contents was limited by extract addition during frozen storage (P<0.01). According to microbial growth, and TMA-N and TVB-N contents, pomegranate rind extract retained their good quality characteristics of mackerel mince during six months of frozen sto...
Soudjuks which contain 3 g/kg STPP and 150 mg/kg SN were produced and at the end of the fermentat... more Soudjuks which contain 3 g/kg STPP and 150 mg/kg SN were produced and at the end of the fermentation period they were stored at +4 oC for 30 days in vacuum packets. Effects of STPP and SN on some quality characteristics of soudjouks were determinated during the fermentation and storage periods. Effect of SN on oxidation (TBA-value), colour and total mesophilic aerobic bacterial (TMAB) count was found significantly (Pl0.01). On the other hand effect of STPP on TBA-value, penetrometer degree and TMAB count was also found significantly (Pl0.01). But effect of SN on TBA value during the storage periods and TMAB count on the 30th day was more effective than STBB (Pl0.01).
The use of microwave oven as a further technologic product has rapidly increased. Microwaves have... more The use of microwave oven as a further technologic product has rapidly increased. Microwaves have been used for various purposes such as cooking of food, heating of cooked-frozen, defrosting of frozen food, drying of food and destroying of microorganisms. Some of the increasing popularity of the microwave applying are to have a short heating time and energy saving. Meat cooking in microwave oven is also preferred due to the saving time and energy. Quality properties of meat cooked in microwave oven widely depend on applied microwave energy, cooking time and the size of cooked meat. In this paper, the effect of microwave cooking on quality properties of meat was discussed comparing with the other cooking methods.
Calismada, sucukta uretim sirasinda meydana gelen mikrobiyolojik ve biyokimyasal degismelere star... more Calismada, sucukta uretim sirasinda meydana gelen mikrobiyolojik ve biyokimyasal degismelere starter kulturlerin ve uretim sicakliginin etkisi incelenmistir. Bu amacla, starter kultur icermeyen (kontrol) ve Pediococcus pentosaceus ve Staphylococcus xylosus (S1), Lactobacillus sakei ve Staphylococcus carnosus (S2), Staphylococcus xylosus (S3) starter kulturleri iceren dort farkli grup sucuk uretilmistir. Sucuklar 20-22oC ve 24-26oC uretim sicakliklarinda uretilmis ve uretim sirasinda meydana gelen mikrobiyolojik ve biyokimyasal degismeler arastirilmistir. Sucuklarda uretim suresince kurumaya bagli olarak nem miktarlarinda azalma, protein, yag ve kul miktarlarinda artis gorulmustur. Starter kultur, uretim sicakligi ve uretim suresi sucuklarda onemli duzeyde aw ve pH dususune, titrasyon asitliginde artisa, laktik asit ve asetik asit miktarlarinda artislara neden olmustur (P<0,01). S1 ve S2 starter kulturlerini iceren sucuklarda laktik asit ve asetik asit miktarinda meydana gelen artislar K ve S3 sucularindan daha fazla olmustur. Yuksek uretim sicakligi ve fermantasyon periyodu (2-5 gunler) daha hizli pH dususune ve asitlik artisina neden olmustur.TMAB ve LAB yuklerine starter kulturun ve uretim sicakliginin ve uretim suresinin birlikte etkisi onemli olmustur (P<0,01). Yuksek uretim sicakliginda ve fermantatif sus iceren S1 ve S2 gruplari en fazla TMAB ve LAB yukune sahip olmuslardir. Mikrokok-stafilokok (M-S) bakteri yuku her iki uretim sicakliginda da ilk iki gun artmis, fakat ortama LAB’nin hakim olmasiyla birlikte M-S yukunde dusus gozlenmistir. Dusuk sicaklikta uretilen K ve S3 sucuklarinda M-S yukunde daha fazla dusus meydana gelmistir (P<0,01).Cig sucuklarin duyusal degerlendirme sonuclari dusuk sicaklikta S3 sucuklarinin tum ozellikler yonunden en az begenildigini, K, S1 ve S2 sucuklarinin ise begenildigini gostermistir. Abstract The effects of starter cultures and processing temperatures on the microbial and biochemical changes in Turkish fermented sausages (sucuk) during processing were investigated. Three commercial starter cultures of Pediococcus pentosaceus and Staphylococcus xylosus (S1), Lactobacillus sakei and Staphylococcus carnosus (S2) and Staphylococcus xylosus (S3), and one control without starter (K) formulations were developed, and the sausages were fermented and dried at 20-22oC and 24-26oC temperatures.The decrease in moisture and increases in protein, fat and ash contents were observed during processing. Starter culture addition, processing temperature and processing time resulted in significant decreases in aw and pH and increases in titratable acidity, lactic acid and acetic acid (P<0,01). The sausages contained fermentative strains such as S1 and S2 had higher lactic acid and acetic acid than the sausages contained non fermentative strain or control sausages. A faster decline in pH and increase in acid content was observed in high temperature and during fermentation (from day 2 to 5).Total viable bacteria (TVB) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) load were significantly affected by the addition of starter culture, temperature and processing time (P<0,01). S1 and S2 sausages had the highest TVB and LAB counts in high processing temperature. Micrococcus-Staphylococcus counts increased during the first 2 days, and then decreased with the domination of LAB. These decreases were significant in K and S3 sausages processed at 20-22oC (P<0,01).Sensory evaluation in raw sausages showed that S3 sausages were less acceptable with respect to odor, color, texture, taste and overall acceptability compared to S1, S2 and K sausages.
Lipid oxidation, lipolysis and color stability of naturally fermented Turkish sausages with diffe... more Lipid oxidation, lipolysis and color stability of naturally fermented Turkish sausages with different initial fat content (10, 20 and 30%) were studied during 60 days of storage of the vacuum-packed sausages at 4 Ϯ 2°C. During storage, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) and total free fatty acids (FFAs) were measured to determine lipid oxidation and lipolysis. Changes in color were determined by measuring Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) L* (lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) color variables. Vacuum packing prevented any drying. Initial fat content and storage time had a significant impact on FFA and TBA values of sausages. High fat contents and prolonged storage times resulted in high lipolytic activity and lipid oxidation. CIE L*, a* and b* color variables of the sausages were affected by fat content, whereas only the a* variable was affected by storage time. Higher initial fat content in the sausages and residual oxygen in vacuum packing could be responsible for the observed differences in oxidative stability. Lipid and color stability were not maintained in vacuum-packed sausages with a high fat content. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Lipolysis and oxidative changes are the main causes of lipid degradation during processing and storage of sausages. The effects of the initial fat level (10, 20 and 30%) and storage time on lipid and color stability were studied in
Tehlike Analizleri ve Kritik Kontrol Noktalari (HACCP) programi, saglik acisindan guvenilir gida ... more Tehlike Analizleri ve Kritik Kontrol Noktalari (HACCP) programi, saglik acisindan guvenilir gida uretimini saglamak amaciyla, proses sirasinda soz konusu olabilecek tehlikeleri tanimlama ve kontrol etme araci olarak et isletmelerinde kullanimi giderek artan bir kontrol sistemidir. Et isletmelerine HACCP programinin yerlestirilmesi, raf omru sinirli olan ve uygun olmayan kosullarda islendiginde veya muhafaza edildigindi insan sagligina yonelik ciddi riskler tasiyan et ve et urunlerinin guvenirligini saglamasi bakimindan onemlidir. HACCP yaklasimi, ozellikle mikro biyolojik tehlikeleri ve cikmasi olasi problemleri ortaya cikmadan onlemeyi amaclamaktadir.
DOAJ (DOAJ: Directory of Open Access Journals), Feb 1, 2015
Tehlike Analizleri ve Kritik Kontrol Noktaları (HACCP) programı, sağlık açısından güvenilir gıda ... more Tehlike Analizleri ve Kritik Kontrol Noktaları (HACCP) programı, sağlık açısından güvenilir gıda üretimini sağlamak amacıyla, proses sırasında söz konusu olabilecek tehlikeleri tanımlama ve kontrol etme aracı olarak et işletmelerinde kullanımı giderek artan bir kontrol sistemidir. Et işletmelerine HACCP programının yerleştirilmesi, raf ömrü sınırlı olan ve uygun olmayan koşullarda işlendiğinde veya muhafaza edildiğindi insan sağlığına yönelik ciddi riskler taşıyan et ve et ürünlerinin güvenirliğini sağlaması bakımından önemlidir. HACCP yaklaşımı, özellikle mikro biyolojik tehlikeleri ve çıkması olası problemleri ortaya çıkmadan önlemeyi amaçlamaktadır.
Geleneksel et urunumuz olan sucuk, uretimi formulasyon, fermantasyon ve kurutma/olgunlastirma asa... more Geleneksel et urunumuz olan sucuk, uretimi formulasyon, fermantasyon ve kurutma/olgunlastirma asamalarina dayanan yari-kuru fermente bir urundur. Sucugun stabilitesi, olusturulan ortama hakim olan laktik asit bakterilerinin veya disaridan katilan starter kulturun/lerin ette bulunan veya formulasyona dahil edilen karbonhidratlari fermente etmesiyle meydana gelen asitlik artisi ile saglanmaktadir. Bu calismada, uc farkli karbonhidrat kaynagi; sakkaroz, glukoz ve elma suyu konsantresi kullanilarak starterli (Pediococcus pentosaceus ve Staphylococcus xylosus karisimi) sucuklar uretilmistir. Her bir karbonhidrat kaynagi %0,6 duzeyinde katilmis ve fermantasyon ve kurutma islemleri 20-22oC’de yurutulmustur. Farkli karbonhidrat kaynaklarinin uretim sirasinda meydana gelen organik asitlerin kompozisyonuna ve miktarlarina etkisi ile diger bazi kalite ozelliklerine etkisi incelenmistir.Sucuklarda uretim sonunda kurumaya bagli olarak nem miktarlarinda ve aw degerlerinde azalma, protein, yag ve kul miktarlarinda artis gorulmustur. Her uc karbonhidrat kaynagi da sucukta onemli duzeyde pH dususune ve titrasyon asitliginde artisa neden olmustur. Sucukta pH 0. gunde 5,92’den 9. gunde 4,54’e dusmus, titrasyon asitligi 0. gunde %0,38’den 9. gunde %1,22’ye yukselmistir. Sucukta pH dususu en cok fermantasyonun 2. ve 3. gunlerinde, titrasyon asitligideki artis ise en cok uretimin 3. ve 5. gunlerinde meydana gelmistir. Sucukta uretim sirasinda meydana gelen baslica dort organik asit tanimlanmis ve degisimleri incelenmistir. Bunlar laktik, asetik, piruvik ve sitrik asittir. Fermantasyon ve kuruma sirasinda laktik asit miktari karbonhidrat kaynagindan etkilenmeksizin surekli artmistir (0. gunde 4,14 mg/g’dan 9. gunde 14,89 mg/g’a). Buna karsin asetik asit, piruvik asit ve sitrik asit miktarlari fermantasyon sirasinda giderek azalmistir. Duyusal analiz sonuclari sakkaroz, glukoz ve elma suyu konsantresi iceren cig ve pismis sucuklarin begenildigini gostermistir.Abstract Sucuk, a traditional Turkish sausage, is a semi-dry fermented meat product and its production involves with formulation, fermentation and drying/ripening processes. The stability of fermented sucuk depend on acidification formed by fermentation of native and added carbohydrates by lactic acid bacteria which come from natural meat flora or starter inoculation. In this study, three different carbohydrate sources (sucrose, glucose and apple juice concentrate) were tested for acidification process in sucuk inoculated with a freeze-dried starter culture of Pediococcus pentosaceus and Staphylococcus xylosus mixture. The sausages contained 0,6% of carbohydrate were fermented and dried at 20-22oC for 9 days. The effect of carbohydrate sources on organic acid composition and other quality characteristics was studied.Moisture content and water activity decreased and protein, fat and ash contents increased in the end product depending on drying. The sausages contained 0,6% carbohydrate showed a significant but similar rates of pH reduction and titratable acidity yields. pH decreased from 5,92 to 4,54 and titratable acidity increased from 0,38% to 1,22% from the beginning day to the end product. The fastest reduction in pH was observed at days 2 and 3 while the fastest increase in titratable acidity was at days 3 and 5. Major acids detected during ripening were lactic, acetic, piruvic and citric acids. Lactic acid, the main metabolite responsible for acidification, increased during fermentation for all carbohydrate groups. The most rapid increase in lactic acid content occurred on the third day of fermentation and this increase continued during drying (from 4,14 mg/g to 14,89 mg/g). However, acetic, piruvic and citric acids were decreased during fermentation. Sensory evaluation showed that sucuk samples with different carbohydrate sources were highly accepted in terms of odour, colour, taste, texture and general acceptability attributes in both raw and cooked samples.
Bu calismada geleneksel et urunleri sucuk ve pastirmanin 5o, 15o ve 25oC’de desorpsiyon izotermle... more Bu calismada geleneksel et urunleri sucuk ve pastirmanin 5o, 15o ve 25oC’de desorpsiyon izotermleri belirlenmis ve elde edilen deneysel verilerin BET ve GAB modellerine uygunluklari incelenmistir. Elde edilen deneysel sucuk ve pastirma desorpsiyon izotermleri, sicaklik arttikca denge nem iceriginin azaldigini gostermistir. Bu durum sorpsiyon izotermlerinin sicakliga bagli oldugunu gostermektedir. BET modelinin hem sucuk hem de pastirmada, calisilan her uc sicaklik derecesinde uyum gosterdigi belirlenmistir. GAB modeli sucuk ve pastirmada 5oC ve 15oC’de uyum sagladigi halde, her iki urunde de 25oC’de uyum saglamadigi belirlenmistir.
Kolyozun lipid oksidasyonuna ve diger bazi kalite ozelliklerine askorbik asit (AA), butillendiril... more Kolyozun lipid oksidasyonuna ve diger bazi kalite ozelliklerine askorbik asit (AA), butillendirilmis hidroksitoluen (BHT), butillendirilmis hidroksianizol (BHA) ve BHT/BHA karisimi ile glazelemenin, vakumlu ve vakumsuz ambalajlamanin etkisi, -18°C'de 10 aylik depolama suresince belirlenmistir. Kolyozun rutubet, toplam lipid (TL), protein ve kul miktarlarina glazeleme ve vakum ambalajlama etkili olmus, glazelenerek vakum ambalajlanan orneklerde 10 aylik depolama suresince rutubet kaybi engellenmis ve TL, protein ve kul miktarlari da degismemistir. Kolyozun pH degerleri ve trimetilamin-azotu (TMA-N) miktarlari, gerek vakum ambalajsiz, gerekse vakum ambalajli glazeli gruplarin hicbirinde bozulma sinirlarina ulasmamistir. Kolyozdaki lipid oksidasyonunu geciktirmede antioksidanlaria glazeleme etkili olmus, vakum ambalajlama ise bu etkiyi artirmistir. Vakum ambalajli ve vakum ambalajsiz antioksidanlaria glazeli gruplarin tiyobarbiturik asit reaktif maddesi (TBARM), peroksit ve dien ...
Balik, et kalitesinin ve besin degerinin yuksekliginden dolayi sevilen bir gidadir. Baliktaki lip... more Balik, et kalitesinin ve besin degerinin yuksekliginden dolayi sevilen bir gidadir. Baliktaki lipidler, proteinler ve protein olmayan bilesikler olum sonrasi olusan ortam nedeniyle biyokimyasal reaksiyonlara maruz kalmaktadirlar. Baliktaki temel enerji kaynaklari olan adenozin trifosfat (ATP) ve kas glikojeni, olum sonrasi surekli uretimin durmasi sonucu suratle harcanmaktadir. ATP’nin harcanmasi ve membran butunlugunun bozulmasi sonucu aktin ve miyosin kopruleri geri donussuz olarak olusmaktadir (rigor-mortis). ATP’nin hipoksantine parcalanmasi, olusan anaerobik ortamda glikoliz yoluyla kas glikojeninden laktik asit olusmasi, trimetilamin oksitten trimetilamin olusmasi ortamdaki enzimler ve mikroorganizmalarin varliginda ileri duzeyde biyokimyasal reaksiyonlara neden olmakta, lipidler ve proteinlerde meydana gelen degismeler balik tat, koku ve teksturunde degismelere yol acmaktadir.
Microbiological effects of sodium tripolyphosphate (0.1%; 0.2%; 0.3%) were investigated on hambur... more Microbiological effects of sodium tripolyphosphate (0.1%; 0.2%; 0.3%) were investigated on hamburgers which were stored at âq10 oC and âq20 oC for 60 days. No significant bacterial inhibition by sodium tripolyphosphate levels was observed on mesophilic, psychrotrophic and coliform bacterial numbers but the interaction of storage temperature and storage time affected significantly (Pl0.01) on these bacteria. The reduction of these bacterial numbers at âq20 oC was higher than at âq10 oC.
The effect of green tea (GTE), grape seed (GSE) and pomegranate rind (PRE) extract addition on qu... more The effect of green tea (GTE), grape seed (GSE) and pomegranate rind (PRE) extract addition on quality of mackerel mince during frozen storage were investigated. Considering the quantity of plant materials phenolic content, total phenolic content of the final product was adjusted to 100 mg/kg for mince samples. Effect of plant extracts was compared with a synthetic antioxidant (BHT) and control (without any antioxidant) mince samples. Freezing process and extract treatment slowed down microbial growth (P<0.01). At the end of frozen storage, PRE samples significantly lowered (3.23 log CFU/g) total viable count than other samples (P<0.01). The increase in total volatile basic nitrogen (TVB-N) and trimethylamine nitrogen (TMA-N) contents was limited by extract addition during frozen storage (P<0.01). According to microbial growth, and TMA-N and TVB-N contents, pomegranate rind extract retained their good quality characteristics of mackerel mince during six months of frozen sto...
Soudjuks which contain 3 g/kg STPP and 150 mg/kg SN were produced and at the end of the fermentat... more Soudjuks which contain 3 g/kg STPP and 150 mg/kg SN were produced and at the end of the fermentation period they were stored at +4 oC for 30 days in vacuum packets. Effects of STPP and SN on some quality characteristics of soudjouks were determinated during the fermentation and storage periods. Effect of SN on oxidation (TBA-value), colour and total mesophilic aerobic bacterial (TMAB) count was found significantly (Pl0.01). On the other hand effect of STPP on TBA-value, penetrometer degree and TMAB count was also found significantly (Pl0.01). But effect of SN on TBA value during the storage periods and TMAB count on the 30th day was more effective than STBB (Pl0.01).
The use of microwave oven as a further technologic product has rapidly increased. Microwaves have... more The use of microwave oven as a further technologic product has rapidly increased. Microwaves have been used for various purposes such as cooking of food, heating of cooked-frozen, defrosting of frozen food, drying of food and destroying of microorganisms. Some of the increasing popularity of the microwave applying are to have a short heating time and energy saving. Meat cooking in microwave oven is also preferred due to the saving time and energy. Quality properties of meat cooked in microwave oven widely depend on applied microwave energy, cooking time and the size of cooked meat. In this paper, the effect of microwave cooking on quality properties of meat was discussed comparing with the other cooking methods.
Calismada, sucukta uretim sirasinda meydana gelen mikrobiyolojik ve biyokimyasal degismelere star... more Calismada, sucukta uretim sirasinda meydana gelen mikrobiyolojik ve biyokimyasal degismelere starter kulturlerin ve uretim sicakliginin etkisi incelenmistir. Bu amacla, starter kultur icermeyen (kontrol) ve Pediococcus pentosaceus ve Staphylococcus xylosus (S1), Lactobacillus sakei ve Staphylococcus carnosus (S2), Staphylococcus xylosus (S3) starter kulturleri iceren dort farkli grup sucuk uretilmistir. Sucuklar 20-22oC ve 24-26oC uretim sicakliklarinda uretilmis ve uretim sirasinda meydana gelen mikrobiyolojik ve biyokimyasal degismeler arastirilmistir. Sucuklarda uretim suresince kurumaya bagli olarak nem miktarlarinda azalma, protein, yag ve kul miktarlarinda artis gorulmustur. Starter kultur, uretim sicakligi ve uretim suresi sucuklarda onemli duzeyde aw ve pH dususune, titrasyon asitliginde artisa, laktik asit ve asetik asit miktarlarinda artislara neden olmustur (P<0,01). S1 ve S2 starter kulturlerini iceren sucuklarda laktik asit ve asetik asit miktarinda meydana gelen artislar K ve S3 sucularindan daha fazla olmustur. Yuksek uretim sicakligi ve fermantasyon periyodu (2-5 gunler) daha hizli pH dususune ve asitlik artisina neden olmustur.TMAB ve LAB yuklerine starter kulturun ve uretim sicakliginin ve uretim suresinin birlikte etkisi onemli olmustur (P<0,01). Yuksek uretim sicakliginda ve fermantatif sus iceren S1 ve S2 gruplari en fazla TMAB ve LAB yukune sahip olmuslardir. Mikrokok-stafilokok (M-S) bakteri yuku her iki uretim sicakliginda da ilk iki gun artmis, fakat ortama LAB’nin hakim olmasiyla birlikte M-S yukunde dusus gozlenmistir. Dusuk sicaklikta uretilen K ve S3 sucuklarinda M-S yukunde daha fazla dusus meydana gelmistir (P<0,01).Cig sucuklarin duyusal degerlendirme sonuclari dusuk sicaklikta S3 sucuklarinin tum ozellikler yonunden en az begenildigini, K, S1 ve S2 sucuklarinin ise begenildigini gostermistir. Abstract The effects of starter cultures and processing temperatures on the microbial and biochemical changes in Turkish fermented sausages (sucuk) during processing were investigated. Three commercial starter cultures of Pediococcus pentosaceus and Staphylococcus xylosus (S1), Lactobacillus sakei and Staphylococcus carnosus (S2) and Staphylococcus xylosus (S3), and one control without starter (K) formulations were developed, and the sausages were fermented and dried at 20-22oC and 24-26oC temperatures.The decrease in moisture and increases in protein, fat and ash contents were observed during processing. Starter culture addition, processing temperature and processing time resulted in significant decreases in aw and pH and increases in titratable acidity, lactic acid and acetic acid (P<0,01). The sausages contained fermentative strains such as S1 and S2 had higher lactic acid and acetic acid than the sausages contained non fermentative strain or control sausages. A faster decline in pH and increase in acid content was observed in high temperature and during fermentation (from day 2 to 5).Total viable bacteria (TVB) and lactic acid bacteria (LAB) load were significantly affected by the addition of starter culture, temperature and processing time (P<0,01). S1 and S2 sausages had the highest TVB and LAB counts in high processing temperature. Micrococcus-Staphylococcus counts increased during the first 2 days, and then decreased with the domination of LAB. These decreases were significant in K and S3 sausages processed at 20-22oC (P<0,01).Sensory evaluation in raw sausages showed that S3 sausages were less acceptable with respect to odor, color, texture, taste and overall acceptability compared to S1, S2 and K sausages.
Lipid oxidation, lipolysis and color stability of naturally fermented Turkish sausages with diffe... more Lipid oxidation, lipolysis and color stability of naturally fermented Turkish sausages with different initial fat content (10, 20 and 30%) were studied during 60 days of storage of the vacuum-packed sausages at 4 Ϯ 2°C. During storage, thiobarbituric acid (TBA) and total free fatty acids (FFAs) were measured to determine lipid oxidation and lipolysis. Changes in color were determined by measuring Commission Internationale de l'Eclairage (CIE) L* (lightness), a* (redness) and b* (yellowness) color variables. Vacuum packing prevented any drying. Initial fat content and storage time had a significant impact on FFA and TBA values of sausages. High fat contents and prolonged storage times resulted in high lipolytic activity and lipid oxidation. CIE L*, a* and b* color variables of the sausages were affected by fat content, whereas only the a* variable was affected by storage time. Higher initial fat content in the sausages and residual oxygen in vacuum packing could be responsible for the observed differences in oxidative stability. Lipid and color stability were not maintained in vacuum-packed sausages with a high fat content. PRACTICAL APPLICATIONS Lipolysis and oxidative changes are the main causes of lipid degradation during processing and storage of sausages. The effects of the initial fat level (10, 20 and 30%) and storage time on lipid and color stability were studied in
Tehlike Analizleri ve Kritik Kontrol Noktalari (HACCP) programi, saglik acisindan guvenilir gida ... more Tehlike Analizleri ve Kritik Kontrol Noktalari (HACCP) programi, saglik acisindan guvenilir gida uretimini saglamak amaciyla, proses sirasinda soz konusu olabilecek tehlikeleri tanimlama ve kontrol etme araci olarak et isletmelerinde kullanimi giderek artan bir kontrol sistemidir. Et isletmelerine HACCP programinin yerlestirilmesi, raf omru sinirli olan ve uygun olmayan kosullarda islendiginde veya muhafaza edildigindi insan sagligina yonelik ciddi riskler tasiyan et ve et urunlerinin guvenirligini saglamasi bakimindan onemlidir. HACCP yaklasimi, ozellikle mikro biyolojik tehlikeleri ve cikmasi olasi problemleri ortaya cikmadan onlemeyi amaclamaktadir.
Papers by Ayla Soyer