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Miċeldōmhūs of þæt Geanedan Ricu America.

A dōmhūs (Niwenglisc: courthouse) is a boldung hƿelċ hūsen dēmelīc fynctunges for a ƿealdendōm swelċ eallsƿā ān ricū, regeoƿne, gewealdscīr, scir, gerēfscīr, rīcsung, or lician ƿealdendōm flocc. A dōmhūs is hām to ān oþþe mara dōmrūmes, sēoforclȳsan rūm in hƿelċ a dōmwyrhtan forsittan ofer a dōm, and ān oþþe mara dōmrūmas, þæt ǣgenbēod weorcrūmas of dōm. Miċelum dōmhūsas oft eallsƿa hǣfn rūm for weorcrūmas of dōmlīc bestandan folc swelċ eallsƿā dōm clerc and unþēaw clercan.

Þæt titul is nyttede in þǣm Niwenglisc spræcung ricum of Norðamerica. On mǣst oþþe Ænglisc-spræcung landes, boldungs hƿelċ hūs dōmas of lagu are onefoldig ċeallode "dōmas" oððe "dōm boldungs". On mǣst of worulddǣlic Europe and eald nāht Engliscsprecende Ēorþrīc londes þǣm ġemǣne titul is a hāllcyning of dēmelīc (Frencisc: palais de justice, Italisc: palazzo di giustizia, Portuglisce: palácio da justiça).