Papers by Sheila A Redmond
Historical Papers, Sep 15, 1993

Historical Papers, Jul 16, 2012
made a number of observations and suggestions for possible areas for further research. Over the l... more made a number of observations and suggestions for possible areas for further research. Over the last nineteen years, an analysis of institutional and non-institutional Roman Catholic documents led me to the conclusion that the title I gave my paper in 1993 should be slightly modified: the new title could be "Well, we guess it's true, but it's still not our fault!" With few, if any, exceptions, the church tries to divest itself of any major responsibility for what has happened. "With hindsight" is a standard expression to be found in official documents, as is the excuse, "we didn't know how harmful the sexual abuse of children was." As limited as the historical evidence may be, the Catholic Church attempts to confine the "crisis" to a small period of time, essentially between 1950 and the present. 3 There are a number of reasons put forward for the "problem." The major scapegoat seems to be the secularization of the Church in the sixties and the seventies. This includes the acceptance, or at least a toleration of 4 homosexuality in Catholic institutions, poor seminary training and/or the Historical Papers 2012: Canadian Society of Church History 11 studies that have come out in the last ten years, and, lastly, all of the media reports, lead to the conclusion that this was wishful thinking. 2004-2010 USCCB Audit Report This audit report fulfills the requirement to monitor adherence in all Diocese, Eparchies and Religious Institutes to the USCCB's "Charter for the Protection of Children and Young People." There was almost universal compliance in filling out the necessary information. During the period 12 covered by the report, the American churches paid a minimum of $4,847,444,866 in costs related to allegations of child sexual abuse. At 13 the same time, 5,101 new credible allegations, 5,069 new victims and 3,496 new offenders were reported. There are four main points in the 14 audit report that outlined the major issues that the auditors considered critical. They are, first, concerns about accurate record keeping that need 15 to be attended to; second, serious concerns about "charter drift"; third, parish accountability is paramount because it is at this level the issues first arise; and, finally, there is concern about management letter accountability. 16
Théologiques, 2000
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The Eighteenth Century, 1989
to love me and take care of me Just like you took care of the lilies and the sparrows. You let me... more to love me and take care of me Just like you took care of the lilies and the sparrows. You let me down, you lied to me and I was good, And I loved you and I got saved and You were supposed to make everything better! The pain and the hurt and the guilt were supposed to go away. But they didn't. And I tried and I cried and I looked for you and what did I find You demanded a man kill his own son to prove his faithfulness. You destroyed a man on a bet and didn't even have the decency to tell him why You just terrified him into submission. You even killed your own child! Don't tell me you couldn't have done things differently. You seem to delight in putting your children through hell-Hell is for children! The best you can do is tell me I need to be forgiven-FOR WHAT!
The Second Century: A Journal of Early Christian Studies, 1989
Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y ... more Ce document est protégé par la loi sur le droit d'auteur. L'utilisation des services d'Érudit (y compris la reproduction) est assujettie à sa politique d'utilisation que vous pouvez consulter en ligne.
Between 1983 and 1987, more than two hundred priests or religious brothers were reported to the V... more Between 1983 and 1987, more than two hundred priests or religious brothers were reported to the Vatican Embassy for sexually abusing youngsters, in most cases teenage boys – an average of nearly one accusation a week in those four years alone. In the decade of 1982 to 1992, approximately 400 priests were reported to church and civil authorities for molesting youths. The vast majority of these men had multiple victims. By 1992, the church’s financial losses – in victims’ settlements, legal expenses, and medical treatment of clergy – had reached an estimated $400 million.
Christianity, Patriarchy and Abuse: A Feminist Critique, 1989
Christianity, Patriarchy, and Abuse: A Feminist Critique, 1989
Women at Worship: Interpretations of North American Diversity, 1993
Canadian Society of Church History, 1993

NOTE: The abstract is what appears in the programme. The paper moves away from the abstract in su... more NOTE: The abstract is what appears in the programme. The paper moves away from the abstract in substantial ways, while adhering to the main thrust of the abstract.A number of questions come to mind when contemplating the relationship between feminist and traditional exegesis. Is the purpose of exegesis (explicitly or implicitly) to “support” given theology, rather than create new theology? Is “feminist” liberation exegesis really offering anything more than gender concerns to the “liberation” exegesis & theology that arises from it? Is “gender awareness” the main thing that differentiates feminist exegesis from traditional exegesis? Is it good enough to stick “feminist” in front of a form of traditional exegetical methods? In this paper, I want to focus on the question: “Does feminist exegesis create a different weltanschauung than traditional exegesis?” If it doesn’t, then it is a surprise that integration hasn’t happened. However, if it does, then the answer is obvious, integratio...

It has been almost 30 years since the problem of the sexual abuse of children within Christianity... more It has been almost 30 years since the problem of the sexual abuse of children within Christianity first began to make headlines. For a number of reasons, the focus has been on abuse within the Roman Catholic Church. In those decades, there have been a number of responses to address the problem, e.g., in Canada, Newfoundland’s Winter Commission and From Pain to Hope, an early report from the CCCB. The latest of these have been the John Jay Report in the United States and the Cloyne Report in Ireland, as well as the recent report out of the Netherlands. I would argue that little has changed in the last three decades, either in the analysis of the problem, or in the proferred solutions. The one thing that has expanded is the monumental scope of the problem, with the blame for the problem being, explicitly or implicitly, laid on Vatican II. Outside of Doyle, Sipe and Wall’s Sex, Priests, and Secret Codes: The Catholic Church’s 2,000 Year Paper Trail of Sexual Abuse, scant attention has ...
Théologiques, 2000
Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des ser... more Montréal. Il a pour mission la promotion et la valorisation de la recherche. Érudit offre des services d'édition numérique de documents scientifiques depuis 1998. Note : les règles d'écriture des références bibliographiques peuvent varier selon les différents domaines du savoir.
Papers by Sheila A Redmond
By the time I got the feedback, I was well into my PhD work and didn't do anything with it
So I thought that I would put it up here - it is interesting - I am giving it to my class on religion in Asian countries in a few week.