Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, Nov 18, 2021
This study was conducted to determine the program-related experiences of nursing students, studyi... more This study was conducted to determine the program-related experiences of nursing students, studying abroad through the Erasmus exchange program. Methods: In the study, phenomenological design from qualitative research methods was used. The sample included 10 students participating in the Erasmus exchange program during nursing undergraduate education between 2008 and 2016. The interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview form with 7 open-ended questions between November 2017 and February 2018. The analysis process included coding the data, arranging themes, and identifying and interpreting results. Nvivo 10 program was used for analysis. Necessary permissions were obtained for the study. Results: Five main themes and 50 sub-themes were reached: definition of being an Erasmus student, reasons for their selection, positive aspects, negative aspects, and contributions related to Erasmus experiences. The participants also produced 9 metaphors in animal, human, fruits, things, and process categories. The students stated that they experienced adaptation problems due to the language barriers, and they had difficulties regarding the grant and accommodation. They stated their positive experiences like professional contribution, seeing new places, and having fun. Conclusion: As a result, the Erasmus exchange program was beneficial for students' academic language improvement and knowing new cultures and countries contributed to their social life.
In this paper, the goals, the basic principles, the structure, financing and increasing the quali... more In this paper, the goals, the basic principles, the structure, financing and increasing the quality and attractiveness of vocational and technical secondary education in Turkey are discussed. It is concluded that the vocational and technical secondary education in Turkey have not been financed adequately. In order to finance vocational and technical secondary education adequately, some ideas are suggested regarding a financing model to support VET secondary education via transferring the 50% of total fund in unemployment insurance fund, the start of a new international relations and the implementation of new projects, the allocation of a greater share from the budget of the Ministry of Education, the support of not only public schools but also private education schools, the determination of the features of human resources requirements of the Turkish vocational education system according to developmental plans and the acceptance and the implementation of new programs.
Bu lisans, yazarın orijinal yaratıcı olarak atfedilmesi ve yeniden kullanımın ticari olmayan amaç... more Bu lisans, yazarın orijinal yaratıcı olarak atfedilmesi ve yeniden kullanımın ticari olmayan amaçlarla, yani araştırma veya eğitim amaçlı kullanımla sınırlı olması koşuluyla, kullanıcıların makaleyi kullanmasına, çoğaltmasına, yaymasına veya görüntülemesine izin verir.
Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 24, 2019
Egitim yoneticilerinin kurumsal aidiyet duzeylerinin girisimcilik duzeyleri uzerindeki etkisinde:... more Egitim yoneticilerinin kurumsal aidiyet duzeylerinin girisimcilik duzeyleri uzerindeki etkisinde: yonetsel yeterliligin aracilik rolunu belirlemeyi amaclayan bu arastirma, genel tarama modelinde ve nicel veriye dayali iliskisel tarama modelinde bir arastirmadir. Arastirma pozitivizmi esas alan felsefesi realizm, paradigmasi ise islevselci paradigmadir. Bu arastirmanin calisma evreni Konya ilinde Okul Muduru, Mudur Bas Yardimcisi ve Mudur Yardimcisi olarak gorev yapan egitim yoneticilerinden (α=1529) olusmaktadir. Arastirmada 0.95 guven duzeyinde ve 0.05 hata duzeyinde gerekli hesaplamalar yapilarak (n=307+) kisiden olusacak bir ornekleme grubunun evreni temsil edecegi dusunulmustur. Orneklem hacminde yer alan egitim yoneticileri kolayda ornekleme alma yontemiyle secilmistir. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak Şahin (2012) tarafindan gelistirilen yonetsel yeterlilik olcegi, Koybasi (2016) tarafindan gelistirilen yonetici girisimcilik olcegi, Keskin ve Pakdemirli (2016) tarafindan gelistirilen kurumsal aidiyet olcegi kullanilmistir. Olceklerin dogrulayici faktor analizleri, Kendall’in W uyumluluk katsayilari, intraclass korelasyon katsayilari ayri ayri hesaplanmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, kurumsal aidiyet duzeylerinin girisimcilik duzeyleri uzerindeki etkisinde; yonetsel yeterliligin aracilik rolune sahip oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir.
European Journal of Education Studies, May 29, 2018
The aim of this research was to classify the opinions of the disabled participants and educators ... more The aim of this research was to classify the opinions of the disabled participants and educators on Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project on non-formal learning regarding whether they knew the meaning of non-formal learning, through which non-formal learning activities happening during the Project workshop, and whether this learning had a contribution to their personal and professional development. The research is a qualitative study with a multiple holistic case study design. Data were collected from interviews using semi-structured interview forms. At the end of the research, conclusions were classified under five themes. The first theme was that they did not know the exact meaning of non-formal learning. The second theme was that there were some non-formal learning activities which the participants were engaged in during the Project workshop. The third and fourth themes were that the non-formal learning had a positive effect on their personal and professional development. The fifth theme was metaphors they produced for non-formal learning.
Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, Dec 1, 2013
İnsan eğitiminde ilköğretim okullarının payı çok büyüktür. İlköğretim yöneticileri de görevlerini... more İnsan eğitiminde ilköğretim okullarının payı çok büyüktür. İlköğretim yöneticileri de görevlerini yerine getirirken iş stresi yaşamaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilköğretim kurumları yöneticilerinin yaşadıkları iş stresine ilişkin görüşlerini tespit etmektir. Bu araştırma Antalya ilinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma bütüncül çoklu durum deseninde nitel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın evrenini Antalya ili Muratpaşa, Kepez ve Konyaaltı ilçelerinde çalışan ilköğretim kurumları yöneticileri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu ise 13 yönetici (5'i okul müdürü ve 8'i müdür yardımcısı) oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmada veriler içerik analizi, doküman analizi ve gözlem formlarının analizinden yararlanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analizde veriler NVIVO yazılım programından yararlanılarak kodlanmış ve bu kodlar arasındaki ilişkiler (temalar) belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda, yöneticilerin görevlerinden kaynaklı olarak iş stresi yaşadıkları tespit edilmiştir. Yaşanan iş stresinin kaynakları çok çeşitli olduğundan stresle başa çıkmada bu kaynakları dikkate almak önem arz etmektedir.
The purpose of this action research was to help the students to identify professions appropriate ... more The purpose of this action research was to help the students to identify professions appropriate with their abilities, interests and personality traits and to guide the students to technical and vocational training especially at upper secondary level with their own will. Action research strategy in which qualitative methods and quantitative methods were used was selected for this study. As a result of this action research there was a promising difference in terms of the proportional change between the number of the students who graduated from junior high school in the sample and attended to technical and vocational upper secondary schools last year and the number of the students in the sample who has graduated from junior high school and then who will attend to technical and vocational high schools this year. TThe findings of this research have important implications about how vocational and technical secondary education can be updated, improved, increased the quality and attractiveness, well-organized according to market needs and thus more preferred in Turkey based on the perceptions and preferences of the students who preferred or did not prefer vocational and technical education.
katılımdır ve son olarak da hizmet içi eğitim programları ile ilgili en önemli beklentileri fizik... more katılımdır ve son olarak da hizmet içi eğitim programları ile ilgili en önemli beklentileri fiziksel ortamların iyileĢtirilmesidir.
International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) Conference, 2014
The social partners have a predominantly crucial role in policy making in the fields of technical... more The social partners have a predominantly crucial role in policy making in the fields of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and employment. The social partners represent business and the world of labor; employment systems and job profiles are continuously changing, and their influences need to be always felt when skills have to be updated. Strong social partner participation is required in order to include more practical training in TVET and to boost the status of TVET in particularly developing countries. In this study, who social partners are, why and how social partners in vocational education and training should be involved in vocational and technical education and training are disused and suggestions related to how more social partners can be involved in vocational and technical education and training are put forwarded in the frame work of social partnership samples both in Turkey and in the world.
The aim of this research is to classify the opinions of the disabled and non-disabled participant... more The aim of this research is to classify the opinions of the disabled and non-disabled participants and educators on Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project as the reasons of joining this Project, the preparations before the Project and the benefits of the Project. The research is a qualitative study with a multiple holistic case study design. Data were collected via interviews by using semi-structured interview form. At the end of the research, conclusions emerged under three themes. The first one was that the main reason for joining the project was improving their skills and learning how to work with disabled people in a theatre setting. The second one was that preparations of participants before the Project were searching about training subject and hosting country. The final benefit of the Project was improving their key competences and learning how to use theatre in educational and therapeutic work with and for disabled people.
Journal of Education and Research in Nursing, Nov 18, 2021
This study was conducted to determine the program-related experiences of nursing students, studyi... more This study was conducted to determine the program-related experiences of nursing students, studying abroad through the Erasmus exchange program. Methods: In the study, phenomenological design from qualitative research methods was used. The sample included 10 students participating in the Erasmus exchange program during nursing undergraduate education between 2008 and 2016. The interviews were conducted using a semi-structured interview form with 7 open-ended questions between November 2017 and February 2018. The analysis process included coding the data, arranging themes, and identifying and interpreting results. Nvivo 10 program was used for analysis. Necessary permissions were obtained for the study. Results: Five main themes and 50 sub-themes were reached: definition of being an Erasmus student, reasons for their selection, positive aspects, negative aspects, and contributions related to Erasmus experiences. The participants also produced 9 metaphors in animal, human, fruits, things, and process categories. The students stated that they experienced adaptation problems due to the language barriers, and they had difficulties regarding the grant and accommodation. They stated their positive experiences like professional contribution, seeing new places, and having fun. Conclusion: As a result, the Erasmus exchange program was beneficial for students' academic language improvement and knowing new cultures and countries contributed to their social life.
In this paper, the goals, the basic principles, the structure, financing and increasing the quali... more In this paper, the goals, the basic principles, the structure, financing and increasing the quality and attractiveness of vocational and technical secondary education in Turkey are discussed. It is concluded that the vocational and technical secondary education in Turkey have not been financed adequately. In order to finance vocational and technical secondary education adequately, some ideas are suggested regarding a financing model to support VET secondary education via transferring the 50% of total fund in unemployment insurance fund, the start of a new international relations and the implementation of new projects, the allocation of a greater share from the budget of the Ministry of Education, the support of not only public schools but also private education schools, the determination of the features of human resources requirements of the Turkish vocational education system according to developmental plans and the acceptance and the implementation of new programs.
Bu lisans, yazarın orijinal yaratıcı olarak atfedilmesi ve yeniden kullanımın ticari olmayan amaç... more Bu lisans, yazarın orijinal yaratıcı olarak atfedilmesi ve yeniden kullanımın ticari olmayan amaçlarla, yani araştırma veya eğitim amaçlı kullanımla sınırlı olması koşuluyla, kullanıcıların makaleyi kullanmasına, çoğaltmasına, yaymasına veya görüntülemesine izin verir.
Gazi Üniversitesi Gazi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, Dec 24, 2019
Egitim yoneticilerinin kurumsal aidiyet duzeylerinin girisimcilik duzeyleri uzerindeki etkisinde:... more Egitim yoneticilerinin kurumsal aidiyet duzeylerinin girisimcilik duzeyleri uzerindeki etkisinde: yonetsel yeterliligin aracilik rolunu belirlemeyi amaclayan bu arastirma, genel tarama modelinde ve nicel veriye dayali iliskisel tarama modelinde bir arastirmadir. Arastirma pozitivizmi esas alan felsefesi realizm, paradigmasi ise islevselci paradigmadir. Bu arastirmanin calisma evreni Konya ilinde Okul Muduru, Mudur Bas Yardimcisi ve Mudur Yardimcisi olarak gorev yapan egitim yoneticilerinden (α=1529) olusmaktadir. Arastirmada 0.95 guven duzeyinde ve 0.05 hata duzeyinde gerekli hesaplamalar yapilarak (n=307+) kisiden olusacak bir ornekleme grubunun evreni temsil edecegi dusunulmustur. Orneklem hacminde yer alan egitim yoneticileri kolayda ornekleme alma yontemiyle secilmistir. Arastirmada veri toplama araci olarak Şahin (2012) tarafindan gelistirilen yonetsel yeterlilik olcegi, Koybasi (2016) tarafindan gelistirilen yonetici girisimcilik olcegi, Keskin ve Pakdemirli (2016) tarafindan gelistirilen kurumsal aidiyet olcegi kullanilmistir. Olceklerin dogrulayici faktor analizleri, Kendall’in W uyumluluk katsayilari, intraclass korelasyon katsayilari ayri ayri hesaplanmistir. Arastirma sonucunda, kurumsal aidiyet duzeylerinin girisimcilik duzeyleri uzerindeki etkisinde; yonetsel yeterliligin aracilik rolune sahip oldugu sonucuna ulasilmistir.
European Journal of Education Studies, May 29, 2018
The aim of this research was to classify the opinions of the disabled participants and educators ... more The aim of this research was to classify the opinions of the disabled participants and educators on Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project on non-formal learning regarding whether they knew the meaning of non-formal learning, through which non-formal learning activities happening during the Project workshop, and whether this learning had a contribution to their personal and professional development. The research is a qualitative study with a multiple holistic case study design. Data were collected from interviews using semi-structured interview forms. At the end of the research, conclusions were classified under five themes. The first theme was that they did not know the exact meaning of non-formal learning. The second theme was that there were some non-formal learning activities which the participants were engaged in during the Project workshop. The third and fourth themes were that the non-formal learning had a positive effect on their personal and professional development. The fifth theme was metaphors they produced for non-formal learning.
Journal of Teacher Education and Educators, Dec 1, 2013
İnsan eğitiminde ilköğretim okullarının payı çok büyüktür. İlköğretim yöneticileri de görevlerini... more İnsan eğitiminde ilköğretim okullarının payı çok büyüktür. İlköğretim yöneticileri de görevlerini yerine getirirken iş stresi yaşamaktadır. Bu araştırmanın amacı, ilköğretim kurumları yöneticilerinin yaşadıkları iş stresine ilişkin görüşlerini tespit etmektir. Bu araştırma Antalya ilinde gerçekleştirilmiştir. Araştırma bütüncül çoklu durum deseninde nitel bir çalışmadır. Araştırmanın evrenini Antalya ili Muratpaşa, Kepez ve Konyaaltı ilçelerinde çalışan ilköğretim kurumları yöneticileri oluşturmaktadır. Araştırmanın çalışma grubunu ise 13 yönetici (5'i okul müdürü ve 8'i müdür yardımcısı) oluşturmaktadır. Bu araştırmada veriler içerik analizi, doküman analizi ve gözlem formlarının analizinden yararlanılarak analiz edilmiştir. Analizde veriler NVIVO yazılım programından yararlanılarak kodlanmış ve bu kodlar arasındaki ilişkiler (temalar) belirlenmiştir. Araştırmanın sonucunda, yöneticilerin görevlerinden kaynaklı olarak iş stresi yaşadıkları tespit edilmiştir. Yaşanan iş stresinin kaynakları çok çeşitli olduğundan stresle başa çıkmada bu kaynakları dikkate almak önem arz etmektedir.
The purpose of this action research was to help the students to identify professions appropriate ... more The purpose of this action research was to help the students to identify professions appropriate with their abilities, interests and personality traits and to guide the students to technical and vocational training especially at upper secondary level with their own will. Action research strategy in which qualitative methods and quantitative methods were used was selected for this study. As a result of this action research there was a promising difference in terms of the proportional change between the number of the students who graduated from junior high school in the sample and attended to technical and vocational upper secondary schools last year and the number of the students in the sample who has graduated from junior high school and then who will attend to technical and vocational high schools this year. TThe findings of this research have important implications about how vocational and technical secondary education can be updated, improved, increased the quality and attractiveness, well-organized according to market needs and thus more preferred in Turkey based on the perceptions and preferences of the students who preferred or did not prefer vocational and technical education.
katılımdır ve son olarak da hizmet içi eğitim programları ile ilgili en önemli beklentileri fizik... more katılımdır ve son olarak da hizmet içi eğitim programları ile ilgili en önemli beklentileri fiziksel ortamların iyileĢtirilmesidir.
International Vocational Education and Training Association (IVETA) Conference, 2014
The social partners have a predominantly crucial role in policy making in the fields of technical... more The social partners have a predominantly crucial role in policy making in the fields of technical and vocational education and training (TVET) and employment. The social partners represent business and the world of labor; employment systems and job profiles are continuously changing, and their influences need to be always felt when skills have to be updated. Strong social partner participation is required in order to include more practical training in TVET and to boost the status of TVET in particularly developing countries. In this study, who social partners are, why and how social partners in vocational education and training should be involved in vocational and technical education and training are disused and suggestions related to how more social partners can be involved in vocational and technical education and training are put forwarded in the frame work of social partnership samples both in Turkey and in the world.
The aim of this research is to classify the opinions of the disabled and non-disabled participant... more The aim of this research is to classify the opinions of the disabled and non-disabled participants and educators on Erasmus+ Key Action 2 Project as the reasons of joining this Project, the preparations before the Project and the benefits of the Project. The research is a qualitative study with a multiple holistic case study design. Data were collected via interviews by using semi-structured interview form. At the end of the research, conclusions emerged under three themes. The first one was that the main reason for joining the project was improving their skills and learning how to work with disabled people in a theatre setting. The second one was that preparations of participants before the Project were searching about training subject and hosting country. The final benefit of the Project was improving their key competences and learning how to use theatre in educational and therapeutic work with and for disabled people.
Papers by Ilhan Gunbayi