Link tags: lego



Hand-thrown frontends - Robb Owen

I’ve personally never really seen frontend as an assembly job. Lego is admittedly awesome, but for me the mental model of assembling Lego bricks in the required order until a Jira ticket can be marked as “done” feels too linear and too rigid for how I like to work. And that’s not to mention the pain that comes when you have to partially dismantle your bricks to correct some earlier misstep.

I like the pottery analogy.

DeviceLab | Swapping Device Stands for Lego…

Here’s a nifty way of building stands for your device lab: LEGO!

Instructions included.

Lego Man in Space | Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad

They did it. Mathew Ho and Asad Muhammad fulfilled that age-old dream: to put a Lego man into space. They have done Canada—and the world—proud.

Nathan Sawaya — The Art of the Brick

Chloe built a gorgeous responsive site …and it’s all about LEGO!

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Lego Chess - a set on Flickr

An Empire Strikes Back chess set made of Lego. I love it!

Star Wars: The Empire Strikes Back Lego Chess

Legos on Hoth - a set on Flickr

Lovely Lego Star Wars pictures.

The Hoth Striker

Classics in Lego - a set on Flickr

Classic photographs recreated in Lego.

Lunch Atop a Skyscraper - Widescreen

60,000 Piece Star Wars LEGO Diorama - Film Roster

A 5' x 10' Hoth base diorama consisting of between 55,000 to 60,000 pieces of LEGO and containing 50 real lights and a remote controlled device that can deploy troops from the AT-ATs.

BBC NEWS | England | Sussex | Giant Lego man appears on beach

"Mystery surrounds the appearance of a giant Lego man on a beach in Brighton ... In August 2007 a giant Lego toy, bearing a close resemblance to the Brighton figure, mysteriously appeared on Zandvoort beach in Holland."

Super Sushi - a set on Flickr

Lego. Sushi. The awesomeness of each is not doubled; it is multiplied.

15 oishii

YouTube - Star Wars

Star Wars and Lego: two great tastes that taste great together.

Lego Star Wars - For the millionth time, i didn't make this

brix mail... 1984 Playset Goes on Sale in Two Days

Ridley Scott's seminal superbowl ad for Apple... in Lego. - Aircraft carrier entirely made of Lego

It's an aircraft carrier. Made entirely out of Lego.

pasta and vinegar » Be careful with Lego Mindstorms

Playing with Lego Mindstorms on a train can get you arrested in Germany.