Papers by Nihan Mus
Gazi University Journal of Science Part C: Design and Technology, 2023
It can be ensured that disabled individuals can continue their lives without the need for any ass... more It can be ensured that disabled individuals can continue their lives without the need for any assistance with suitable solutions and appropriate equipment designs. Arrangements to be made are necessary to increase the living comfort of disabled individuals rather than legal obligations. In this study, a project is proposed for wheelchair users. The objectives of the study are to provide the necessary environment for dressing, working, and socializing on a minimum scale for people with walking disabilities; to design and develop a working unit and modules that will meet the needs of disabled people who work from home; to produce affordable furniture with service and warranty. In the furniture sector, which is one of the largest sectors in our country, there are not many products for the disabled to make their lives easier. With this study, it is aimed to fill the gap in the field and to fulfill social responsibility, to integrate individuals with walking disabilities into society, and to add quality to their lives. The aim of this project is to create a living space concept for people with walking disabilities. The project developed for this purpose consists of a dressing cabinet, a desk with movable storage, and a unit integrated with it, which will meet small storage needs and can be used as a service table. At the beginning of the project, previous research and projects for disabled individuals were examined in detail and a compact and multifunctional product was desired. The final product includes many functions, can meet the targeted needs, and can be easily used by wheelchair users.
DergiPark (Istanbul University), Jun 30, 2020
Hayatlarımızın mütemadiyen bir yerden bir yere sürüklendiği günümüz küresel çağında mekânlar geçi... more Hayatlarımızın mütemadiyen bir yerden bir yere sürüklendiği günümüz küresel çağında mekânlar geçici olarak tüketilmektedir. Kurulan kısa süreli ilişkilerde bu mekânlarla bağ kurmak da oldukça zor olmaktadır. Hiçbir bağ kurulamayan, aidiyet duygusunun eksik olduğu bu mekânları tanımlamak adına birçok düşünür kafa yormuştur. Bu makale kapsamında bu konuda yapılan çalışmalardan literatürde en çok yer edinen çalışmalar olan, Foucault-Des Espace Autres (Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias-Diğer Alanlar: Ütopyalar ve Heterotopyalar), Relph-Place and Placelessness (Yer ve Yersizlik), Augé-Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity (Yer Olmayan: Süpermodernite Antropolojisine Giriş) ve Koolhaas-Junkspace (Atıkmekân) ele alınmıştır. Öncelikli olarak ele alınan bu çalışmalar detaylıca incelenmiş, daha sonrasında ise tüm terimler birbirleri ile kıyaslanmıştır. Tüm terimlere üst ölçekten bakmak adına ise bu makale kapsamında ortak bir terim geliştirilmiş ve tüm bu mekânlar Gri Mekânlar olarak tanımlanmıştır.
Iconarp International J. of Architecture and Planning, 2020
This study is mainly influenced by the idea of Manfredo Tafuri that architecture cannot fulfil it... more This study is mainly influenced by the idea of Manfredo Tafuri that architecture cannot fulfil its ideological task since it started serving capitalism and there are no more utopias. In his book Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist Development, Tafuri discusses the sociophilosophical tangle in which architects have been struggling since the 18th century. According to Tafuri, the drama of today's architecture is the obligation to return to pure architecture, a matter of form without utopia, supreme uselessness. Another influence on the study is Richard Sennett's book The Corrosion of Character. Sennett mentions the concept of flexible capitalism and explains that work life is not as rigid as it was before. According to Sennett, flexibility has an impact on personal character and asks questions about how to decide the lasting value of we in an impatient society, how to pursue a long-term goal in a short-term economy, how to sustain loyalties to the continually redesigning institutions. Purpose The thoughts of Tafuri and Sennett are discussed through Patrik Schumacher's Parametricism manifesto. In the manifesto, Schumacher reflects architecture's evolving patterns of communication in relation to its social task. The main objective of the study is to propose a future space based on the ideas of Tafuri, Sennett and Schumacher. Design/Methodology/Approach This paper discusses the reviews of books of Tafuri and Sennett and manifesto of Schumacher as a methodology. Findings After the reviews of The Corrosion of Character and Architecture and Utopia, there is a discussion of flexible space through parametric design approach. Finally, there is the prediction of future space based on the findings in the previous sections. Research Limitations/Implications There are no research limitations for this paper. Social/Practical Implications According to this paper, parametric design method can be used in practice to achieve the spaces that are needed by the complex society of global era. Originality/Value This paper synthesizes the ideas of two great thinkers, who have influential discourses on architecture and business world, and approaches them from the perspective of parametric design as one of today's design tools, to make predictions about the future space.
Kare, 2020
In the global age of today, while our lives are constantly dragged from one place to another, we ... more In the global age of today, while our lives are constantly dragged from one place to another, we consume places temporarily. It is also difficult to establish a connection with these places during short-term relationships. Many thinkers have pondered to describe these places where there is no attachment and where the sense of belonging is lacking. Within the scope of this article, the studies of Foucault – Des Espace Autres (Of Other Spaces: Utopias and Heterotopias), Relph – Place and Placelessness, Augé – Non-Places: Introduction to an Anthropology of Supermodernity and Koolhaas – Junkspace are discussed, which take the most place in the literature. First, these studies were examined in detail, and then all terms were compared with each other. In order to speak of the terms from a general view, a common term has been developed within the scope of this article and all these spaces have been defined as Grey Spaces.
Megaron, 2021
After capitalism, the emergence of factories separated home and work from each other. In the earl... more After capitalism, the emergence of factories separated home and work from each other. In the early years of capitalism, the workspace was the production space where business used material labour extensively. In the following years, a new workforce -immaterial labour- has emerged with the increase in paperwork and the replacement of human labour with machines in mass production. The workspace of this new workforce has no longer been the production site. Thus, the office has emerged to meet the needs of this workforce. Offices, the workspace of immaterial labour, have evolved in various ways since the early 1900s. As a result of mobility that emerged with glo- balization, people started to use not only offices but also various places (cafes, airports etc.) as workspaces and the concept of office has become even more flexible. Starting from the mobile era of today, how is the workspace going to be in the future? Is there going to be a workspace called ‘the office’? With reference to these questions, the present study focuses on the evolution of office space to draw a perspective on the changes over years. Firstly, the emergence of workspace is mentioned, which is closely tied to capitalist production. Afterwards, the evolution of workspace is analysed historically, and it is visualized with the help of movies and tv series that include office spaces. In addition, future scenario based movies and tv series are examined to create a view about future lifestyle and work life. Finally, there are recommendations for future office spaces that may respond to the needs of flexible and mobile workers.
Iconarp, 2020
This study is mainly influenced by the idea of Manfredo Tafuri that architecture cannot fulfil it... more This study is mainly influenced by the idea of Manfredo Tafuri that architecture cannot fulfil its ideological task since it started serving capitalism and there are no more utopias. In his book Architecture and Utopia: Design and Capitalist Development, Tafuri discusses the sociophilosophical tangle in which architects have been struggling since the 18th century. According to Tafuri, the drama of today's architecture is the obligation to return to pure architecture, a matter of form without utopia, supreme uselessness. Another influence on the study is Richard Sennett's book The Corrosion of Character. Sennett mentions the concept of flexible capitalism and explains that work life is not as rigid as it was before. According to Sennett, flexibility has an impact on personal character and asks questions about how to decide the lasting value of we in an impatient society, how to pursue a long-term goal in a short-term economy, how to sustain loyalties to the continually redesigning institutions.
The thoughts of Tafuri and Sennett are discussed through Patrik Schumacher's Parametricism manifesto. In the manifesto, Schumacher reflects architecture's evolving patterns of communication in relation to its social task. The main objective of the study is to propose a future space based on the ideas of Tafuri, Sennett and Schumacher.
This paper synthesizes the ideas of two great thinkers, who have influential discourses on architecture and business world, and approaches them from the perspective of parametric design as one of today's design tools, to make predictions about the future space.
Conference Presentations by Nihan Mus
Human and society cannot be considered independently of culture. Culture defines the way we behav... more Human and society cannot be considered independently of culture. Culture defines the way we behave, and live. It is inevitable to see the effect of our culture on our living spaces. As the primary living space, house reflects our way of living. How we use the house, how we furnish it, how we socialize in it, and even whether we take off our shoes when entering depends on our culture.
The objective of this study is to understand the bond between housing and social structures and to find the cultural elements that reveal housing architecture. This study focuses on how people reflect their culture to their living space, whether the culture identifies the space, how habitus influences the spatial structure. It is planned to reveal the relationship between habitus of the user and his/her living space. Since the natives of Kayseri has strong culture, they are the target group of this research. Based on the hypothesis that habitus affects our whole way of thinking and life, so that it has a direct effect on the housing culture, the study aims to explore whether there is a housing culture of the natives, and if there is, what are the characteristics of it.
What is the relationship between habitus of natives of Kayseri and their housing culture and how they organize and represent their living space according to their habitus, which has social, economic, and political dimensions? This study, which seeks answer to this research question, is based on Bourdieu's concept of habitus and it is concerned on the consumption preferences of the natives of Kayseri to understanding their housing culture.
This interdisciplinary study uses different approaches and methods of architecture and sociology and combine them to understand, explain and analyse hosing culture from a holistic perspective. The study has two major aims: first, to highlight the spatial aspects of the morphology of the houses and determine how far there is any relationship between the spatial configuration and its variations and render explicit the “genotypic” properties. Secondly, to offer some theoretical interpretations of the social implications of “genotypic” properties in the light of the available data. If the spatial form of the house and the way it is used is in some sense a product of the society, then it ought to be possible to detect the evidence of this relationship in the house. Finally, the study intends to create a parametric ruleset to define the characteristics of housing structures for people from different habitus. Based on the cultural factors and habitus, this ruleset aims to provide information for future designs that will generate solutions on the needs.
With the help of both qualitative and quantitative data, mixed methodology is used to achieve this research. Different techniques (in-depth interviews, photography, sketches etc.) will help the study to explore lifestyles, to understand how culture affects lifestyles and tastes, how habitus effects our choices.
Engelli, özürlü ve sakat kavramları gündelik hayatta çeşitli nedenlerle, kişilerin çeşitli duruml... more Engelli, özürlü ve sakat kavramları gündelik hayatta çeşitli nedenlerle, kişilerin çeşitli durumları için bilinçli ya da bilinçsiz kullanılan kavramlardır. Aslında tüm bireyler hayatları boyunca hiçbir zaman tamamen ve fiziksel olarak yeterli olamazlar. Her insan hayatında dönem dönem hamilelik, bacak kırılması, çocuk olma, çocuk arabasıyla dolaşma vb. süreçler sebebiyle bazı kısıtlılıklar yaşamaktadır. Tüm hayatı boyunca pek az insan sağlıklı ve özürsüzdür. Aksi birçok durumda, (ör. yaşlı olma) zaman zaman çevreye uyum sıkıntısı çekmektedir. Engelli bireylerin yapabileceği eylemler engel durumuna göre değişkenlik göstermektedir. Bu eylemlere göre geliştirilebilecek çözüm önerileri ve engellilere uygun donatı tasarımları ile engelli bireylerin herhangi bir yardıma ihtiyaç duymadan yaşamlarını sürdürebilmeleri sağlanabilir. Bu çözüm önerilerini geliştirmek yasal zorunluluktan ziyade, engelli bireylerin yaşam konforunu, dolayısıyla yaşam kalitesini arttırabilmek için gereklidir.
Bu çalışmada tekerlekli sandalye kullanan engelliler için iç mekân düzenlemesine dair bir proje önerilmektedir. Projenin amacı yürüme engelli bireylere yönelik sosyal sorumluluğun yerine getirilmesi, onların topluma kazandırılması ve yaşamlarına kalite katılmasıdır. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın ana hedefleri yürüme engellilerin asgari ölçekte giyinme, çalışma ve sosyalleşmesi için gerekli ortamın sağlanması; evden çalışmakta olan engelli bireylerin ihtiyaçlarına kolaylıkla erişebilmelerini sağlayacak bir çalışma ünitesi ve modüllerin tasarlanması ve geliştirilmesi; bu mobilyaların ulaşılabilir fiyatlarda seri üretimden çıkmış, servis ve parça garantisi bulunacak nitelikte olmasıdır.
Proje, ev ortamında çalışmakta olan engelli bireylerin ihtiyaçlarına kolaylıkla erişebilmelerini sağlayacak şekilde bir çalışma ünitesi ve buna bağlı modüllerin tasarlanması ve geliştirilmesine odaklanmıştır. Türkiye’yi temsilen gerçekleştirilen Engelliler İçin Erişilebilirlik Algısı araştırmasının örneklemi projenin geliştirilmesinde destekleyici veriler sağlamıştır. Proje geliştirme aşamaları literatür araştırması, pazar araştırması, tasarım süreci ve prototip yapımı sırasıyla ilerlemiştir.
Sürecin tüm aşamalarında elde edilen veriler, projenin başarılı bir şekilde ilerlemesine katkıda bulunmuştur. Engelli mobilya üretimindeki eksiklik neticesinde geliştirilen bu proje ile yürüme engelli bireylerin, çalışma, dinlenme, giyinme vb. birçok ihtiyacını aynı anda karşılamak mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu çalışma ile engellilere yönelik ünitelerin geliştirilmesi sayesinde mekânın daha verimli kullanılmasına ve mekânsal konfora olumlu katkılar sağlanmaktadır. Ana hedef olan tekerlekli sandalye kullanıcılarının ekonomik olarak kolay erişebileceği bir ürün ortaya koymuş olan bu proje sayesinde mobilya sektörüne örnek olmak ve yapılacak birçok tasarımın önünü açmak hedeflenmektedir.
A big earthquake is expected in İstanbul for a while by the experts. Taking measures to reduce th... more A big earthquake is expected in İstanbul for a while by the experts. Taking measures to reduce the destructive effects of this earthquake is a priority today. The most important factor that endanger human life during an earthquake is the collapse of buildings. It is known that most of the crushes are the result of furniture overturning. Systems to prevent crush injury and crush syndrome during collapse can save lives. For this reason, integrating a space for life aimed at self-rescue into furniture designs prevents possible dangers. Furniture that can turn into a rescue space during an earthquake, while it is an interior element in daily life, is an essential precaution taken for possible dangers.
Likewise, temporary shelters for victims who become homeless after an earthquake is necessary to manage the post-earthquake crisis. In this context, the transformation of diverse street elements into shelters after the earthquake alleviate the effects of the disaster.
In this study, the outputs of a course in Abdullah Gül University Architecture Department: Experimental Design Studio will be explained. The theme of the course for fall term of 2022 was designing furniture that can be used as a shelter during and after an earthquake. The course consists of two main parts; in the first part, students were expected to do research on the subject and to produce conceptual projects based on the determined concepts. The concepts are (1) systems integrated into office furniture, (2) systems integrated into home furniture, (3) systems integrated into transformable furniture and (4) emergency shelters. In the second stage, the students proceeded the concept projects or generated a new scenario. At the end of the project, they were asked to make a prototype model. In this context, the final projects are divided into two as shelter suggestions during the earthquake and after the earthquake.
The daily function of each project and how it turns into a shelter will be explained with necessary visuals. And then, all the projects will be discussed through specific design principles especially producibility and innovativeness.
IV. Kentsel Morfoloji Sempozyumu Bildiriler Kitabı, 2023
Kayseri kenti, geçmişten günümüze kadar ticaret yollarının üzerinde şekillenmiş bir kent olarak, ... more Kayseri kenti, geçmişten günümüze kadar ticaret yollarının üzerinde şekillenmiş bir kent olarak, kuzey-güney aksında doğal eşiklere sahip olduğu için, doğu-batı aksında yayılım göstermiştir. Kentin geçmişi yaklaşık 6000 yıl öncesine dayanmaktadır. Merkez konumundaki Dış Kale ise 1500 yıldır yerleşilen bir alan olarak, birçok topluma ev sahipliği yapmıştır. Şehrin kalesi, günümüze kadar gelen eski varlığı ve sonradan yapılan ekleriyle iki kısımdan ibarettir. Biri, günümüzde fiziksel süreksizliğe uğramış dış şehir sur ve burçlarından oluşan Dış Kale, diğeri ise İç Kale denilen, uzunluğu doğu-batı yönünde yer alan ve bugün hala surlarının büyük oranda fiziksel olarak sürekliliği bulunan kısımdır. İç Kale Orta Çağ'dan günümüze kadar askeri, konut, ticaret, sosyokültürel alan olarak çeşitli işlevleri barındırmıştır. Bu çalışmada, Kayseri kentinin önemli bir askerimimari yapısı olan Dış Kale'nin fiziksel sınırı çalışma sınırı alınmak suretiyle geçmişten günümüze kadarki tarihsel süreçte uğramış olduğu morfolojik ve fonksiyonel değişimlerin incelenmesi ve bu değişimlerin çeşitli temsil araçları ile ortaya konulması hedeflenmiştir. Geçmişten günümüze kadarki süreç iki ana aşamada incelenmiştir. 20. Yüzyıl kentleşme dinamikleri ve planlama anlayışı
Proceedings by Nihan Mus
International Conference on Istanbul and Earthquake, İstanbul, Turkey, 2023
Papers by Nihan Mus
The thoughts of Tafuri and Sennett are discussed through Patrik Schumacher's Parametricism manifesto. In the manifesto, Schumacher reflects architecture's evolving patterns of communication in relation to its social task. The main objective of the study is to propose a future space based on the ideas of Tafuri, Sennett and Schumacher.
This paper synthesizes the ideas of two great thinkers, who have influential discourses on architecture and business world, and approaches them from the perspective of parametric design as one of today's design tools, to make predictions about the future space.
Conference Presentations by Nihan Mus
The objective of this study is to understand the bond between housing and social structures and to find the cultural elements that reveal housing architecture. This study focuses on how people reflect their culture to their living space, whether the culture identifies the space, how habitus influences the spatial structure. It is planned to reveal the relationship between habitus of the user and his/her living space. Since the natives of Kayseri has strong culture, they are the target group of this research. Based on the hypothesis that habitus affects our whole way of thinking and life, so that it has a direct effect on the housing culture, the study aims to explore whether there is a housing culture of the natives, and if there is, what are the characteristics of it.
What is the relationship between habitus of natives of Kayseri and their housing culture and how they organize and represent their living space according to their habitus, which has social, economic, and political dimensions? This study, which seeks answer to this research question, is based on Bourdieu's concept of habitus and it is concerned on the consumption preferences of the natives of Kayseri to understanding their housing culture.
This interdisciplinary study uses different approaches and methods of architecture and sociology and combine them to understand, explain and analyse hosing culture from a holistic perspective. The study has two major aims: first, to highlight the spatial aspects of the morphology of the houses and determine how far there is any relationship between the spatial configuration and its variations and render explicit the “genotypic” properties. Secondly, to offer some theoretical interpretations of the social implications of “genotypic” properties in the light of the available data. If the spatial form of the house and the way it is used is in some sense a product of the society, then it ought to be possible to detect the evidence of this relationship in the house. Finally, the study intends to create a parametric ruleset to define the characteristics of housing structures for people from different habitus. Based on the cultural factors and habitus, this ruleset aims to provide information for future designs that will generate solutions on the needs.
With the help of both qualitative and quantitative data, mixed methodology is used to achieve this research. Different techniques (in-depth interviews, photography, sketches etc.) will help the study to explore lifestyles, to understand how culture affects lifestyles and tastes, how habitus effects our choices.
Bu çalışmada tekerlekli sandalye kullanan engelliler için iç mekân düzenlemesine dair bir proje önerilmektedir. Projenin amacı yürüme engelli bireylere yönelik sosyal sorumluluğun yerine getirilmesi, onların topluma kazandırılması ve yaşamlarına kalite katılmasıdır. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın ana hedefleri yürüme engellilerin asgari ölçekte giyinme, çalışma ve sosyalleşmesi için gerekli ortamın sağlanması; evden çalışmakta olan engelli bireylerin ihtiyaçlarına kolaylıkla erişebilmelerini sağlayacak bir çalışma ünitesi ve modüllerin tasarlanması ve geliştirilmesi; bu mobilyaların ulaşılabilir fiyatlarda seri üretimden çıkmış, servis ve parça garantisi bulunacak nitelikte olmasıdır.
Proje, ev ortamında çalışmakta olan engelli bireylerin ihtiyaçlarına kolaylıkla erişebilmelerini sağlayacak şekilde bir çalışma ünitesi ve buna bağlı modüllerin tasarlanması ve geliştirilmesine odaklanmıştır. Türkiye’yi temsilen gerçekleştirilen Engelliler İçin Erişilebilirlik Algısı araştırmasının örneklemi projenin geliştirilmesinde destekleyici veriler sağlamıştır. Proje geliştirme aşamaları literatür araştırması, pazar araştırması, tasarım süreci ve prototip yapımı sırasıyla ilerlemiştir.
Sürecin tüm aşamalarında elde edilen veriler, projenin başarılı bir şekilde ilerlemesine katkıda bulunmuştur. Engelli mobilya üretimindeki eksiklik neticesinde geliştirilen bu proje ile yürüme engelli bireylerin, çalışma, dinlenme, giyinme vb. birçok ihtiyacını aynı anda karşılamak mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu çalışma ile engellilere yönelik ünitelerin geliştirilmesi sayesinde mekânın daha verimli kullanılmasına ve mekânsal konfora olumlu katkılar sağlanmaktadır. Ana hedef olan tekerlekli sandalye kullanıcılarının ekonomik olarak kolay erişebileceği bir ürün ortaya koymuş olan bu proje sayesinde mobilya sektörüne örnek olmak ve yapılacak birçok tasarımın önünü açmak hedeflenmektedir.
Likewise, temporary shelters for victims who become homeless after an earthquake is necessary to manage the post-earthquake crisis. In this context, the transformation of diverse street elements into shelters after the earthquake alleviate the effects of the disaster.
In this study, the outputs of a course in Abdullah Gül University Architecture Department: Experimental Design Studio will be explained. The theme of the course for fall term of 2022 was designing furniture that can be used as a shelter during and after an earthquake. The course consists of two main parts; in the first part, students were expected to do research on the subject and to produce conceptual projects based on the determined concepts. The concepts are (1) systems integrated into office furniture, (2) systems integrated into home furniture, (3) systems integrated into transformable furniture and (4) emergency shelters. In the second stage, the students proceeded the concept projects or generated a new scenario. At the end of the project, they were asked to make a prototype model. In this context, the final projects are divided into two as shelter suggestions during the earthquake and after the earthquake.
The daily function of each project and how it turns into a shelter will be explained with necessary visuals. And then, all the projects will be discussed through specific design principles especially producibility and innovativeness.
Proceedings by Nihan Mus
The thoughts of Tafuri and Sennett are discussed through Patrik Schumacher's Parametricism manifesto. In the manifesto, Schumacher reflects architecture's evolving patterns of communication in relation to its social task. The main objective of the study is to propose a future space based on the ideas of Tafuri, Sennett and Schumacher.
This paper synthesizes the ideas of two great thinkers, who have influential discourses on architecture and business world, and approaches them from the perspective of parametric design as one of today's design tools, to make predictions about the future space.
The objective of this study is to understand the bond between housing and social structures and to find the cultural elements that reveal housing architecture. This study focuses on how people reflect their culture to their living space, whether the culture identifies the space, how habitus influences the spatial structure. It is planned to reveal the relationship between habitus of the user and his/her living space. Since the natives of Kayseri has strong culture, they are the target group of this research. Based on the hypothesis that habitus affects our whole way of thinking and life, so that it has a direct effect on the housing culture, the study aims to explore whether there is a housing culture of the natives, and if there is, what are the characteristics of it.
What is the relationship between habitus of natives of Kayseri and their housing culture and how they organize and represent their living space according to their habitus, which has social, economic, and political dimensions? This study, which seeks answer to this research question, is based on Bourdieu's concept of habitus and it is concerned on the consumption preferences of the natives of Kayseri to understanding their housing culture.
This interdisciplinary study uses different approaches and methods of architecture and sociology and combine them to understand, explain and analyse hosing culture from a holistic perspective. The study has two major aims: first, to highlight the spatial aspects of the morphology of the houses and determine how far there is any relationship between the spatial configuration and its variations and render explicit the “genotypic” properties. Secondly, to offer some theoretical interpretations of the social implications of “genotypic” properties in the light of the available data. If the spatial form of the house and the way it is used is in some sense a product of the society, then it ought to be possible to detect the evidence of this relationship in the house. Finally, the study intends to create a parametric ruleset to define the characteristics of housing structures for people from different habitus. Based on the cultural factors and habitus, this ruleset aims to provide information for future designs that will generate solutions on the needs.
With the help of both qualitative and quantitative data, mixed methodology is used to achieve this research. Different techniques (in-depth interviews, photography, sketches etc.) will help the study to explore lifestyles, to understand how culture affects lifestyles and tastes, how habitus effects our choices.
Bu çalışmada tekerlekli sandalye kullanan engelliler için iç mekân düzenlemesine dair bir proje önerilmektedir. Projenin amacı yürüme engelli bireylere yönelik sosyal sorumluluğun yerine getirilmesi, onların topluma kazandırılması ve yaşamlarına kalite katılmasıdır. Bu kapsamda çalışmanın ana hedefleri yürüme engellilerin asgari ölçekte giyinme, çalışma ve sosyalleşmesi için gerekli ortamın sağlanması; evden çalışmakta olan engelli bireylerin ihtiyaçlarına kolaylıkla erişebilmelerini sağlayacak bir çalışma ünitesi ve modüllerin tasarlanması ve geliştirilmesi; bu mobilyaların ulaşılabilir fiyatlarda seri üretimden çıkmış, servis ve parça garantisi bulunacak nitelikte olmasıdır.
Proje, ev ortamında çalışmakta olan engelli bireylerin ihtiyaçlarına kolaylıkla erişebilmelerini sağlayacak şekilde bir çalışma ünitesi ve buna bağlı modüllerin tasarlanması ve geliştirilmesine odaklanmıştır. Türkiye’yi temsilen gerçekleştirilen Engelliler İçin Erişilebilirlik Algısı araştırmasının örneklemi projenin geliştirilmesinde destekleyici veriler sağlamıştır. Proje geliştirme aşamaları literatür araştırması, pazar araştırması, tasarım süreci ve prototip yapımı sırasıyla ilerlemiştir.
Sürecin tüm aşamalarında elde edilen veriler, projenin başarılı bir şekilde ilerlemesine katkıda bulunmuştur. Engelli mobilya üretimindeki eksiklik neticesinde geliştirilen bu proje ile yürüme engelli bireylerin, çalışma, dinlenme, giyinme vb. birçok ihtiyacını aynı anda karşılamak mümkün olabilmektedir. Bu çalışma ile engellilere yönelik ünitelerin geliştirilmesi sayesinde mekânın daha verimli kullanılmasına ve mekânsal konfora olumlu katkılar sağlanmaktadır. Ana hedef olan tekerlekli sandalye kullanıcılarının ekonomik olarak kolay erişebileceği bir ürün ortaya koymuş olan bu proje sayesinde mobilya sektörüne örnek olmak ve yapılacak birçok tasarımın önünü açmak hedeflenmektedir.
Likewise, temporary shelters for victims who become homeless after an earthquake is necessary to manage the post-earthquake crisis. In this context, the transformation of diverse street elements into shelters after the earthquake alleviate the effects of the disaster.
In this study, the outputs of a course in Abdullah Gül University Architecture Department: Experimental Design Studio will be explained. The theme of the course for fall term of 2022 was designing furniture that can be used as a shelter during and after an earthquake. The course consists of two main parts; in the first part, students were expected to do research on the subject and to produce conceptual projects based on the determined concepts. The concepts are (1) systems integrated into office furniture, (2) systems integrated into home furniture, (3) systems integrated into transformable furniture and (4) emergency shelters. In the second stage, the students proceeded the concept projects or generated a new scenario. At the end of the project, they were asked to make a prototype model. In this context, the final projects are divided into two as shelter suggestions during the earthquake and after the earthquake.
The daily function of each project and how it turns into a shelter will be explained with necessary visuals. And then, all the projects will be discussed through specific design principles especially producibility and innovativeness.