Papers by Rosario Perricone
ITA L'articolo analizza il processo di salvaguardia, avviato negli anni Sessanta, del primo Eleme... more ITA L'articolo analizza il processo di salvaguardia, avviato negli anni Sessanta, del primo Elemento Italiano iscritto nella Lista UNESCO dell'ICH 2003: l'Opera dei pupi, divenuta Capolavoro dell'Umanità nel 2001. Tale processo partecipativo integra attività museografica, ricerca sul campo e messinscena degli spettacoli di tradizione e innovazione. È stato promosso dal Museo delle marionette Antonio Pasqualino di Palermo che si configura come un museo della performance, un museo-narrazione, luogo di idee e non di cose, capace di andare al di là della raccolta e trasformarsi in meta-storia, "opera aperta".
tecnica mista, cm 25x12, 2015, collezione privata Questo lavoro racchiude tutti gli elementi del ... more tecnica mista, cm 25x12, 2015, collezione privata Questo lavoro racchiude tutti gli elementi del progetto dedicato agli ulivi a 10 anni del flagello Xylella che ha colpito la penisola salentina. È una riproduzione di un bassorilievo bizantino. È realizzato con cenere di ulivo: non ceneri comuni, ma proprio quelle raccolte nei campi nel 2015 mentre i contadini bruciavano le parti malate degli alberi; per questo motivo per me rappresentano un valore affettivo unico. Le due cornici: quella esterna e quella che racchiude Madre Terra sono realizzate con la terra raccolta dal punto dove era piantato l'albero. Le foglie verdi sono realizzate con la polvere delle foglie raccolte in quel periodo e macinate, mentre tutto il resto con la cenere degli ulivi e ricoperto con una foglia oro.

Italia nel mese di novembre 2023 da Rubbettino print per conto di Rubbettino Editore srl 88049 So... more Italia nel mese di novembre 2023 da Rubbettino print per conto di Rubbettino Editore srl 88049 Soveria Mannelli (Catanzaro) Ignazio Veca La Vergine e il brigante. Un ex-voto del XVII secolo 2 Roberta Falcetta Destreggiarsi tra malavita e giustizia. Una denuncia anonima settecentesca 23 119 Rosanna Giudice Gentiluomini a cavallo. A caccia di briganti con Davide Mennuni 24 123 Ida Por do Chiavone illustrato. Un reportage per il pubblico francese 25 127 Hernán Rodriguez Vargas L'osceno della politica 26 131 Ignazio Veca La madre dei briganti. Chiesa e caricatura risorgimentale 27 137 Federico Palmieri Nel portafoglio del sergente Romano 28 141 Marco Manfredi Risarcire. La campagna per i danneggiati del brigantaggio 29 147 Gabriele D'Autilia Souvenir criminali: il mercato fotogra co 30 151 Gabriele D'Autilia Schegge di celebrità: il ritratto fotogra co 31 155 Sandro Morachioli Un problema di stile. Il brigantaggio realistico di Giovanni Fattori 32 161 Maddalena Carli Tre brigantesse 33 167 Gian Luca Fruci Lo strano caso del monumento a un vivo. Cialdini, Reggio Emilia, 1864 34 175 Sebastiano Angelo Granata «Canta il gallo e farà cucuricù». Un rapito tra i briganti 35 181 Alessia Facineroso Reti nell'ombra 36 185 Carmine Pinto Le medaglie del generale. Le guerre di Emilio Pallavicini di Priola 37 189 Alessio Petrizzo Rosa e le altre. Briganti, stupri, rappresentazioni 38 195 Carmine Pinto La memoria in casa. Lo stemma di Filomeno Padula 39 199 Mariamichela Landi Disciplinare la repressione 40 203 Silvano Montaldo Il totem dell'antropologia criminale 41 207 Lea Durante Certi argomenti, novella di Giovanni Verga 42 211 Alessio Petrizzo «Ahi! Crudel destino». Un brigante si racconta in carcere 43 215 Marco Manfredi Morte e resurrezione del «Re dei boschi». Domenico Tiburzi mediatizzato 44 221 Gianluca Fulvetti Cartoline a un brigante: fan e haters a inizio Novecento 45 229 Marco Manfredi In mostra. Memorie dif cili, da un secolo all'altro 46 233 Rosario Perricone Giuseppina la Brigantessa 239 Alessandro Capone La stoffa del masnadiere. Vesti e armi di Gasparone, brigante celebre 48 243 Gianluca Albergoni Burattini briganti 49 247 Giulio Tatasciore Un gioco da ragazzi? Pinocchio e gli «assassini» 50 251 Gian Luca Fruci Revival di celluloide 258 Note archivistiche e bibliogra che 278 Crediti fotogra ci e ringraziamenti

LARES Quadrimestrale di studi demoetnoantropologici , 2021
In questo saggio viene ricostruito il rapporto tra Giuseppe Cocchiara e il fasci- smo. La sua for... more In questo saggio viene ricostruito il rapporto tra Giuseppe Cocchiara e il fasci- smo. La sua formazione intellettuale avvenne negli anni del regime, al quale aderì con convinzione e slancio, militando sempre nelle sue fazioni più radicali, condivi- dendone fedelmente le scelte più tragiche come la guerra d’Etiopia, sottoscriven- do le Leggi Razziali, impegnandosi nella Seconda Guerra Mondiale con le armi culturali dell’antisemitismo. Sino a quando, come in un «mondo alla rovescia», sconfitto il fascismo sotto il peso di un’umiliante e sanguinosa disfatta, saranno proprio gli odiati inglesi a valorizzarne la statura intellettuale e la nuova Italia de- mocratica a permettergli di avere una inarrestabile ascesa accademica e scientifica.
This essay reconstructs the relationship of Giuseppe Cocchiara with fascism. Cocchiara’s intellectual training occurred under the Regime, to which he adhered with conviction and enthusiasm, always militating in its most radical factions, faithfully sharing its most tragic choices such as the war in Ethiopia and the Ra- cial Laws, also engaging in the Second World War with the cultural weapons of anti-Semitism. Paradoxically, when fascism was defeated under the weight of a humiliating and bloody defeat, were the hated Englishmen the ones who would enhanced his intellectual stature, opening the field for his academic and scientific rise in the new democratic Italy.
Antropologia italiana e fascismo Ripensare la storia degli studi demoetnoantropologici a cura di ... more Antropologia italiana e fascismo Ripensare la storia degli studi demoetnoantropologici a cura di Fabiana Dimpflmeier
Antropologia italiana e fascismo Ripensare la storia degli studi demoetnoantropologici a cura di ... more Antropologia italiana e fascismo Ripensare la storia degli studi demoetnoantropologici a cura di Fabiana Dimpflmeier
Today we are witnessing the increasingly insistent formation of visual stereotypes. The continuou... more Today we are witnessing the increasingly insistent formation of visual stereotypes. The continuous repetition of these modules, used in similar situations, makes it easier to interpret them, so much so that they can now be considered elements of a common language: a figurative language to be investigated in the context of the anthropology of visual communication. The Sicilian family photos collected in this essay belong to this category of cultural products and allow us to reflect on the different articulations of cultural phenomena
The work of Sicilian puppets, not unlike the "total social facts" postulated by Marcel ... more The work of Sicilian puppets, not unlike the "total social facts" postulated by Marcel Mauss, is a "total" theatrical performance. It incorporates a series of collective representations able to account for the way Sicilian society was structured up to the second half of the twentieth century. In Sicily, the transmission of folklore knowledge was the result of constant interference between ancient and modern models, coexisting in different socio-cultural environments. This has given to the folkloristic practices (rites, techniques, expressive manifestations, etc.) a peculiar physiognomy, not reducible to clear oppositions between different social layers (hegemon / subaltern, rural / urban) or between different communication techniques (orality / writing)
This volume, with the preface by Giovanni Filoramo, collects some of the sacred images of "H... more This volume, with the preface by Giovanni Filoramo, collects some of the sacred images of "Hinduism" of other religions born in India (Shikism, Buddhism), exhibited during the exhibition of the same name at the Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum from November 22 to December 31. 2007. These cult images are venerated in temples, in private homes and on the streets throughout India. The central idea was to show the iconographic path that these paintings (or photographs) have had in the popular imagination. An informative caption corresponds to each "portrait"
The metalessic manipulation of space / time and its chronological relationships, the construction... more The metalessic manipulation of space / time and its chronological relationships, the construction of competitive narratives between local and global, that according to the dominant rhetoric would produce unequivocal locality, defined in its relational and contextual aspects, are at the base of the "neo modern" society "Which becomes a field of cultural contestation and construction of the ethnorami of the neighborhood. The locality is a historical product and "the stories through which the localities emerge are eventually subject to the dynamics of the global" 9

Reflexive criticism focused its attention on writing texts, neglecting the experience of observat... more Reflexive criticism focused its attention on writing texts, neglecting the experience of observation, on which the practice of field research is built, and it rarely paid attention to the experience of researchers. The triple relationship established between the anthropologist, the world and the \u201cother\u201d reveals the deep interrelation between the three levels of this \u201ccomplex isotopy\u201d. This essay addresses the problem of how a person can interact with another within the ethnographic practice. Ethnographic research doesn\u2019t consist only in dialogues but also in bodily experiences that have a key role in the production of ethnographic representations. Experiential anthropologists believe that we must reflect on the knowledge that is produced, by participating actively in the performances that is being executing, permeating in the field research, physically experiencing it and being able to find in ourselves those meanings otherwise inaccessible

In the first decades of the nineteenth century a form of puppet theater was established in Sicily... more In the first decades of the nineteenth century a form of puppet theater was established in Sicily, specialized in the staging of epic-chivalrous events: the opra \uee pupi (work of the puppets), which has since enjoyed enormous success among the working classes Sicilians. The work of the pupi has the merit of imploding an articulated complex of traditionally formalized competences (from the material to the expressive level) and at the same time reflecting the socio-symbolic values \u200b\u200bon which until recently the Sicilian popular culture was founded. For this reason, in 2001, the title of "Masterpiece of the oral and intangible heritage of humanity" was recognized by UNESCO. The central role attributed to individuals, communities and groups holding a "tradition" is a new approach to safeguarding intangible cultural heritage. In fact, the UNESCO Program does not limit itself to recognizing the importance of the Intangible Cultural Heritage for the sense of ...
The volume consists of an anthology of texts intended to provide an introduction to the various a... more The volume consists of an anthology of texts intended to provide an introduction to the various aspects of traditional culture in Sicily, trying to combine clarity, conciseness and scientific rigor. The selected contributions present in fact a popular tone, with a writing accessible to anyone, without particular technicalities
The Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museu
A survey of the choreutic-dramatic actions with statues and / or puppets present in the Sicilian ... more A survey of the choreutic-dramatic actions with statues and / or puppets present in the Sicilian festivals. These are puppets representing "giants" (saints or founding heroes), "animals" (camel, snake, horse) and "wild men" or statues of the Crucifix and the Madonna with the articulated arms that are used during the festive rituals in Sicilia. These animated figures represent a unique cultural model that combines play, theater, parties and religion

This paper analyzes the process, dating back to the last 50 years, which has seen the work of art... more This paper analyzes the process, dating back to the last 50 years, which has seen the work of art approaching everyday life, with critical perspectives increasingly focused on processuality and performance. Therefore, a notion such as that of arti!cation \u2013 \u201cprocess of processes\u201d, according to Heinich and Shapiro \u2013 signals the paradox of the success of art at the time of its deconstruction. In this cultural climate, ethnographic museums reproduce, rework or draw on the languages of contemporary art, making them tools to overcome an essentialist notion of heritage but also to present multivocal interpretations and reflect on the processes that underlie \u201cshowing the dierence\u201d. The \u201cAntonio Pasqualino\u201d International Puppet Museum has followed this path by combining a properly museographic activity with !eld research and the staging of shows, first essentially in continuity with tradition, then also with research and innovation. A museum of perform...

Ethnographies of the contemporary is the name chosen for this new magazine, in which we will try ... more Ethnographies of the contemporary is the name chosen for this new magazine, in which we will try to explain phenomena of permanence and change through the priority recourse to ethnographic practice. The magazine takes up some of the talks held on the occasion of the permanent Ethnographies of the contemporary seminar, conceived and coordinated by the writer, which is based at the Antonio Pasqualino International Puppet Museum in Palermo. The Permanent Seminar was established on the occasion of the fiftieth anniversary of the foundation of the Association for the Conservation of Popular Traditions, responding to one of the main wishes of its founders: that the Museum could become a place and engine for the promotion of anthropological research and the dissemination of its outcomes. The idea was to o er free space for the voices of young scholars, making a wider audience participate in their investigations and their passionate ethnographic commitment, in a time when few are the places...
Papers by Rosario Perricone
This essay reconstructs the relationship of Giuseppe Cocchiara with fascism. Cocchiara’s intellectual training occurred under the Regime, to which he adhered with conviction and enthusiasm, always militating in its most radical factions, faithfully sharing its most tragic choices such as the war in Ethiopia and the Ra- cial Laws, also engaging in the Second World War with the cultural weapons of anti-Semitism. Paradoxically, when fascism was defeated under the weight of a humiliating and bloody defeat, were the hated Englishmen the ones who would enhanced his intellectual stature, opening the field for his academic and scientific rise in the new democratic Italy.
This essay reconstructs the relationship of Giuseppe Cocchiara with fascism. Cocchiara’s intellectual training occurred under the Regime, to which he adhered with conviction and enthusiasm, always militating in its most radical factions, faithfully sharing its most tragic choices such as the war in Ethiopia and the Ra- cial Laws, also engaging in the Second World War with the cultural weapons of anti-Semitism. Paradoxically, when fascism was defeated under the weight of a humiliating and bloody defeat, were the hated Englishmen the ones who would enhanced his intellectual stature, opening the field for his academic and scientific rise in the new democratic Italy.