Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021
Osmanlı Devleti, zaman içerisinde giderek güç kaybetmiş ve bu kayba paralel olarak da her alanda ... more Osmanlı Devleti, zaman içerisinde giderek güç kaybetmiş ve bu kayba paralel olarak da her alanda her şeyin kontrolünü yabancılara kaptırmış bir devlet hâline gelmiştir. Bu alanlardan bir tanesi de deniz yolu nakliyatı ve taşımacılığıdır. Yaşanan savaşlar ve bu savaşlarda güvenliğin sağlanamaması nedeniyle birçok vasıtanın kaybedildiği görülmektedir. Bu kayıpların fazlalığı ve içinde bulunulan ekonomik sıkıntılar sebebiyle devlet bu alandaki yetkilerini özel şahıslara ve özellikle de gayrimüslimlere kaptırmıştır. Dış destekli olan gayrimüslimler de millî olmaktan uzak hain plan ve stratejilere yönelmiştir. Özellikle savaş yıllarında ihtiyaç duyulan bu alanda devlete türlü bahanelerle destek olunmamış, âdeta aleyhte birtakım çalışmalara girişmişlerdir. Genel olarak da nakliyenin uzun sürelere yayılması sağlanarak zararın artmasına yol açmıştır. Bu durum devletin yıkılışına kadar devam etmiştir. Yeni kurulan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti de bu durumdan olumsuz yönde etkilenmiş ve bir süre mevcut...
Türkiye'de Darülfünundan Üniversiteye Geçiş Süreci ve 1933 Üniversite Kanunu Sonrası Yükseköğreti... more Türkiye'de Darülfünundan Üniversiteye Geçiş Süreci ve 1933 Üniversite Kanunu Sonrası Yükseköğretimdeki Gelişmeler [2223] üniversiteler, dönem dönem siyasi elitlerin yönetme ve yönlendirme çabaları ile ülkenin siyasal gündeminde önemli yer edinmiştir.
27 Mayis 1960 Askeri darbesi sonrasinda; darbenin kaotik zeminini olusturmada onemli bir aksiyone... more 27 Mayis 1960 Askeri darbesi sonrasinda; darbenin kaotik zeminini olusturmada onemli bir aksiyoner guc olarak ortaya cikan, ulke gundemine mudahil olmak isteyen ve hemen her konuda fikirlerini kamuoyu ile paylasan universite ogrencileri arasinda, 1961 Anayasasi’nin sagladigi fikir ve orgutlenme ozgurlugu nedeniyle sosyalist dusunce yayginlasmaya basladi. Anayasal guvence semsiyesi altinda hizli bir orgutlenme faaliyetleri basladi. 1965 yilindan itibaren ulkede artan ABD karsitligi ve sosyalizm sempatizanligi 1968 yilinda zirveye ulasir. Basta Fransa olmak uzere Avrupa’daki cesitli universitelerde hemen hemen eszamanli baslayan hareketlerden farkli olarak Turkiye’deki olaylarin ilk baslangic noktasini, mevcut universite sisteminden duyulan hosnutsuzluk olustur. Ancak kisa sure sonra, egitim sistemindeki aksakliklarin giderilmesi yonunde kendilerine verilen sozlerin tutulmamasi nedeniyle ogrenciler, ilk once universite ve ulke yonetim anlayisini, daha sonra da ulke idari sistemini sor...
Diyalektolog - Ulusal Hakemlin Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi, 2021
Following the Second World War, the world became bipolar, and a cold war began between the USA an... more Following the Second World War, the world became bipolar, and a cold war began between the USA and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The whole world was affected by the fierce competition, which was directed by two centers with different rival ideologies and included activities to expand their spheres of influence. Especially in the countries that participated in the Western Bloc, the establishment and strengthening of many organizations were supported by the Warsaw Pact in order to increase the sympathy of the people for socialism and to influence the country administrations, and it was tried to gain effectiveness by causing chaos in these countries. Therefore, in different countries, many simultaneous marginal movements with similar activities emerged. Likewise, similar movements were observed in different socialist countries, despite being very few. In these movements in foreign countries, which created a model for the organizational structures and activities in Turkey, the left-wing organizations in these foreign countries were taken as models especially in the first establishment, intellectual development, determination of the movement style and organization schemes of the first marginal left-wing organizations that emerged in Turkey after the 1960s.
field of education more than any nation, the formal and informal forces concentrating on the same... more field of education more than any nation, the formal and informal forces concentrating on the same objective in our country, whose material and spiritual means are unfortunately very inadequate, may reveal the value of the necessity of this situation. Now, it is our duty, more than any other nation, to dismantle the roots of the institutions that have gone down in history and penetrated the deepest layers of society, and to root the principles of the republic and revolution as sacred pillars of faith that dominate all souls and ideas. The principles of our party are Republicanism, nationalism, populism, statism, secularism, and revolutionism. For these basic and main principles to gain dominance and become eternal, educating citizens who embrace these principles, raising our national character to the level Turkish history inspired, promoting fine arts, and strengthening our national culture, and scientific movements and activities are designated and indicated as important means in our program. All these indications and means aim to train generations to take back the long years lost by the Turkish nation on the way to civilization through brave, venturous and tireless moves, and to re-establish the Turkish nation's honor in the field of civilization with its natural virtues and abilities. People's Houses aim to become gathering and unifying places for idealistic citizens who will work for this cause" (CHP Halkevleri Talimatnamesi, 1932:3).
The third part of the book was studied under seven main headings with the 1980 period, which is c... more The third part of the book was studied under seven main headings with the 1980 period, which is considered to be the recent period of Turkish history, but on which only scattered and anecdotal information was available. In this section, both the ideological orientation of the coup and the ideological institutions it created are analyzed in detail. The establishment of a new economic order in accordance with the economic framework determined by the January 24 decisions is analyzed simultaneously with the formation of a political structure under the direction of the National Security Council. 1980 military coup following the emergence of new political parties and movements, Turkey's relationship with the authentic traditions while examining the historical features put forward new political movement. The intertwining of liberal consent mechanisms and the policies of intense political repression, on which militarism and nationalism constitute the main ground, are the points that this section particularly deals with. The 1990s, on the other hand, are being studied to show how a revised upper form of militarism and nationalism in the face of the Kurdish question produced a strict response to all democratic rights and demands by establishing a refusal front. Kurdish issue in Turkey, where historical extend my shape how the politics, the rise of political Islam, the economic crisis and how it affects social life conflictive political environment in which it addresses in particular stands out as the title of this section. In particular, this chapter analyzes comprehensively how the political center became subordinate to nationalism rather than attracting it to the center of nationalism. The section dating from the 1980s to the present, defines itself with the victimization of being excluded from the political sphere and draws power over this discourse of oppression, on the other hand, it deals with the period of power of a political tradition that reshapes the role of the carriers of the political demands of the environment to the center according to the demands of the international capitalist system. It carefully examines the historical roots of power and the points it transforms itself, as well as the roles and transformations of the opposition movements in this power structure. It is necessary to draw attention to some points that need to be stated about the editing of the text. As we mentioned above, in addition to the decisive titles such as coup, militarism, left, nationalism, the Kurdish issue and political Islam, which almost define each chapter of the book separately, the book also includes the political, economic, social and cultural transformations and important thresholds that took place bIVetween 1980 and 2000. Particular attention is paid to historical turning points during which various institutions, debates or conflicts have occurred; the sides of the events, prominent actors take their places on the stage to complete the picture. Newspaper, magazine archives, daily newspapers, memories, corporate histories and researches that can clarify the details of the period are included in the text as boxes and constitute a reference that can be read separately.
Turgut Özal was born in Malatya as the first male child of Mehmet Sıddık, an officer at Ziraat Ba... more Turgut Özal was born in Malatya as the first male child of Mehmet Sıddık, an officer at Ziraat Bank, and Hafize Hanım, a primary school teacher, on 13 October 1927. Mehmet Sıddık, who started his civil service in Malatya, took his family to these cities as he later served in Bilecik, Silifke and Mardin (Çölaşan, 2008: 19). Turgut Özal, who started his primary education in Söğüt district of Bilecik, completed secondary school in Mardin as his family moved to Silifke and Mardin, respectively. However, due to the fact that there was no high school to continue his education in Mardin and the financial situation of the family, he started high school education in Konya High School as a boarding student. Due to the fact that his brother Korkut Özal would also start high school, the family, which had more financial difficulties, brought the two siblings together at Kayseri High School, and Turgut Özal completed his secondary education in Kayseri High School in 1945.
Terrorism aims to shake, wear out and take down the administration of a country politically, soci... more Terrorism aims to shake, wear out and take down the administration of a country politically, socially and economically by putting fear in the hearts of its citizens. Turkey has been systematically exposed to destructive and separatist terrorist activities as of 1960s. Particularly the left-wing terrorist activities obsessively living on ideological sources such as DHKP-C still continue even though their intensity, dimensions and tactics change from time to time. The left-wing terrorist organizations which have regarded the liberal freedoms brought along by the Constitution of 1961 as an opportunity to spread their ideologies have brought the left-wing protest movements rising in the world due to the effect of cold war to Turkey. Discussions on the method among various left-wing groups which claimed that they did not create the desired effect on the public via the press and associations, TİP (Workers’ Party of Turkey) was not effective on legislative power even if it got into the parliament and socialist revolution cannot be actualized in this way result in ideological and physical separations. Particularly the radical student groups who understand that the revolution was impossible with lawful means begin to advocate that armed actions would provoke disturbance and chaos in the country and prepare the environment for a revolution.
Terrorism aims to shake, wear out and take down the administration of a country politically, soci... more Terrorism aims to shake, wear out and take down the administration of a country politically, socially and economically by putting fear in the hearts of its citizens. Turkey has been systematically exposed to destructive and separatist terrorist activities as of 1960s. Particularly the left-wing terrorist activities obsessively living on ideological sources such as DHKP-C still continue even though their intensity, dimensions and tactics change from time to time. The left-wing terrorist organizations which have regarded the liberal freedoms brought along by the Constitution of 1961 as an opportunity to spread their ideologies have brought the left-wing protest movements rising in the world due to the effect of cold war to Turkey. Discussions on the method among various left-wing groups which claimed that they did not create the desired effect on the public via the press and associations, TİP (Workers’ Party of Turkey) was not effective on legislative power even if it got into the parliament and socialist revolution cannot be actualized in this way result in ideological and physical separations. Particularly the radical student groups who understand that the revolution was impossible with lawful means begin to advocate that armed actions would provoke disturbance and chaos in the country and prepare the environment for a revolution.
Social Educational Political Economic and Other Developments Occurred in Turkey Between the Years of 1923 1938, 2018
Educational institutions have always been of great importance for sedentary societies. These inst... more Educational institutions have always been of great importance for sedentary societies. These institutions varied according to the cultural, religious and economic priorities of societies and these institutions were reshaped depending on the current events of the time. Madrasa, as a traditional educational institution, having an important role in the Islamic geography for centuries had been an institution in which the formal education was given. However, they began to regress in time since they could not renew themselves and keep up with the conditions of time.
Abant İzzet Baysal Üniversitesi Eğitim Fakültesi Dergisi, 2021
Osmanlı Devleti, zaman içerisinde giderek güç kaybetmiş ve bu kayba paralel olarak da her alanda ... more Osmanlı Devleti, zaman içerisinde giderek güç kaybetmiş ve bu kayba paralel olarak da her alanda her şeyin kontrolünü yabancılara kaptırmış bir devlet hâline gelmiştir. Bu alanlardan bir tanesi de deniz yolu nakliyatı ve taşımacılığıdır. Yaşanan savaşlar ve bu savaşlarda güvenliğin sağlanamaması nedeniyle birçok vasıtanın kaybedildiği görülmektedir. Bu kayıpların fazlalığı ve içinde bulunulan ekonomik sıkıntılar sebebiyle devlet bu alandaki yetkilerini özel şahıslara ve özellikle de gayrimüslimlere kaptırmıştır. Dış destekli olan gayrimüslimler de millî olmaktan uzak hain plan ve stratejilere yönelmiştir. Özellikle savaş yıllarında ihtiyaç duyulan bu alanda devlete türlü bahanelerle destek olunmamış, âdeta aleyhte birtakım çalışmalara girişmişlerdir. Genel olarak da nakliyenin uzun sürelere yayılması sağlanarak zararın artmasına yol açmıştır. Bu durum devletin yıkılışına kadar devam etmiştir. Yeni kurulan Türkiye Cumhuriyeti de bu durumdan olumsuz yönde etkilenmiş ve bir süre mevcut...
Türkiye'de Darülfünundan Üniversiteye Geçiş Süreci ve 1933 Üniversite Kanunu Sonrası Yükseköğreti... more Türkiye'de Darülfünundan Üniversiteye Geçiş Süreci ve 1933 Üniversite Kanunu Sonrası Yükseköğretimdeki Gelişmeler [2223] üniversiteler, dönem dönem siyasi elitlerin yönetme ve yönlendirme çabaları ile ülkenin siyasal gündeminde önemli yer edinmiştir.
27 Mayis 1960 Askeri darbesi sonrasinda; darbenin kaotik zeminini olusturmada onemli bir aksiyone... more 27 Mayis 1960 Askeri darbesi sonrasinda; darbenin kaotik zeminini olusturmada onemli bir aksiyoner guc olarak ortaya cikan, ulke gundemine mudahil olmak isteyen ve hemen her konuda fikirlerini kamuoyu ile paylasan universite ogrencileri arasinda, 1961 Anayasasi’nin sagladigi fikir ve orgutlenme ozgurlugu nedeniyle sosyalist dusunce yayginlasmaya basladi. Anayasal guvence semsiyesi altinda hizli bir orgutlenme faaliyetleri basladi. 1965 yilindan itibaren ulkede artan ABD karsitligi ve sosyalizm sempatizanligi 1968 yilinda zirveye ulasir. Basta Fransa olmak uzere Avrupa’daki cesitli universitelerde hemen hemen eszamanli baslayan hareketlerden farkli olarak Turkiye’deki olaylarin ilk baslangic noktasini, mevcut universite sisteminden duyulan hosnutsuzluk olustur. Ancak kisa sure sonra, egitim sistemindeki aksakliklarin giderilmesi yonunde kendilerine verilen sozlerin tutulmamasi nedeniyle ogrenciler, ilk once universite ve ulke yonetim anlayisini, daha sonra da ulke idari sistemini sor...
Diyalektolog - Ulusal Hakemlin Sosyal Arastirmalar Dergisi, 2021
Following the Second World War, the world became bipolar, and a cold war began between the USA an... more Following the Second World War, the world became bipolar, and a cold war began between the USA and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics. The whole world was affected by the fierce competition, which was directed by two centers with different rival ideologies and included activities to expand their spheres of influence. Especially in the countries that participated in the Western Bloc, the establishment and strengthening of many organizations were supported by the Warsaw Pact in order to increase the sympathy of the people for socialism and to influence the country administrations, and it was tried to gain effectiveness by causing chaos in these countries. Therefore, in different countries, many simultaneous marginal movements with similar activities emerged. Likewise, similar movements were observed in different socialist countries, despite being very few. In these movements in foreign countries, which created a model for the organizational structures and activities in Turkey, the left-wing organizations in these foreign countries were taken as models especially in the first establishment, intellectual development, determination of the movement style and organization schemes of the first marginal left-wing organizations that emerged in Turkey after the 1960s.
field of education more than any nation, the formal and informal forces concentrating on the same... more field of education more than any nation, the formal and informal forces concentrating on the same objective in our country, whose material and spiritual means are unfortunately very inadequate, may reveal the value of the necessity of this situation. Now, it is our duty, more than any other nation, to dismantle the roots of the institutions that have gone down in history and penetrated the deepest layers of society, and to root the principles of the republic and revolution as sacred pillars of faith that dominate all souls and ideas. The principles of our party are Republicanism, nationalism, populism, statism, secularism, and revolutionism. For these basic and main principles to gain dominance and become eternal, educating citizens who embrace these principles, raising our national character to the level Turkish history inspired, promoting fine arts, and strengthening our national culture, and scientific movements and activities are designated and indicated as important means in our program. All these indications and means aim to train generations to take back the long years lost by the Turkish nation on the way to civilization through brave, venturous and tireless moves, and to re-establish the Turkish nation's honor in the field of civilization with its natural virtues and abilities. People's Houses aim to become gathering and unifying places for idealistic citizens who will work for this cause" (CHP Halkevleri Talimatnamesi, 1932:3).
The third part of the book was studied under seven main headings with the 1980 period, which is c... more The third part of the book was studied under seven main headings with the 1980 period, which is considered to be the recent period of Turkish history, but on which only scattered and anecdotal information was available. In this section, both the ideological orientation of the coup and the ideological institutions it created are analyzed in detail. The establishment of a new economic order in accordance with the economic framework determined by the January 24 decisions is analyzed simultaneously with the formation of a political structure under the direction of the National Security Council. 1980 military coup following the emergence of new political parties and movements, Turkey's relationship with the authentic traditions while examining the historical features put forward new political movement. The intertwining of liberal consent mechanisms and the policies of intense political repression, on which militarism and nationalism constitute the main ground, are the points that this section particularly deals with. The 1990s, on the other hand, are being studied to show how a revised upper form of militarism and nationalism in the face of the Kurdish question produced a strict response to all democratic rights and demands by establishing a refusal front. Kurdish issue in Turkey, where historical extend my shape how the politics, the rise of political Islam, the economic crisis and how it affects social life conflictive political environment in which it addresses in particular stands out as the title of this section. In particular, this chapter analyzes comprehensively how the political center became subordinate to nationalism rather than attracting it to the center of nationalism. The section dating from the 1980s to the present, defines itself with the victimization of being excluded from the political sphere and draws power over this discourse of oppression, on the other hand, it deals with the period of power of a political tradition that reshapes the role of the carriers of the political demands of the environment to the center according to the demands of the international capitalist system. It carefully examines the historical roots of power and the points it transforms itself, as well as the roles and transformations of the opposition movements in this power structure. It is necessary to draw attention to some points that need to be stated about the editing of the text. As we mentioned above, in addition to the decisive titles such as coup, militarism, left, nationalism, the Kurdish issue and political Islam, which almost define each chapter of the book separately, the book also includes the political, economic, social and cultural transformations and important thresholds that took place bIVetween 1980 and 2000. Particular attention is paid to historical turning points during which various institutions, debates or conflicts have occurred; the sides of the events, prominent actors take their places on the stage to complete the picture. Newspaper, magazine archives, daily newspapers, memories, corporate histories and researches that can clarify the details of the period are included in the text as boxes and constitute a reference that can be read separately.
Turgut Özal was born in Malatya as the first male child of Mehmet Sıddık, an officer at Ziraat Ba... more Turgut Özal was born in Malatya as the first male child of Mehmet Sıddık, an officer at Ziraat Bank, and Hafize Hanım, a primary school teacher, on 13 October 1927. Mehmet Sıddık, who started his civil service in Malatya, took his family to these cities as he later served in Bilecik, Silifke and Mardin (Çölaşan, 2008: 19). Turgut Özal, who started his primary education in Söğüt district of Bilecik, completed secondary school in Mardin as his family moved to Silifke and Mardin, respectively. However, due to the fact that there was no high school to continue his education in Mardin and the financial situation of the family, he started high school education in Konya High School as a boarding student. Due to the fact that his brother Korkut Özal would also start high school, the family, which had more financial difficulties, brought the two siblings together at Kayseri High School, and Turgut Özal completed his secondary education in Kayseri High School in 1945.
Terrorism aims to shake, wear out and take down the administration of a country politically, soci... more Terrorism aims to shake, wear out and take down the administration of a country politically, socially and economically by putting fear in the hearts of its citizens. Turkey has been systematically exposed to destructive and separatist terrorist activities as of 1960s. Particularly the left-wing terrorist activities obsessively living on ideological sources such as DHKP-C still continue even though their intensity, dimensions and tactics change from time to time. The left-wing terrorist organizations which have regarded the liberal freedoms brought along by the Constitution of 1961 as an opportunity to spread their ideologies have brought the left-wing protest movements rising in the world due to the effect of cold war to Turkey. Discussions on the method among various left-wing groups which claimed that they did not create the desired effect on the public via the press and associations, TİP (Workers’ Party of Turkey) was not effective on legislative power even if it got into the parliament and socialist revolution cannot be actualized in this way result in ideological and physical separations. Particularly the radical student groups who understand that the revolution was impossible with lawful means begin to advocate that armed actions would provoke disturbance and chaos in the country and prepare the environment for a revolution.
Terrorism aims to shake, wear out and take down the administration of a country politically, soci... more Terrorism aims to shake, wear out and take down the administration of a country politically, socially and economically by putting fear in the hearts of its citizens. Turkey has been systematically exposed to destructive and separatist terrorist activities as of 1960s. Particularly the left-wing terrorist activities obsessively living on ideological sources such as DHKP-C still continue even though their intensity, dimensions and tactics change from time to time. The left-wing terrorist organizations which have regarded the liberal freedoms brought along by the Constitution of 1961 as an opportunity to spread their ideologies have brought the left-wing protest movements rising in the world due to the effect of cold war to Turkey. Discussions on the method among various left-wing groups which claimed that they did not create the desired effect on the public via the press and associations, TİP (Workers’ Party of Turkey) was not effective on legislative power even if it got into the parliament and socialist revolution cannot be actualized in this way result in ideological and physical separations. Particularly the radical student groups who understand that the revolution was impossible with lawful means begin to advocate that armed actions would provoke disturbance and chaos in the country and prepare the environment for a revolution.
Social Educational Political Economic and Other Developments Occurred in Turkey Between the Years of 1923 1938, 2018
Educational institutions have always been of great importance for sedentary societies. These inst... more Educational institutions have always been of great importance for sedentary societies. These institutions varied according to the cultural, religious and economic priorities of societies and these institutions were reshaped depending on the current events of the time. Madrasa, as a traditional educational institution, having an important role in the Islamic geography for centuries had been an institution in which the formal education was given. However, they began to regress in time since they could not renew themselves and keep up with the conditions of time.
change from time to time. The left-wing terrorist organizations which have regarded the liberal freedoms brought along by the Constitution of 1961 as an opportunity to spread their ideologies have brought the left-wing protest movements rising in the world due to the effect of cold war to Turkey. Discussions on the method among various left-wing groups which claimed that they did not create the desired effect on the public via the press and associations, TİP (Workers’ Party of Turkey) was not effective on legislative power even if it got into the parliament and socialist revolution cannot be actualized in this way result in ideological and physical separations. Particularly the radical student groups who understand that the revolution was impossible with lawful means begin to advocate that armed actions would provoke disturbance and chaos in the country and prepare the environment for a revolution.
change from time to time. The left-wing terrorist organizations which have regarded the liberal freedoms brought along by the Constitution of 1961 as an opportunity to spread their ideologies have brought the left-wing protest movements rising in the world due to the effect of cold war to Turkey. Discussions on the method among various left-wing groups which claimed that they did not create the desired effect on the public via the press and associations, TİP (Workers’ Party of Turkey) was not effective on legislative power even if it got into the parliament and socialist revolution cannot be actualized in this way result in ideological and physical separations. Particularly the radical student groups who understand that the revolution was impossible with lawful means begin to advocate that armed actions would provoke disturbance and chaos in the country and prepare the environment for a revolution.