Papers by Perpustakaan Satya Negara
In implementing the security of vital objects in the City of Palembang, there are still several p... more In implementing the security of vital objects in the City of Palembang, there are still several problems that occur, including the unequal distribution of strength and abilities of members carrying out Ditpamobvit functions, in dealing with tasks and situations related to Community Security and Security which lead to criminal acts that have disturbed the community such as street crime (thuggery) and anticipating the existence of terrorism and hard-line groups as well as muggings, violent theft and motor vehicle theft, especially in the city of Palembang, limited supporting facilities and infrastructure and inadequate maintenance costs for these facilities and infrastructure, there are still members who behave wrongly and commit criminal acts so that it will influence public trust. Based on the research results, it can be concluded that the implementation of Regulation of the Head of the National Police of the Republic of Indonesia No. 13 of 2017 concerning Providing Handling Assistance to National Vital Objects and Certain Objects (Study of Article 17 Paragraph 1), has been implemented well. It can be seen that the implementation of providing assistance in handling national vital objects and certain objects has been running as regulated in the regulation. Meanwhile, security services for national obvitnas and certain objects have been implemented in accordance with applicable regulations, although the infrastructure owned by the South Sumatra Regional Police Ditpamobvit is still limited to providing security assistance for national obvitnas, but in its implementation it is supported by the police station closest to obvitnas and also supported by obvitnas management.
The background to this research is based on initial observations made by the author at PT. Kimia ... more The background to this research is based on initial observations made by the author at PT. Kimia Farma Tbk Palembang Branch has fulfilled the requirements for distributing medical devices because it has a CDAKB permit and implements guidance and supervision of medical devices correctly and appropriately to maintain quality, safety and usefulness in their use. However, it is still hampered by a shortage of sales personnel so that the process of distributing medical equipment is slow.
Data collection was carried out using observation techniques, questionnaires, literature study an... more Data collection was carried out using observation techniques, questionnaires, literature study and documentation. The results of the analysis in this research were carried out using validity tests, reliability tests, simple regression tests, hypothesis tests consisting of the f test and t test (partial test) and the Coefficient of Determination Test. The hypothesis in this research is that there is a significant positive influence between Supervision on Work Discipline, the f test states that the f value is 952,881 with a significance of 0.000, which means the significant value is below 0.05, which means that variable X (Supervision) has a significant effect on variable Y (Discipline). work) together, while the t test states that the variable Supervision of Work Discipline is 30,869 with a significant number of 0.000, which means that a significant value below 0.05 can be explained that variable X has a significant influence on variable Y. the results above, from the validity test, reliability test, simple linear regression test, significant test f. significant t test (partial) and coefficient of determination test (R) it can be said that the supervision that has been carried out has an influence on work discipline in the South Sumatra Province Communication and Information Office.
High achievement cannot be separated from the existence of coaching services that are carried out... more High achievement cannot be separated from the existence of coaching services that are carried out as early as possible, talent search and monitoring, breeding, education and sports training that are based on science and technology more effectively. With a good, planned and coordinated system, it will increase the effectiveness and efficiency of service quality and achievements so that interest in sports will increase for the cultivation of athletes in the future. The aim of this research is whether there is a significant influence between service quality and athlete performance. The research method was carried out using observation techniques, questionnaires and literature study. Data analysis was carried out using analysis used to test the hypothesis regarding whether or not there is an influence of service quality on athlete performance in DISPORA Palembang City. The results of the test data analysis, which was strengthened by the questionnaire data analysis, found that there was a large influence of service quality on athlete performance in DISPORA Palembang City. Based on the results of the research and discussion, it can be concluded that the Quality of Service on Athletes' Achievements in the Palembang City Youth and Sports Service, the results of the Descriptive Analysis of Athlete Service Variables means that Athlete Service is normally distributed. The results of the analysis show that H_0 is rejected and H_a is accepted and this means that the Athlete Service variable has a positive and significant effect on Athlete Achievement. Athlete Achievement Level based on the results of the descriptive test of athlete achievement is the result of calculating a value of 83.44%, meaning that the value of 83.44% has not reached what was expected, namely 100% because there were several respondents who answered quite well on the questionnaire x (questionnaire) that was given. or distributed to 3 (three) groups of Palembang City athletes. From the results of the Determination Coefficient Test, it means that the influence of the independent variable (Athlete Services) on the dependent variable (Athlete Achievement) is 0.809% or 80.9%, then the remaining 19.1% are indicators that are not measured in the data processing analysis by researcher.
The role of communication is very important, because without communication there is no interactio... more The role of communication is very important, because without communication there is no interaction process, namely the mutual exchange of knowledge, experience, opinions, suggestions, ideas, information and so on. The process of conveying information/messages generally takes place through a communication medium, especially conversational language which contains meanings that can be understood by each other. Employee work effectiveness is one of the factors that plays an important role in organizational activities that needs to be fostered and developed so that organizational goals can be achieved effectively. The type of research used in this research is qualitative methods. Qualitative research is scientific research, which aims to understand a phenomenon in a natural social context by prioritizing a process of indepth communication interaction between the researcher and the phenomenon being studied. Based on the research results, the researcher concluded that the role of vertical internal communication in increasing employee work effectiveness at the Sumber Marga Telang District Head Office, Banyuasin Regency has been implemented well. Internal communication between leaders and employees plays an important role in an organization so that employees can work effectively. Supporting factors include physical environmental factors in the form of a comfortable environment for communicating, social environmental factors in the form of fluent communication using language that is easy to understand, psychological dimension factors in the form of good communication methods that do not offend feelings, and time dimension factors in the form of appropriate use of time. in communicating. Meanwhile, inhibiting factors include communication disorders, interests, hidden motivation and prejudice.
Village Funds sourced from the APBN, which are intended for villages which are transferred throug... more Village Funds sourced from the APBN, which are intended for villages which are transferred through the district/city Regional Revenue and Expenditure Budget which are used to finance government administration, implementation of development, community development and community empowerment. The budget sourced from the APBN is calculated based on the number of villages and allocated by taking into account population size, poverty rate, area area and level of geographical difficulty in order to improve welfare and equitable village development through improving public services in villages, advancing the village economy, overcoming development gaps between villages. and strengthening village communities as subjects of development. This research aims to obtain analysis results regarding the Implementation of Regent Regulation Number 7 of 2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for Implementing Village Funds at the Ogan Ilir Regency Community and Village Empowerment Service. The results of the research show that the implementation of Regent's Regulation Number 7 of 2020 concerning Technical Guidelines for the Implementation of Village Funds at the Community and Village Empowerment Service of Ogan Ilir Regency has not run optimally. Among the 4 indicators put forward by George C. Edwards III, there are several indicator points that have not been achieved, namely targets and objectives that have not been achieved optimally, inadequate human resources, and inadequate communication. As well as the village head's lack of awareness of the importance of the required documents for disbursement and input via the Omspan Application.
In this thesis, the author aims to find out how the principles of accountability, transparency an... more In this thesis, the author aims to find out how the principles of accountability, transparency and public service are implemented in the South Pemulutan sub-district office. Meanwhile, this thesis research uses a qualitative method which is carried out by researching based on data sources in the field or library materials as equipment, interviews, interviewing and direct documentation. The application of accountability principles has been effectively implemented at the South Pemulutan Subdistrict Office starting with administrative and physical accountability, where the community has also felt the results of community development and empowerment. Transparency regarding information at the South Pemulutan Subdistrict Office is said to be transparent because every planning discussion of the South Pemulutan Subdistrict Office apparatus carries out a deliberation attended by the community and related parties to discuss administrative planning, development and community empowerment. Where the apparatus of the South Pemulutan Subdistrict Office is also open to accepting proposals and aspirations from the community present to achieve good government (good governance). Public services at the South Pemulutan sub-district office are said to have set service standards, related to administrative services, goods and services, taking into account the ability of organizers, in this case the government of the South Pemulutan sub-district office, to provide optimal, fast and timely services to the public.
Archives have a very important role in administering government, namely as a memory center and so... more Archives have a very important role in administering government, namely as a memory center and source of information in the context of planning, analysis, policy formulation, decision making and so on. Archive management is the activity of arranging and arranging archives in a systematic and logical arrangement, storing and maintaining archives so that they are safe and economical to use. A good and orderly archive management system reflects the success of managing activities in the past, which will greatly influence future developments. This research aims to analyze the implementation of Mayor Regulation Number 47 of 2015 concerning Archives Arrangement in the Sukarami Subdistrict Office, Palembang City (Case Study Article 4 Paragraph 3). The obstacles that become obstacles in arranging archives are archives that have expired for more than 5 years and have not yet been destroyed, the physical condition of some archives is damaged and dirty making it difficult to use the archives and in terms of facilities or storage places that have exceeded capacity which causes New archives are not stacked in place. This makes it difficult to find documents when needed. This research was conducted in the form of qualitative research, while the data collection techniques used in this research were observation, interviews, documentation and literature study. The data analysis techniques used in this research are data collection, data reduction, data presentation and drawing conclusions. The research results are strengthened by the results of observations and interviews which show that Human Resources at the Sukarami Subdistrict Office, Palembang City currently have expertise in the field of archives because their educational background does not match the job they are given or they do not have archival knowledge. As well as inadequate facility resources to support implementation, such as archive space and filing cabinets which are still minimal so that there is the opportunity to damage archives which still have use value, which has an impact on archive management which is not good, the proof is in archive storage which has not been arranged and stored optimally, and archive depreciation that has not been carried out hampers archival storage, if depreciation is carried out it is likely that only a small amount of new archive space can be stored properly.
According to Darmadi (2013: 153), the research method is a scientific way to obtain data with cer... more According to Darmadi (2013: 153), the research method is a scientific way to obtain data with certain useful purposes. The scientific method means that research activities are based on scientific characteristics, namely rational, empirical and systematic. Based on the explanation above, it can be concluded that the research method is a scientific way to obtain data with certain purposes and uses. Based on the results of research regarding the Collaborative Governance Development Process in Palembang City (case study of Sungai Jawi Educational Agrotourism, Kalidoni District), the Collaborative Governance Process in the development of Jawi River Educational Agrotourism has been carried out through the stages of face to face dialogue, trust building. trust), commitment to the process (commitment to the process), and intermediate outcomes (intermediate results achieved) which have been implemented well.
A village is a legal community unit that has territorial boundaries that has the authority to reg... more A village is a legal community unit that has territorial boundaries that has the authority to regulate and manage the interests of the local community as well as government affairs based on the initiative, origins and customs of the local community as well as traditional rights that are recognized and respected in the government system of the Republic of Indonesia. The Village Government as the government administrator is carried out by the village head to organize the people, protect the people and fulfill the people's needs and has a strategic role in assisting the regional government in the government administration process, including development. This research aims to obtain analysis results regarding the Implementation of the Village Fund Allocation (ADD) Policy in Improving Village Development in Belimbing Jaya, Belimbing District, Muara Enim Regency. The results of the research show that the implementation of the Village Fund Allocation Policy (ADD) in Improving Village Development in Belimbing Jaya, Belimbing District, Muara Enim Regency has not run optimally. Among the 4 indicators proposed by Donald Van Metter and Carl Van Horn, there are several indicator points that have not been achieved, namely targets and objectives that have not been achieved optimally, communication carried out by the Village Head to the community is only carried out at the beginning of receiving village funds, and management of fund allocation. The community still feels that the village is unfair because there are several areas in Belimbing Jaya Village that have not been fully developed.
The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of ... more The aim of this research is to determine the implementation of the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia Number 6 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Domestic Apprenticeships at the Palembang City Manpower Service. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods by collecting data through observation, interviews, literature study and documentation. From the research results, participants who take part in apprenticeships in this country are required to pass the selection and follow all the stages determined by the committee. This has been regulated in the Regulation of the Minister of Manpower of the Republic of Indonesia number 6 of 2020 concerning the Implementation of Domestic Apprenticeships at the Palembang City Manpower Service.
The purpose of this study was to determine the role of librarians in increasing the reading cultu... more The purpose of this study was to determine the role of librarians in increasing the reading culture of the community at the Archives and Libraries Office of Palembang City (Case Study of People), and to find out the inhibiting factors for the role of librarians in increasing the reading culture of the community at the Palembang City Archives and Libraries Office.
The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with data collection through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study.
Based on the results of researchers regarding the Role of Librarians in Improving Community Reading Culture at the Archives and Libraries Office of Palembang City (Case Study of People), the role of librarians in improving society's reading culture has not gone smoothly because there are still few human resources who are less reliable in managing existing librarians in the library, there is still a lack of infrastructure to support visitors to the library, due to a lack of budget and government assistance which is still very limited and the community does not understand the importance of a reading culture.
Needs are increasing, while prices of basic necessities are soaring, making some people feel dist... more Needs are increasing, while prices of basic necessities are soaring, making some people feel distressed and exhausted. Meanwhile, to earn a salary, an employee must work hard. Some even have to look for side businesses outside. For this reason, the intelligence of a leader in improving the discipline and performance of his employees is very much needed. One of the steps taken by leaders is usually to provide incentive allowances for employees. The hypothesis in this research is that there is a significant influence between discipline and employee performance and the provision of incentive allowances. Data collection was carried out using test techniques, questionnaires and interviews. Data analysis was carried out using analysis which was used to test the hypothesis regarding whether there was an influence between providing incentive allowances and increasing employee discipline and performance. The results of the test analysis, which was strengthened by questionnaire and interview data analysis, found that there was a large influence on providing employee incentives to increase employee discipline and performance.
Latar Belakang Penelitian ini adalah Berdasarkan observasi penulis, bahwa budaya organisasi dalam... more Latar Belakang Penelitian ini adalah Berdasarkan observasi penulis, bahwa budaya organisasi dalam meningkatkan prestasi kerja pegawai pada Kantor Satuan Polisi Pamong Praja Kota PalembangKota Palembang ini masih ada yang belum melaksanakan fungsinya dengan baik.
The aim of this research is to find out and analyze bureaucratic REFORMATION in improving employe... more The aim of this research is to find out and analyze bureaucratic REFORMATION in improving employee performance at the South Sumatra provincial health office. The method used in this research is qualitative research methods by collecting data through observation, interviews, literature study and documentation. Based on the research results, bureaucratic REFORMATION has an important role in improving employee performance at the South Sumatra Provincial Health Service. It can be seen through Presidential Regulation Number 81 of 2010 concerning the Grand Design of REFORMATIONi Bureaucracy which includes, Organization, in the South Sumatra Provincial Health Service the utilization of organizational functions has been carried out well, and compliance with statutory regulations has also been complied with properly as it should be, the resources of the apparatus in work has been good, and the authority given to employees has been carried out well, they are responsible for the work given, the public services available at the South Sumatra Provincial Health Service have been running well, and the mindset and work culture have been able to encourage employees to work more good again.
In this research, it is based on views that were carried out on the research object being studied... more In this research, it is based on views that were carried out on the research object being studied by interviewing several people and district employees who represented as respondents in this research. To obtain concrete data in accordance with the problems discussed, the author conducted observations on the community and sub-district employees who are the basis of the smallest government unit of a state government community. The community must participate and be given sufficient trust and authority in managing the sub-district household, so that can be independent.
Papers by Perpustakaan Satya Negara
The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with data collection through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study.
Based on the results of researchers regarding the Role of Librarians in Improving Community Reading Culture at the Archives and Libraries Office of Palembang City (Case Study of People), the role of librarians in improving society's reading culture has not gone smoothly because there are still few human resources who are less reliable in managing existing librarians in the library, there is still a lack of infrastructure to support visitors to the library, due to a lack of budget and government assistance which is still very limited and the community does not understand the importance of a reading culture.
The method used in this study is a qualitative research method with data collection through observation, interviews, documentation, and literature study.
Based on the results of researchers regarding the Role of Librarians in Improving Community Reading Culture at the Archives and Libraries Office of Palembang City (Case Study of People), the role of librarians in improving society's reading culture has not gone smoothly because there are still few human resources who are less reliable in managing existing librarians in the library, there is still a lack of infrastructure to support visitors to the library, due to a lack of budget and government assistance which is still very limited and the community does not understand the importance of a reading culture.