It's been a long time since I last update my blog. After the covid lockdown and age catching up, getting a bit lazy too. Covid changed everybody lifestyles upside down, many lost their loved ones due to covid or vaccine.
My mum passed away 6 months ago on the 26th December 2021 at the age of 86. She had electrolytic unbalance and 2 times stroke while sleeping. She was bedridden for almost 2 months and passed away peacefully in her sleep just after Christmas midnight. Electrolytic unbalance and low blood blood pressure can cause stroke too not necessary high blood pressure. Sleepiness and fatigue during the day is also pre stroke symptom.
Life is so unpredictable, I lost my very best friend to covid too. He was incubated and stay in ICU for 16days, 6 hourly blood test daily, trying 3 types of antibiotic and anti fungus medicine. One thing lead to another, he end up with heart failure, rocket high diabetic reading, kidney failure, lung failure, liver infection all happen within 16 days. He passed away on the 31st December 2021 morning at the age of 70.
Oh well, its sad to lost our loved ones but life still have to carry on. My daughter is currently working with a Europe company, happy for her achievement. My son passed his IGCSE Cambridge with flying colours, he is now in university studying Information Technology.
So only left the old couple at home. Instead of the TV watching me or looking at four walls, I now into gardening trend like many others.
Here are some of my latest plants collection.
Elephant Ear
Colocasia Lime Gecko
Philodendron Birkin
Calathea Majestica
Red Anthurium
Neon Pothos
Colocasia Black Coral
I think its Dumb Canes but not sure
Indoor Palm
Snake Plant ( mixed 2 variety together )
Peace Lily
Marble Queen Pothos
Caladium Pink Spot
Pinnatum Pothos
Spider Lily
Aquatilis New SP
Hen & Chicks
Synogonium Albo
Manjula Pothos on moss pole to let it climb higher
Syngonium or Arrow head? Not sure which variety
Golden Pothos
Pothos Scandens
Pharaoh Mask
My indoor garden in my apartment. Some of the plants are outside the corridor and window sill.
Rainbow early in the morning at 6.45am
Do you enjoy gardening? Gardening improves physical health and produces nutritious homegrown goodies if your prefer to plant vegetable or fruits. Gardening can creates connection, boosts physical wellness, builds self esteem, improves metal wellness, stress relief, relaxation and etc.. etc..
But don't stress yourselves to buy expensive plants and worry the plant can survive or not. We should enjoy gardening not getting stress worry the plants die.
Have a nice day everyone.