Papers by Ilker Camkerten
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Sep 1, 2017
venus-Chamelea gallina L.1753) sent to the laboratory from stations in Ayvalık and Balıkesir (Nor... more venus-Chamelea gallina L.1753) sent to the laboratory from stations in Ayvalık and Balıkesir (Northern Aegean Region of Turkey) between 2007-2010 were researched with conventional microbiological methods and six isolates were identified as Vibrio furnisii. Isolates were later confirmed with PCR using primers specific to toxR gene. Isolation rate of V. furnisii from bivalve molluscs per years were 2007 (2%), 2008 (0.43%), 2009 (1.29%), 2010 (0%) and per shell fish species were mediterranean mussel (3.33%), bearded mussel (3.27%), oyster (3.27%), clam (0%), cockle (0%), wedge shell (0%), striped venus (0 %). In this work, V. furnissi was isolated from mussels in Turkey for the first time and attention was drawn zoonotic importance of the agent.

Bulletin of The European Association of Fish Pathologists, 2016
Mycobacterium marinum is the most important fish tuberculosis agent. Turkey is an important Medit... more Mycobacterium marinum is the most important fish tuberculosis agent. Turkey is an important Mediterrenean country in terms of sea bass, sea bream and trout production. In this work, a total of 1050 fish samples (300 sea bass, 300 sea bream, 450 trout, respectively) taken randomly from 20 sea bass and sea bream (No:1-20), and 15 trout (No: 21-35) farms, were analysed using a combination of culture-based and molecular (Reverse Hybridisation) methods for Mycobacterium spp. The majority of samples were negative for mycobacteriosis. However, isolates that were positive by Reverse Hybridisation for M. marinum were isolated and identified from 60 fish (30 sea bass and 30 sea bream samples) from two cages of one farm in the Milas/Muğla province (Southeastern part of the Aegean Sea). This is the first M. marinum isolation from cultured sea bass and sea bream in Turkey.

Journal of the Hellenic Veterinary Medical Society, Oct 15, 2020
Bovine tuberculosis is a zoonotic disease which should be emphasized in our country as in many co... more Bovine tuberculosis is a zoonotic disease which should be emphasized in our country as in many countries. A large number of genotypes have been revealed by spoligotyping method of M. bovis in the world. M. bovis SIT 482. BOV is one of these genotypes and it is also M. bovis genotype in which BCG vaccine is administered in humans. The BCG vaccine is obtained through multiple passages of this genotype. However, this genotype, like other genotypes, can cause serious infections in humans and animals. There are data on the isolation of M. bovis SIT 482 BOV from animal and human tuberculosis cases in the world. In our country, the isolation of this genotype has been reported only in humans and no data have been found in the animals. In this study, M. bovis SIT 482. BOV was isolated from the samples of six cattle with internal organ samples obtained from licensed slaughterhouses in Aksaray. While isolation is carried out with BACTEC MGIT 960 liquid media, spoligotyping was carried out according to the manufacturer's with kit (Isogen LifeScience, The Netherlands). This study aims to report M. bovis SIT 482 BOV from cattle in Turkey for the first time, to draw attention a very limited number reported in M. bovis cases in Turkey, highlight the importance of genotyping of tuberculosis factors and contribute to epidemiological studies. These and similar studies will contribute to the creation of genetic maps for eradication of M. bovis from cattle in our country. The study was also conducted to investigate whether M. bovis SIT 482. BOV isolated from cattle in Aksaray province is BCG strain or another strain giving the same pattern.
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2013

DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2013
The combination of ketamine HCl and xylazine HCl has been used to immobilize numerous wild and do... more The combination of ketamine HCl and xylazine HCl has been used to immobilize numerous wild and domestic carnivores. The aim of this study was to determined heamotological and biochemical effects of xylazine-ketamine anesthesia on Bozova greyhounds. In this study the anesthetic effects of the ketamine and xylazine were investigated in 8 greyhounds which were in different age, body weight and sex. The animals were injected with the ketamine (10 mg/kg) and xylazine (1 mg/kg) intramuscularly. Heamotological and biochemical findings were recorded before and during anesthesia. The study show that there were no significant differences between before and during anesthesia heamotological and biochemical effects of xylazine-ketamine anesthesia on Bozova greyhounds except increase of glucose, CK and desrease of TP, TRG. In this study; results demonstrated that the combinations of ketamine and xylazine can be used in practice as anesthetics in Bozova greyhounds.
Yüzüncü Yıl Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 1, 2006
Veteriner hekimler için abdominal ağrılı hastaların değerlendirmesi hem tanı hem de tedavi açısın... more Veteriner hekimler için abdominal ağrılı hastaların değerlendirmesi hem tanı hem de tedavi açısından uğraştırıcıdır. Bu hastaların başarılı bir şekilde tedavi edilmesi; detaylı klinik değerlendirme, uygun tanısal bilgileri elde etme ile hızlı ve uygun tedavi yöntemlerinin tercih edilmesiyle mümkündür. Tanı için; tam kan sayımı, serum biyokimyasal veriler, serum amilaz ve lipaz, abdominal radyografi, abdominal ultrason, abdominal parasentez veya diagnostik peritoneal lavaj, sitoloji ve sıvı analizi gibi çok sayıda test yapılabilir.

Dicle Üniversitesi Veteriner Fakültesi Dergisi, Jun 30, 2018
Bu calismada, Harran Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Hayvan Hastanesi Ic Hastaliklari Anabilim D... more Bu calismada, Harran Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Hayvan Hastanesi Ic Hastaliklari Anabilim Dali klinigine 2004-2016 yillari arasinda getirilen, muayene ve tedavileri yapilan 4225 hayvanin ay ve yillara, turlere ve saptanan hastaliklarinin ait olduklari sistemlere gore dagilimlari retrospektif olarak belirlenmistir. On iki yillik sure icerisinde 1777 (% 42.6) sigir, 1634 (% 38.67) koyu-keci, 712 (% 16.85) kedi-kopek, 77 (% 1.82) at ve 25 (% 0.59) egzotik hayvanin muayene ve tedavisi yapilmistir. Klinigimize 142 hayvan ile en az sayida 2007 yilinda, 649 hayvan ile de en fazla sayida 2011 yilinda geldigi, 2014’de 405, 2015’de 474 ve 2016’da 538 olmak uzere giderek artan bir sayida hayvanin geldigi gorulmustur. Klinigimize getirilen hayvan sayisinin en cok ilkbaharda, en az olarak da yaz aylarinda geldigi tespit edilmistir. Hayvanlarda en fazla sindirim sistemi hastaliklari gorulurken bunu sirasiyla solunum sistemi ve dolasim sistemi hastaliklari takip etmektedir
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 1, 2006
Bu çalışmada, Simental ırkı, iki yaşında erkek, bir besi danasında otopsi sonrası sol ventrikül C... more Bu çalışmada, Simental ırkı, iki yaşında erkek, bir besi danasında otopsi sonrası sol ventrikül Chordae tendineae ligamentleri alt bağlantı yerinde 8 mm çapında ve bir adet olarak tespit edilen kardiyak kist hidatik vakası tanımlanmıştır. Türkiye'de sığırlarda böyle bir vaka ender ve ilginç bulunduğu için sunulması uygun görülmüştür.

Harran üniversitesi veteriner fakültesi dergisi, 2013
The combination of ketamine HCl and xylazine HCl has been used to immobilize numerous wild and do... more The combination of ketamine HCl and xylazine HCl has been used to immobilize numerous wild and domestic carnivores. The aim of this study was to determined heamotological and biochemical effects of xylazine-ketamine anesthesia on Bozova greyhounds. In this study the anesthetic effects of the ketamine and xylazine were investigated in 8 greyhounds which were in different age, body weight and sex. The animals were injected with the ketamine (10 mg/kg) and xylazine (1 mg/kg) intramuscularly. Heamotological and biochemical findings were recorded before and during anesthesia. The study show that there were no significant differences between before and during anesthesia heamotological and biochemical effects of xylazine-ketamine anesthesia on Bozova greyhounds except increase of glucose, CK and desrease of TP, TRG. In this study; results demonstrated that the combinations of ketamine and xylazine can be used in practice as anesthetics in Bozova greyhounds.
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Veterinary Sciences, 2021
Ankara Universitesi Veteriner Fakultesi Dergisi, 2017
Alternaria alternata is a fungus species which can infect animals and people as well as being com... more Alternaria alternata is a fungus species which can infect animals and people as well as being commonly found in nature. On the other hand, animals with Alternaria infection can infect other animals and people by spreading a high amount of fungal spores. In this work, Alternaria alternata was detected for the first time in Turkey from the skin lesions of a dog, an antifungal susceptiblity testing was carried out and treatment with itracanozole to which the agent showed susceptibility was accomplished. The aim of this work was to report the Alternaria infection in dogs in Turkey for the first time, to draw attention to the zoonotic dimension of this disease and to emphasize the importance of antifungal susceptibility tests.
Türkiye parazitoloji dergisi, 2004
... D. immitis köpek, kedi, tilki, kurt, dingo, kaplan, şempanze, orangutan, fok balıkları ve nad... more ... D. immitis köpek, kedi, tilki, kurt, dingo, kaplan, şempanze, orangutan, fok balıkları ve nadiren de insanlarda, D. repens ise köpek, kedi, aslan ve kırmızı tilkilerde görülmektedir (2, 11, 21). ... Can Vet J, 34: 630-633. 20. Şahin İ, Gödekmerdan A, Ekinci N, Özcan M, Şen İ, 1993. ...
Bulletin of The Veterinary Institute in Pulawy, 2007
A total of 31 neonatal calves (9 clinically healthy and 22 with pneumonia), between 22 and 28 d o... more A total of 31 neonatal calves (9 clinically healthy and 22 with pneumonia), between 22 and 28 d of age were used. Bronchoalveolar lavage fluid was obtained through transtracheal aspiration for Gram-staining and bacterial culture. Bacteria were identified according to ...

Veterinarski Arhiv, Feb 15, 2021
DeğirMenÇAy, Ş., G. ÇAMkerten, İ. ÇAMkerten, M. S. AktAÇ: An investigation of thiol/disulfide hom... more DeğirMenÇAy, Ş., G. ÇAMkerten, İ. ÇAMkerten, M. S. AktAÇ: An investigation of thiol/disulfide homeostasis and ischemia-modified albumin levels to assess the oxidative stress in dogs with canine distemper. Vet. arhiv 91, 39-49, 2021. ABStrACt This study aimed to investigate the diagnostic value of thiol/disulfide homeostasis (TDH) and ischemia-modified albumin (IMA) levels in evaluating oxidative stress in dogs with canine distemper. The study materials consisted of 24 crossbreed dogs: 18 dogs with canine distemper (CD group) and 6 healthy dogs as the control. Blood samples for analysis of antioxidant-oxidant parameters were taken from both groups. In addition to TDH parameters (native thiol [NT], total thiol [TT], and disulfide [Ds] levels and Ds/NT, Ds/TT, and NT/TT ratios), IMA and albumin (ALB) levels were also determined in the blood serum of the groups. The IMA levels of the CD group were significantly higher than the control group (P<0.05). Antioxidant parameters (NT, TT) and oxidant parameters (Ds, Ds/NT, and Ds/TT) both exhibited a significant positive correlation among themselves (P<0.01). The areas under the ROC curve of IMA, Ds/ NT, and Ds/TT were 0.78, 0.62, and 0.62 respectively. The high levels of IMA, Ds, Ds/NT, and Ds/TT and low levels of NT, TT, NT/TT and ALB in dogs with canine distemper can be used to assess the oxidative stress caused by the disease. Overall, the diagnostic performances of IMA, Ds/NT, and Ds/TT for detection of increased oxidative stress were similar, but IMA was superior.
Acta parasitologica Turcica, 2008
In this study, ivermectin was administered orally to112 Arabian horses for detection of Gasteroph... more In this study, ivermectin was administered orally to112 Arabian horses for detection of Gasterophilus species in the Sanliurfa region between June-July 2006. Eleven (9.82%) Arabian horses were found to be infected by larvae of Gasterophilus spp. A total of 409 third stage larvae (L3) were collected from fecal samples. In the Sanliurfa region, the prevalence of three species of Gasterophilus was identified as follows: Gasterophilus intestinalis (6.25%), G. nasalis (2.67%) and G. pecorum (0.89%).
Journal of advances in vetbio science and techniques, Apr 30, 2018
Sarcoptes scabiei is probably the most common mite species in domestic animals. There is lack of ... more Sarcoptes scabiei is probably the most common mite species in domestic animals. There is lack of evidence showing the current status of vitamin d reserves in sarcoptic mange infested sheep. Therefore the aim of the present study was to analyze serum 25 hydroxy vitamin D3 (25 OH D3) concentration among sheep with scabies. Microscopical examination of deep skin scrapings to those of 28 sheep presenting alopecia, crusting, lichenification and scaling showed presence of sarcoptic mange. Serum 25 OH D3 levels among infested sheep showed a statisticaly significant difference in sheep with sarcoptic mange (group I 25.53±13.30 mg/dl) in contrast to group II (n=14) control sheep (84.70 ± 21.11 mg/dl). In conclusion vitamin d deficiency must be taken into consideration
Kocatepe Veterinary Journal
In this retrospective study, a total of 657 sick animals were brought to Aksaray University Veter... more In this retrospective study, a total of 657 sick animals were brought to Aksaray University Veterinary Faculty Internal Medicine Clinic between 23.06.2015-30.06.2021. The distribution of these sick animals by year, month and species is shown in tables and graphics. At the same time, the systems affected by the diseases were classified and the data obtained with graphics were tried to be shown. It was determined that the most carnivores and the least poultry were brought in the 7-year period. The highest number of sick animals were brought in 2021 and the least in 2015. In terms of system diseases, digestive system cases are the second most common in all species, and respiratory system cases are in the second place.
Bahri Dağdaş Hayvancılık Araştırma Dergisi, May 1, 2017
Kaz yetiştiriciliğinin geliştirilmesinde ve verimin artırılmasında kuluçka makinelerinin etkisi b... more Kaz yetiştiriciliğinin geliştirilmesinde ve verimin artırılmasında kuluçka makinelerinin etkisi büyüktür. Bu amaçla Aksaray İli'nde halk elinde yetiştirilmekte olan yerli kazlara (Anser anser) ait 132 yumurta toplanmış ve bunlardan 121'i kuluçkaya alınmıştır. Kuluçka sonunda yumurtaların 44'ü dölsüz, 13'ünde çıkım, 17'sinde kabuk altı ölüm, 6'sında enfekte ve 41'inde embriyonik ölüm gerçekleşmiştir. Kaz yetiştiricilerinin, yumurtaların depolanması ve kuluçka makinesinin kullanılması gibi konularda bilinçlendirilmesi gereklidir. Bu çalışmada; yumurta toplayarak yetiştirici ile temas kurulması, kaz yetiştiriciliği hakkında farkındalık oluşturulması ve kuluçka makinesini kullanan yetiştirici sayısının artırılmasına çalışılmıştır.

Kocatepe veteriner dergisi, Dec 14, 2021
The contribution of animal husbandry to the national economy cannot be ignored. The causes of inf... more The contribution of animal husbandry to the national economy cannot be ignored. The causes of infertility are various and complex. Economic losses are increasing in dairy cattle breeding due to infectious and non-infectious causes. The percentage of abortion due to infectious agents is not fully known, but infectious agents lie in about 90% of the cases whose etiology can be determined. Neospora caninum is considered to be one of the most important abortion factors of cattle. Although, this protozoa is always ignored. It causes abortion in cows. In this study, it was aimed to detect N. caninum from the blood serum obtained from 137 dairy cattle brought to Aksaray University Faculty of Veterinary Medicine between 2017-2019 and suffering from abortion and infertility problems. For serological diagnosis, ELISA (Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbent Assay) test was performed. As a result, N. caninum agent was detected in 37.22 % (51/137) of the samples that belong to cattle with abortion and infertility problems. It was concluded that economic loss due to infertility in dairy cattle and protozoa, which are one of the infection factors, should be given importance.
Papers by Ilker Camkerten