Paper Publications by Jinia Afroz

1. Introduction Motivation in the realm of education is concerned as one of the most important fa... more 1. Introduction Motivation in the realm of education is concerned as one of the most important factors to support learning process and provide highquality learning since it enhances personal growth and adjustment (Genc and Kaya, 2010). A strong relationship exists between motivation and students' academic performance. Similarly, students' motivation serves as a yardstick in predicting their performance (Muhammad et al., 2015). This paper aims to find out the impact of motivation on the academic performance of university students in Bangladesh. There are 37 public Universities in Bangladesh. Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman Science and Technology University is one of them. The university has 20 departments (BSMRSTU, 2016). The data has been collected over the students of Management Studies, Accounting and Information Systems and Marketing department. The respondents said that many of them do not manage to improve performance because of some problems related to motivation. Many of them said that some teachers always underestimate them, some are not willing to provide instructions when they fall in problem, do not provide rewards and recognition to the excellent performers. Some of the respondents said that their family background is poor, self-efficacy level is poor and so is achievement motivation that are demotivating to make good results in exam (Field survey). 1.1. Aims • To conduct study over motivation and HR related areas 1.2. Objectives of the Study • To identify the factors that motivate the University students in Bangladesh. • To investigate the impact of these motivational factors on the academic performance (CGPA) of the University students in Bangladesh. 1.3. Research Questions • What are the motivational factors that motivate the university students? • What level of self-efficacy and achievement motivation the respondents have?

The efficient performance of employees is essential
for the success of any firm, and this perform... more The efficient performance of employees is essential
for the success of any firm, and this performance is affected by
factors such as HR analytics, merit-based payment, and HR
involvement. The study focuses on the pharmaceutical industry
in Bangladesh and aims to examine the impact of these factors
on employee performance efficiency. The study uses a
structured questionnaire to collect data from 119 responses and
analyzes the data using Smart PLS version 3.3.3. The results
suggest that HR analytics, merit-based payment, and HR
involvement significantly impact employee performance
efficiency. Additionally, this research discovers that the agility
of a firm acts as a mediator in the connection between HR
analytics and employee performance, as well as between HR
involvement and employee performance but there is no
influence of merit-based payment on firm’s agility. This study
highlights the importance of effective HR management in
promoting employee performance efficiency and ultimately
contributing to the success of the firm. Notably, this study
focuses solely on three prevalent HR factors of influence.
Introducing additional HR factors could potentially yield
significantly different outcomes, an avenue for future

AIBA Journal, 2023
This study explores the relationship between High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) and employees' ... more This study explores the relationship between High-Performance Work Systems (HPWS) and employees' extra-role behaviours, focusing on faculty members in private universities in Dhaka and Nilphamari in Bangladesh. The research method used was convenience sampling, and 100 faculty members were surveyed using the Partial Least Square (PLS) analysis method with SMART PLS Ver 3.0 software. The study found that job satisfaction and job involvement mediate the relationship between HPWS and employees' organizational citizenship behavior, indicating that HPWS has an impact on employees' extra-role behaviours but job involvement and job satisfaction can mediate the relationship. The findings of this study have important implications for managers who seek to increase employee involvement and motivation in their organization. Instead, managers should focus on promoting job satisfaction and job involvement among employees, which can lead to increased extra-role behaviours and improved organizational performance. Overall, this study provides valuable insights into the factors that influence employee behavior in the context of HPWS.

Human resource is considering the fuel for any organization. Competitive world is choosing the ne... more Human resource is considering the fuel for any organization. Competitive world is choosing the new technology though the need of skill manpower in inevitable. To achieve the competitive advantage through employee's voluntary involvement, the organizations need the to ensure the job engagement and job satisfaction. This study aims to analyze the impact of job engagement and job satisfaction on employee's organizational citizenship behavior. The research sample is collected from 5 private universities in Bangladesh and the number of respondents was 100 university faculties. By using the convenience sampling technique, the responses were collected and analyzed. The research model analysis method uses Partial Least Square (PLS) with SMART PLS Ver 3.0 software. Empirical findings prove that job satisfaction has a positive impact on employee's organizational citizenship behavior, while job satisfaction is independent. And also, employee engagement positively affects employee's organizational citizenship behavior. The research findings will help managerial implications, in increasing high employee involvement, motivation needs to be encouraged to be more active and innovative, and facilitate the achievement of the desired results.

Jahangirnagar University Journal of Management Research, Vol. 5, 2022 ISSN: 2522-3755, 2022
Employee performance refers to how efficiently employees perform assigned duties and responsibili... more Employee performance refers to how efficiently employees perform assigned duties and responsibilities. When the organization meets the expectation of employees, they become motivated and own the organization willingly. Many research has shown that demotivated employees generate low productivity and performance levels gradually decreased as well. This study analyzes different relative factors of employee job performance with effectiveness level at the managerial level in the RMG sector of Dhaka EPZ. Perceived employee engagement and perceived job motivational factors are considered here as independent variables to ensure the efficiency of employees job performance. Job performance indicates the process of reaching towards assigned goals within organization. Using the structural equation modeling Smart-PLS secondgeneration software, a total number of 144 employees were investigated and analyzed to reveal the result of relevancy among these three constructs. The Result has explicit that there is no significant relationship between perceived job motivation and perceived employee engagement but a significant relationship has been proven between perceived job motivation and perceived employee performance.Also proves that employes engagement has no significant relationship with job performance and perceived employee engagement has no mediating role to establish any positive relationship between perceived job motivation and perceived employee performance. The aim of this paper is to find out the influential factors of employee job performance for the stakeholders and the employers of the Ready Made Garments, especially those engaged in the Export Processing Zone in Bangladesh. Moreover, the research will assist further studies in the field of industrial relations as well.

BAUST Journal, 2022
Academic performance refers to the outcome of the educational journey.
Generally cumulative grade... more Academic performance refers to the outcome of the educational journey.
Generally cumulative grade point average is the most popular educational grading
system in Bangladesh. Based on that this study focused on three major factors
affecting the academic performance of students at the tertiary level. The main
purpose of this study is to find the significant relationship of financial issues,
social issues, and political issues with students’ academic performance. The
analysis was conducted by 429 respondents from several public and private
universities in Bangladesh. The questionnaire had two sections consisting of
personal information and academic performance, and another section carried
questions on financial, social, and political issues that might have an impact on
academic performance. For making an empirical analysis, the questions were
asked using a scale of five-point Likert scale. Using Smart PLS version 3.0, the
analysis has tested the hypotheses and draw the regression line for the respective
outcome. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a
significant relationship between financial and social issues with academic
performance but the relationship between political issues and academic
performance was insignificant.

jahangirnagar university journal of management research (jujmr), 2021
Business intelligence (BI) has now become a buzz-word in this era of information and communicatio... more Business intelligence (BI) has now become a buzz-word in this era of information and communication technology. Data is treated as the fuel for business intelligence. The motive of this paper is to examine the influence of the external antecedents on the selection of BI data collection strategies of the ICT-based startups in Bangladesh. This study developed and analyzed a theoretical model grounded on different external factors that influences the decision to implement two BI data collection strategies (comprehensive and issue-driven) along with one mediator that mediates the relationship of two external antecedents and issue-driven BI data collection. The snowball sampling was used to collect the survey data from experienced BI professionals working in different startups in Bangladesh. The results of the study showed that stakeholders' satisfaction and system quality affect the choice of data collection strategy whereases competitive pressure and institutional isomorphism have no effect on the choice of BI data collection strategy.

IOSR Journal of Business and Management (IOSR-JBM), 2019
Human Resource is considered as one of the most major assets in an organization. Hench, it is imp... more Human Resource is considered as one of the most major assets in an organization. Hench, it is important for an organization to find effective human resource management system to retain their employees. The main objective of the study is to find effective strategies that can help employee retention of multinational corporations in Bangladesh based on employees' perspective. The study is basically based on primary data collected from different multinational corporations from different industries such as telecom, tobacco, fashion, consumer goods. To test the hypotheses different statistical tools such as ANOVA test& Correlation were used based on survey data. Apart from this different types of graphs and charts were used as well. From the analysis of the survey different types of strategies were found and ranked based on responses collected from the respondents. This study will help researchers of the relevant field, managers and employees of different multinational corporations and also those organizations who have similar HR policies alike them.
Paper Publications by Jinia Afroz
for the success of any firm, and this performance is affected by
factors such as HR analytics, merit-based payment, and HR
involvement. The study focuses on the pharmaceutical industry
in Bangladesh and aims to examine the impact of these factors
on employee performance efficiency. The study uses a
structured questionnaire to collect data from 119 responses and
analyzes the data using Smart PLS version 3.3.3. The results
suggest that HR analytics, merit-based payment, and HR
involvement significantly impact employee performance
efficiency. Additionally, this research discovers that the agility
of a firm acts as a mediator in the connection between HR
analytics and employee performance, as well as between HR
involvement and employee performance but there is no
influence of merit-based payment on firm’s agility. This study
highlights the importance of effective HR management in
promoting employee performance efficiency and ultimately
contributing to the success of the firm. Notably, this study
focuses solely on three prevalent HR factors of influence.
Introducing additional HR factors could potentially yield
significantly different outcomes, an avenue for future
Generally cumulative grade point average is the most popular educational grading
system in Bangladesh. Based on that this study focused on three major factors
affecting the academic performance of students at the tertiary level. The main
purpose of this study is to find the significant relationship of financial issues,
social issues, and political issues with students’ academic performance. The
analysis was conducted by 429 respondents from several public and private
universities in Bangladesh. The questionnaire had two sections consisting of
personal information and academic performance, and another section carried
questions on financial, social, and political issues that might have an impact on
academic performance. For making an empirical analysis, the questions were
asked using a scale of five-point Likert scale. Using Smart PLS version 3.0, the
analysis has tested the hypotheses and draw the regression line for the respective
outcome. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a
significant relationship between financial and social issues with academic
performance but the relationship between political issues and academic
performance was insignificant.
for the success of any firm, and this performance is affected by
factors such as HR analytics, merit-based payment, and HR
involvement. The study focuses on the pharmaceutical industry
in Bangladesh and aims to examine the impact of these factors
on employee performance efficiency. The study uses a
structured questionnaire to collect data from 119 responses and
analyzes the data using Smart PLS version 3.3.3. The results
suggest that HR analytics, merit-based payment, and HR
involvement significantly impact employee performance
efficiency. Additionally, this research discovers that the agility
of a firm acts as a mediator in the connection between HR
analytics and employee performance, as well as between HR
involvement and employee performance but there is no
influence of merit-based payment on firm’s agility. This study
highlights the importance of effective HR management in
promoting employee performance efficiency and ultimately
contributing to the success of the firm. Notably, this study
focuses solely on three prevalent HR factors of influence.
Introducing additional HR factors could potentially yield
significantly different outcomes, an avenue for future
Generally cumulative grade point average is the most popular educational grading
system in Bangladesh. Based on that this study focused on three major factors
affecting the academic performance of students at the tertiary level. The main
purpose of this study is to find the significant relationship of financial issues,
social issues, and political issues with students’ academic performance. The
analysis was conducted by 429 respondents from several public and private
universities in Bangladesh. The questionnaire had two sections consisting of
personal information and academic performance, and another section carried
questions on financial, social, and political issues that might have an impact on
academic performance. For making an empirical analysis, the questions were
asked using a scale of five-point Likert scale. Using Smart PLS version 3.0, the
analysis has tested the hypotheses and draw the regression line for the respective
outcome. Based on the results of the study, it can be concluded that there is a
significant relationship between financial and social issues with academic
performance but the relationship between political issues and academic
performance was insignificant.