Papers by Jacob Solomon Raju Aluri
Journal for Nature Conservation
Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research
Ten bacterial species were isolated and monthly variations in their count were recorded from thre... more Ten bacterial species were isolated and monthly variations in their count were recorded from three edible tuna fishes. Phytochemical analysis and antibacterial activity of hexane, chloroform, methanol, and distilled water extracts of twelve common spices, against the isolated bacteria were evaluated. The study indicates that these pathogenic bacteria in all three tuna fish species cause various human health problems upon consumption.
Transylvanian Review of Systematical and Ecological Research
Hibiscus tiliaceus is an amphibious evergreen tree species which grows naturally in coastal and t... more Hibiscus tiliaceus is an amphibious evergreen tree species which grows naturally in coastal and terrestrial habitats. Flowering and fruiting is mostly seasonal. It is self-compatible, protandrous, ambophilous involving melittophily and anemophily, and hydrochorous. Melittophily involves certain bees, which effect sternotribic pollination. Anemophily is functional only during the afternoon period. Delayed autonomous autogamy, a characteristic of the Malvaceae family, is not functional in this species. The tree has dual modes of regeneration, by seed and by sprouting prostrate stems. It is a most suitable species for coastal and inland eco-restoration.
Phytologia Balcanica: International Journal of Balkan Flora and Vegetation, 2017
Vitex negundo is a small aromatic semi-evergreen tree often cultivated as an ornamental plant. It... more Vitex negundo is a small aromatic semi-evergreen tree often cultivated as an ornamental plant. It sheds foliage and produces new foliage almost simultaneously in December-April and flowers in June-November. The flowers are homogamous, herkogamous, self-compatible and exhibit a facultative xenogamous breeding system. They are bi-labiate, gullet type and are pollinated nototribically by bees, wasps and butterflies, while collecting nectar, and also by bees, which pollinate it sternotribically, while collecting pollen. Trigona bee is the primary nectar robber, because it bores holes at the base of the corolla tube to collect nectar. Other bees and wasps are principally legitimate foragers, but they collect nectar illegitimately, if they happen to reach the hole in the corolla tube made by Trigona. Nectar robbing by Trigona indirectly increases the pollen dispersal distance by pollinators and promotes outcrossing rate in this tree. Fruits are non-fleshy and disperse by gravity, and subs...
The bark of Ceriops decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou is a rich and cheap source of tannin for fishing c... more The bark of Ceriops decandra (Griff.) Ding Hou is a rich and cheap source of tannin for fishing community in Godavari forests of Andhra Pradesh. In the present paper traditional method practiced by fishermen for extracting tannin and its use for treating cotton fishing nets have been described.
Scaevola taccada is a coastal evergreen bushy shrub. It blooms throughout the year but intense fl... more Scaevola taccada is a coastal evergreen bushy shrub. It blooms throughout the year but intense flowering occurs only during the wet season. The flowers are fan-shaped, bisexual, protandrous, nectariferous, selfcompatible and display a secondary pollen presentation mechanism, which principally facilitates crosspollination while keeping the option open for self-pollination. Flower foragers include bees, wasps, ants, and moths but certain bees and all wasps are principal pollinators, while moths are minor pollinators. Certain other bees and ants act as mere nectar robbers but they appear to compel pollinators to make multiple visits to the flowers thus promoting the pollination rate. The pollinator bees collect only nectar and effect nototribic pollination, which facilitates pollen deposition precisely on their back for effective transfer to other flowers and precludes access to pollen for insect grooming by their legs. Fruit set occurs both in selfand cross-pollination but a significa...
Journal of Threatened Taxa
Mollugo cerviana, M. nudicaulis and M. pentaphylla are annual herbs which usually grow in open dr... more Mollugo cerviana, M. nudicaulis and M. pentaphylla are annual herbs which usually grow in open dry sandy and sandy/loamy soils, and also occur in moist habitats, especially cultivated lands. The flowers possess five tepals, functional stamens and 3-carpelled ovary with several ovules and three stigmas. M. nudicaulis and M. pentaphylla are pollinated by insects. Haplothrips uses the flowers for breeding and feeding, which affects pollination. These species have specialized floral structural and functional behaviours for self-induced and spontaneous autogamy while keeping the options open for insect pollination after anthesis. They are facultative autogamous, which is reflected in pollen-ovule ratios and natural fruit and seed set rates. Seed dispersal modes include anemochory, ombrohydrochory and hydrochory. The seeds germinate immediately after their dispersal, and soil moisture is important in rupturing the seed coat. These species are best adapted to survive in open dry ha...
Anales de Biología
Glinus lotoides y G. oppositifolius son hierbas rastreras, esparcidas, anuales. En ambas, las flo... more Glinus lotoides y G. oppositifolius son hierbas rastreras, esparcidas, anuales. En ambas, las flores son muy pequeñas, actinomorfas, bisexuales, protandradas, herkogamosas y facultativamente autógamas. Ambas especies exhiben antesis sincrónica y flores masivas para atraer a los polinizadores. Las abejas, hormigas, mariposas y trips polinizan las flores. La hercogamia excluye la autogamia espontánea, pero el evento de cierre de la flor facilita esta autogamia. En ambas especies, el fruto es una cápsula con semillas escrotiformes con estrofiolo; anemocoria, ombrohidrocoria e hidrocoria son funcionales. Las semillas germinan inmediatamente si el suelo tiene humedad. Las especies Glinus con fotosíntesis C3, autogamia facultativa y polifilia son capaces de crecer en hábitats secos y húmedos. Glinus lotoides and G. oppositifolius are prostrate, spreading, annual herbs. In both, the flowers are very small, actinomorphic, bisexual, protandrous, herkogamous and facultatively autogamous. Both...
Allmania nodiflora, Celosia argentea var. margaritacea, and Digera muricata are annual herbaceous... more Allmania nodiflora, Celosia argentea var. margaritacea, and Digera muricata are annual herbaceous weeds which reproduce exclusively by seed. The plants appear in June, while flowering time is August-February in agricultural fields and August-October/November in other habitats. The synflorescence is an elongated erect spike in A. nodiflora and C. argentea, while it is a long pedunculate spicate raceme in D. muricata. The flowers anthese acropetally in A. nodiflora and C. argentea var. margaritacea, while there is no such clear-cut anthesis pattern in D. muricata. Allmania nodiflora is functionally hermaphroditic. Digera muricata is partially hermaphroditic because the central flower in three-flowered groups is fertile, while the lateral flowers are sterile. Celosia argentea var. margaritacea is functionally gynodioecious. In A. nodiflora and D. muricata, the flowers facilitate autonomous selfing due to synchrony in maturation of the male and female sex. In C. argentea var. margaritac...
In Decalepis hamiltonii, extended flowering pattern, self-incompatibility, pollinator limitation,... more In Decalepis hamiltonii, extended flowering pattern, self-incompatibility, pollinator limitation, absence of seed dormancy, abortion of a considerable percentage of seedlings prior to establishment are contributing factors for the regulation of its population size. Further, the roots of this plant are over-exploited due to its commercial value in the preparation of a soft drink "nannari sharbat" in India. In Shorea tumbuggaia, non-annual flowering, massive flowering, short flowering period, partial flowering at tree level, seed predation, absence of seed dormancy and inability of seedlings to compete with other simultaneously growing plants for establishment collectively contribute to the existence of small population size of S. tumbuggaia in a restricted area of Eastern Ghats forests in India.
Cleome is an important genus for the study of selfand cross-pollination through polymorphism, and... more Cleome is an important genus for the study of selfand cross-pollination through polymorphism, and adaptations for pollination by both invertebrate and vertebrate pollinators. Cleome gynandra is polygamodioecious, representing functionally staminate short gynoecium floral type and functionally hermaphrodite medium and long gynoecium floral types. Cleome viscosa is functionally hermaphroditic with short, medium and long gynoecium floral types. Both species are self-compatible and autogamous. Cleome gynandra is ambophilous, while C. viscosa is entomophilous. In both species, mature and dry pods dehisce septicidally and disperse seeds by wind. The seeds of C. gynandra germinate immediately and produce new plants, if soil has moisture, while those of C. viscosa remain dormant and germinate only during rainy season. Cleome viscosa is a C3 plant growing in cool environments, while C. gynandra is a C4 plant growing in warm environments. Cleome gynandra is a climate resilient species and sui...
Shorea roxburghii is an Endangered semievergreen tree species restricted to peninsular India in t... more Shorea roxburghii is an Endangered semievergreen tree species restricted to peninsular India in the Eastern Ghats. Leaf shedding and leaf flushing are annual events while flowering is not annual, but when it does flower, in March, it shows massive blooming. Massive blooming, drooping inflorescence with pendulous flowers, ample pollen production, gradual pollen release as a function of anther appendage and aerodynamic pollen grains all suggest anemophily. The characteristics of nectar secretion, hexose-rich sugars and amino acids in nectar are additional adaptations for entomophily. The plant is functionally self-incompatible, obligately outcrossing and ambophilous. The natural fruit set does not exceed 15% despite the plant being ambophilous. Scarabaeid beetle by causing flower damage and bruchid beetle by using buds, flowers and fruits for breeding greatly affect fruit set rate and thus the success of sexual reproduction in this plant species is also affected. Seeds are non-dormant...
Phytologia Balcanica: International Journal of Balkan Flora and Vegetation, 2017
The authors have found that Evolvulus alsinoides and E. nummularius grow and flower throughout th... more The authors have found that Evolvulus alsinoides and E. nummularius grow and flower throughout the year, if the soil is wet. The pollen in both species is totally fertile and viable for 9–10 hours. This study has found that both species are facultatively xenogamous and refutes an earlier report that E. nummularius is facultatively autogamous. Furthermore, the flowers of these species resort to spontaneous autogamy during their closing time, which benefits maximization of the fruit set, but increase in the seed set rate is constrained by free styles and stigmas, which do not facilitate distinct contact with the anthers. According to earlier reports, E. alsinoides seemingly does not produce nectar, while E. nummularius definitely does not produce it. However, in this study it has been found that both species produce nectar and are pollinated by bees and butterflies, contrary to an earlier report that E. alsinoides is pollinated only by honey bees and snails. An additional finding is t...
Phytologia Balcanica: International Journal of Balkan Flora and Vegetation, 2017
Vernonia albicans and Vernonia cinerea produce two or three generations from seeds during rainy s... more Vernonia albicans and Vernonia cinerea produce two or three generations from seeds during rainy season. In both, the capitulua produce only disc florets. The florets are monochromatic in V. albicans and dichromatic in V. cinerea. The florets are protandrous, temporally dioecious and display secondary pollen presentation using brush mechanism to avoid autonomous pollination. The two Vernonia species are entomophilous. V. albicans is exclusively psychophilous while V. cinerea is principally psychophilous (pollination by butterflies). Thrips also pollinate the florets in both the species while using them as breeding and feeding sites. The fruit is cypsela and anemochorous. As the plants grow in well-drained nutrient-deficient soils of open habitats, they act as pioneer species and, hence, have the potential for use in the restoration of degraded lands.
Phytologia Balcanica: International Journal of Balkan Flora and Vegetation, 2016
Sida acuta, S. cordata and S. cordifolia (Malvaceae) exhibit almost the same flowering phenology,... more Sida acuta, S. cordata and S. cordifolia (Malvaceae) exhibit almost the same flowering phenology, floral morphology, floral biology, sexual, breeding and pollination systems, fruiting behavior, and seed dispersal. They complete vegetative and reproductive events in quick succession during rainy season and disperse seeds at the onset of dry season. Their simultaneous flowering, anthesis schedules, anther dehiscence schedules, and similar floral structural and functional characteristics attract the same bees, wasps and butterflies to their flowers. Bees use these plants as principal pollen source, while wasps and butterflies use them as a nectar source and thus contact the anthers and stigmas and pollinate the flowers. The plants display functional autogamy and allogamy, and produce the highest natural fruit set and seed set. Fruits mature quickly, split apart and disperse seeds into the air early in the dry season. The seeds are dispersed by wind, humans, animals, and rain water. Sid...
Heliotropium indicum is a coastal herb species which flowers throughout the year with concentrate... more Heliotropium indicum is a coastal herb species which flowers throughout the year with concentrated flowering during wet season. The floral characters such as small light violet plate-shaped flowers with tubular corolla, concealed nectar and aggregate arrangement of flowers on one side of the swinging inflorescence constitute butterfly pollination syndrome. The flowers are exclusively pollinated by danaid adult butterflies while collecting nectar. Further, these butterflies use spent as well as withering inflorescences as alkaloid source for use in the courtship behavior and protection from their predators. Fruit set is substantially high indicating the function of facultative autogamy but seed set rate is very low which is attributed to genetic ability, availability of soil ANALYSIS Vol. 21, Issue 68, 2020 Species ISSN 2319–5746 EISSN 2319–5754
Cycas beddomei is an endemic and critically endangered tropical dry deciduous dioecious shrub con... more Cycas beddomei is an endemic and critically endangered tropical dry deciduous dioecious shrub confined to India. It reproduces through sexual mode only. C. sphaerica is a data deficient red-listed species. It is a tropical dry deciduous dioecious shrub confined to northern Eastern Ghats of India. It reproduces asexually and sexually. Both the species are anemophilous. The restricted participation of plants in annual coning event, restricted seed dispersal, seed infestation and other factors relating to natural regeneration contribute to the endemic and endangered status of the plants.
Grant approved and expenditure incurred during the period of the report: (a) Total amount approve... more Grant approved and expenditure incurred during the period of the report: (a) Total amount approved : Rs. 11,48,667/-(b) Total expenditure : Rs. 11,48,667/-Report of the work done i. Brief objectives of the project: 1. Flowering phenology 2. Floral events-anthesis and anther dehiscence schedules, morphological traits, floral rewards and their quantity 3. Stigma receptivity 4. Breeding systems 5. Pollination mechanism 6. Pollinators-foraging schedules, forage collected and pollination role 7. Natural fruit and seed set rates 8. Conservation measures
Parthenium hysterophorus L. is a weed of global significance, because of causing human and animal... more Parthenium hysterophorus L. is a weed of global significance, because of causing human and animal problems, agricultural losses, and threat to biodiversity. Particularly in this context, the information on its reproductive ecology is important so as to understand its reproductive traits that make this weed invasive at global level. The study into its reproductive ecology indicates that it displays simultaneously vegetative, flowering and fruiting phases in different habitats, depending on the age of the plant and soil environment. The inflorescence is a heterogamous capitulum which begins anthesis with ray florets opening synchronously on the first day, while the disc florets open in the next five consecutive days. The ray florets are fertile, self-compatible, selfpollinating (vector mediated) and facultatively xenogamous, while the disc florets are female-sterile and act as pollen donors. In the disc florets, their tubate corolla, nectar secretion and echinate pollen are adaptation...
Rhynchosia minima is prostrate climbing herb. In India it flowers during September-March with pea... more Rhynchosia minima is prostrate climbing herb. In India it flowers during September-March with peak flowering during January. The flowers are hermaphroditic, nectariferous, self-compatible and have explosive pollination mechanism adapted for pollination by bees. They do not fruit through autonomous selfing but fruit through manipulated selfing, geitonogamy and xenogamy mediated by pollen vectoring bees. The flowers not visited by bees fall off while those visited and pollinated by them set fruit. Seed dispersal occurs by explosive pod dehiscence. Perennial root stock resurrects back to life during rainy season. Seeds also germinate at the same time but their continued growth is subject to the availability of soil moisture content. Therefore, R. minima expands its population size and succeeds as a weed in water-saturated habitats only. The plant is used as medicine, animal forage and human food and hence it has the potential for exploitation commercially.
Papers by Jacob Solomon Raju Aluri