Mohammed Matouq
Prof. Dr. Eng. Matouq Mohammed
Mohammed Matouq born in Amman at Jordan. He got his education in Jordan University at Faculty of Engineering and Technology and graduate in 1987 with second Honor Grade ). In 1989 got His master degree in Biotechnology from Jordan University. In 1990 He went to Japan to get His doctor degree on awarded grant from Ministry of education of Japan, and in 1994 He was graduated from Nagoya University of majoring in chemical reaction engineering . Matouq worked at Nagoya university as assistant professor, moved to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Jordan as senior engineer . In 1997 He served at United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) in Nagoya, Japan . There He worked in Environmental Management and community resources unit. Matouq moved to Jordan and served at Mutah University , and then moved to Al-Balqa Applied University since 2001 till now. In Al-Balqa Applied University, several professional position was served, such as Dean at Maan Community College, Director of research and development at National Training of Trainees Institute (NTT) , vice dean for Financial and Administration Affairs in faculty of engineering technology, and dean for Royal Jordanian Geographic College Center.
Matouq edited and authored two research reports in ISO 14001, and published several articles in the field of chemical reaction engineering, water resources management, environmental management systems ISO 14001, Local Agenda 21, water resources and Transboundaries, high frequency of ultrasound and its applications in industrial wastewater treatment, global warming and its impacts on water resources in Jordan, GIS and its application in water resources management,
Participate in several international conference and workshop conducted by NATO, UN, and ECO- ASIA, APEC Symposium on Environmental Education Towards Sustainable Cities, Climate Change Symposium at the United Nation University, Climate change international Conference, Nagoya, Global Forum-Rethinking and Redefining Regional Development”, UNCRD, Nagoya.
Matouq is a member in Arab Healthy Water Association, the Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan, American Chemical Society, Jordan environment Society, Jordanian Engineers Association. He is the founder and President of Jordan Japan Academic Society and . Dr. Matouq is amember of Arab Healthy Water Association ( ) Currently Matouq is a full professor at Faculty of engineering technology of Al-Balqa applied university faculty of engineering technology.
Matouq is an ASSOCIATE EDITORS in the following Journals
Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ( )
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences ( )
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology ( )
In February 2012, the royal decree issued to assign Prof. Matouq at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Trustees board.
Mohammed Matouq born in Amman at Jordan. He got his education in Jordan University at Faculty of Engineering and Technology and graduate in 1987 with second Honor Grade ). In 1989 got His master degree in Biotechnology from Jordan University. In 1990 He went to Japan to get His doctor degree on awarded grant from Ministry of education of Japan, and in 1994 He was graduated from Nagoya University of majoring in chemical reaction engineering . Matouq worked at Nagoya university as assistant professor, moved to Ministry of Energy and Mineral Resources of Jordan as senior engineer . In 1997 He served at United Nations Centre for Regional Development (UNCRD) in Nagoya, Japan . There He worked in Environmental Management and community resources unit. Matouq moved to Jordan and served at Mutah University , and then moved to Al-Balqa Applied University since 2001 till now. In Al-Balqa Applied University, several professional position was served, such as Dean at Maan Community College, Director of research and development at National Training of Trainees Institute (NTT) , vice dean for Financial and Administration Affairs in faculty of engineering technology, and dean for Royal Jordanian Geographic College Center.
Matouq edited and authored two research reports in ISO 14001, and published several articles in the field of chemical reaction engineering, water resources management, environmental management systems ISO 14001, Local Agenda 21, water resources and Transboundaries, high frequency of ultrasound and its applications in industrial wastewater treatment, global warming and its impacts on water resources in Jordan, GIS and its application in water resources management,
Participate in several international conference and workshop conducted by NATO, UN, and ECO- ASIA, APEC Symposium on Environmental Education Towards Sustainable Cities, Climate Change Symposium at the United Nation University, Climate change international Conference, Nagoya, Global Forum-Rethinking and Redefining Regional Development”, UNCRD, Nagoya.
Matouq is a member in Arab Healthy Water Association, the Society of Chemical Engineers of Japan, American Chemical Society, Jordan environment Society, Jordanian Engineers Association. He is the founder and President of Jordan Japan Academic Society and . Dr. Matouq is amember of Arab Healthy Water Association ( ) Currently Matouq is a full professor at Faculty of engineering technology of Al-Balqa applied university faculty of engineering technology.
Matouq is an ASSOCIATE EDITORS in the following Journals
Research Journal of Environmental Sciences ( )
Asian Journal of Applied Sciences ( )
Journal of Environmental Science and Technology ( )
In February 2012, the royal decree issued to assign Prof. Matouq at Al-Hussein Bin Talal University Trustees board.
InterestsView All (16)
Papers by Mohammed Matouq
ما رمي اليه اليه السيد آبي - والذي بحد ذاته ما ترمي اليه اليابان- هو وضع دستور ومنهاج لالية التعامل مع الشرق الاوسط ، وقد يبدو واضحا هنا ان القلق الياباني للوضع السياسي عالي جدا ، لان المصالح الاقتصادية لليابان اخذت تستشعر الخطر الكبير اذ لم تتبنى اليابان سياسة جديدة تتلائم مع المتغيرات العربية ، التي باتت متغيرة بشكل مضطرب بعيدة كل البعد عن اي توزان واستقرار اقتصادي وسياسي ، وظهور جماعات ضاغطة يغلب عليها الطابع الديني الذي لم تعهده اليابان . وتعتبر اليابان نفسها انها اصبحت في مناى كبير لما يدور حاليا في الشرق الاوسط من الصراعات الاتنية الطائفية ، في دول يغلب عليها الطابع الديني في كافة عناصر الحياة . وهو منظور لم تالفه اليابان فكما نعلم ان اليابان لا يحكمها اي طابع ديني طبقا للدستور الياباني الذي يعتبر الدولة بلا دين (شينتو) . فلا غرو ان نرى اليابان باتت بالفعل تخشى على مصالحها الاقتصادية في بؤرة من المتغيرات السريعة ، وقد تاتي هذه الخطوة فعليا بعد الحادث الذي اودى بحياة عشرة يابانيين التابيعين لشركة "جيه جي سي" اليابانية النفطية في عين أميناس في جنوب الجزائر. وقد شعر اليابانيون ان مصالحهم الاقتصادية اصبحت في خطر لغياب الامن والسلامة اضف الى ذلك البعد الثقافي بين دول الشرق الاوسط واليابان فكثير من اليابانيين مازلوا لا يعرفون الكثير عن الثقافة العربية والعقلية العربية والفكر الاسلامي سواء المتطرف او المعتدل.
وفي اليابان يوجد اكثر من 10 احزاب سياسية اهمها على الاطلاق الحزب الديمقراطي الليبرالي او ما يعرف ب LDP) Liberal Democracy Party ) الي يتنمي لها رئيس الوراء الياباني الحالي . ويعتبر هذا الحزب الاقوى والاقدم في اليابان وفاز في عدة دورات في البرلمان منذ عام 1955-2009 حتى انه اصبح من المتعارف عليه في اليابان ان النتائج غالبا ما تكون محسومة لصالح الحزب الليبرالي الديمقراطي (المعروف باليابانية باسم جيمنتو) لكثرة اعضاءه ولانتشار مساحته على مناطق عديدية في اليابان .