Papers by Ulla-Maija Mroueh
Geological Survey of Finland, 2008
This handbook has been prepared during the TEKESfunded project 'Environmental Techniques for the ... more This handbook has been prepared during the TEKESfunded project 'Environmental Techniques for the Extractive Industries' (in Finnish, 'Kaivostoiminnan ympäristötekniikka'), which was undertaken as a joint research project between industry and various agencies during the years 2003-2005. The project was coordinated by Outokumpu Oyj with supporting industry partners being Tieliikelaitos (TLL, the Finnish Roads Enterprise) and Maa ja Vesi Oy (M&V Oy, Soil and Environment Ltd, which has since been incorporated into Pöyry Environment Oy). Public sector agencies participating in the project were Geologian tutkimuskeskus (GTK, Geological Survey of Finland) and Valtion teknillinen tutkimuskeskus (VTT, Technical Research Centre of Finland). Preparation of this handbook was one of the central objectives of the Environmental Techniques for the Extractive Industries project. Background research for the handbook included comprehensive reviews of relevant literature and analysis of various issues relating to the mine closure process, including Finnish and international legislation and best practice procedures, risk assessment, procedures for evaluating the long-term behaviour of tailings and waste rocks; hydrological and geochemical modelling; and post-closure monitoring strategies. The Hitura nickel mine at Nivala in western Finland was chosen as a case study for demonstrating planning and implementation of environmental management and closure programs. Investigations were carried out by four separate working groups, under the guidance of their respective group leaders; an outline of these research activities is documented in Appendix 15, while research reports are archived and available from the relevant participating organization.
tuhkien jalostaminen maarakennuskäyttöön. [Processing of fly ash for earth construction]. Espoo 2... more tuhkien jalostaminen maarakennuskäyttöön. [Processing of fly ash for earth construction]. Espoo 2009. VTT Tiedotteita-Research Notes 2499. 75 s. + liitt. 19 s.
VTT Technical Research Centre of Finland, 1998
The goal of this project was to develop useful products from the fly ash and flue gas desulphuris... more The goal of this project was to develop useful products from the fly ash and flue gas desulphurisation (FGD) residues produced by pulverized coal-fired power plants which employ semi-dry scrubbing technology. To allow their use as substitutes for natural minerals in earthworks, products of this type must satisfy both technical and environmental specifications. Approximately one hundred test specimens were prepared using fly ash and FGD residues. The recipes used to prepare the mixtures were based both on earlier trials and on the results of leaching tests obtained during the assessment of environmental compatibility in this research. To improve technical and environmental characteristics, additives and cementing agents were added to some of the specimens. The environmental acceptability of specimens which met the technical requirements was evaluated using the Dutch Tank Leaching Test for Stabilized Materials. Extracts obtained from the leaching tests were analyzed for sulphate, chloride, chrome and molybdenum. 5 ALKUSANAT Puolikuivan rikinpoistomenetelmän lopputuotetta ja lentotuhkaa syntyy pääkaupunkiseudun voimaloissa yhteensä noin 200 000 tonnia vuodessa. Rikinpoistotuote on toistaiseksi sijoitettu lähes kokonaan läjitysalueille lentotuhkaan sekoitettuna. Lentotuhkaa on käytetty sementin lisäaineena ja tienrakennuksessa, jossa luvanvaraisuus hankaloittaa käyttöä. Sivutuotteille on kuitenkin yhä vaikeampi löytää läjitysalueita. Myös uusi jätelainsäädäntö velvoittaa asettamaan hyötykäytön ensisijaiseksi. Sivutuotteiden hyötykäyttö edellyttää kuitenkin, että kehitetään ympäristövaatimukset täyttäviä teknisiä ratkaisuja. Tässä projektissa on ollut tavoitteena kehittää pöly-tai leijukerrospolttoa käyttävien kivihiilivoimaloiden rikinpoistotuotteesta ja lentotuhkasta tuotteita, joita voidaan hyötykäyttää haitattomasti maanrakennuksessa. Tutkimuksen vastuuyksikkö oli Helsingin Energia. Muita rahoittajia olivat Teknologian kehittämiskeskus (TEKES), ABB Environmental Systems Oy, Espoon Sähkö Oy, Lahden Lämpövoima Oy ja Vantaan Sähkölaitos Oy. Projektin toteuttajina olivat Lohja Rudus Oy Ab Ympäristöteknologia ja VTT Kemiantekniikka.
This publication presents a literature overview on nitrogen removal and recovery from mining and ... more This publication presents a literature overview on nitrogen removal and recovery from mining and quarry wastewaters and recommends the most promising alternatives for further research. This publication is part of a project, Solutions for Control of Nitrogen Discharges at Mines and Quarries (MINIMAN), funded by Tekes-the Finnish Funding Agency for Innovation, aiming at a holistic understanding and technology development regarding nitrogen compounds in mining waters. The MINIMAN-project was co-funded by Tekes, Ekokem
rikinpoistotuotteet ja lentotuhka maarakentamisessa. Jatkotutkimus [Use of coal combustion residu... more rikinpoistotuotteet ja lentotuhka maarakentamisessa. Jatkotutkimus [Use of coal combustion residues in earthworks. A follow-up study]. Espoo 1999, Technical Research Centre of Finland, VTT Tiedotteita-Meddelanden-Research Notes 1952. 61 p. + app. 3 p.
This study is an attempt to answer the question "What kind of aspects could appear when implement... more This study is an attempt to answer the question "What kind of aspects could appear when implementing IPPC and how to deal with them?" During the study this question was attacked with methodology development and test usage. These actions were expected to result in a practical and ease way to apply IPPC principles. This development work has resulted in 1) few prototype methods and tools for practical calculations for comparing process alternatives and 2) for making evaluations of process alternatives with environmental, economical and technical aspect. The methodology is expected to help industry by them selves and together with authorities to create and evaluate cost-and eco-effective alternatives. This study arises crucial questions: "how IPPC Articles are to be interpreted by authorities and how industry can utilise the new permit procedures"? While IPPC does not give any practical methods for how to study streams on air, water and soil as being inherently connected to each other via process (Article 6 and Article 9 item 3), now prototyped tools-CALORIE (top-down approach) and SMARTMASS (bottomup approach)-has been proposed and demonstrated with investment and emission parameters and with elementary mass balance data. These prototyped methods enhance to setup mass balance measurements and calculations revealing the circulation of components and mass balance connections between various waste streams. This data-flows and concentrations-can even be lifted up as additional investment criteria. These kinds of approaches should be available for industry and authorities when implementing IPPC directive.
... ja sinkki. Niiden pitoisuudet ovat tyypillisesti, ainakin tavanomaisen jätteen kaatopaikoilla... more ... ja sinkki. Niiden pitoisuudet ovat tyypillisesti, ainakin tavanomaisen jätteen kaatopaikoilla, melko pieniä ja alittavat jopa juomavedelle asetetut raja-arvot lukuun ottamatta rautaa ja mangaania. Kaatopaikkavesien metallipitoisuudet ...
Papers by Ulla-Maija Mroueh