The Journal of the Korean Bone and Joint Tumor Society, 2013
김승현 • 윤길성 • 조용진 • 신규호 • 서진석* • 양우익 † 연세대학교 의과대학 정형외과, *영상의학과, † 병리학과 ser), 전기 소작(electric cauteri... more 김승현 • 윤길성 • 조용진 • 신규호 • 서진석* • 양우익 † 연세대학교 의과대학 정형외과, *영상의학과, † 병리학과 ser), 전기 소작(electric cauterization), 골 시멘트 충전술(polymethyl methacrylate; PMMA) 등의 보조요법들의 도입으로 병소내 소파 술 후에도 10% 이하의 재발률이 보고되고 있다. 6) 하지만 천골 및 골반골에 발생한 거대세포종의 표준 치료에는 아직 이견이 많다. 이는 해부학적 특성상, 과도한 출혈, 감염, 신경학적 손상의 위험 이 높고 재건술 시행이 어려우며, 7-9) 재발률이 다른 부위에서 보 다 높게 보고 되고 있어, 4,10) 수술의 효용성이 사지에 발생한 거대 세포종에 비해 많이 떨어지기 때문이다. 이런 이유로, 천골 및 골 반골 거대세포종의 수술 외 대체 치료법과(alternative treatment) 보조 치료법들이(adjuvant treatment) 많이 보고되어 왔다. 방사선 치료, 11,12) 동맥 색전술, 13-16) 파골세포 억제제, 17-19) 등이 대표적이나, 방사선 치료의 경우는 이차성 악성 신생물(secondary malignant neoplasm) 발생, 동맥 색전술의 경우는 낮은 성공률, 파골 세포 억 제제의 경우는 빈약한 전향적 무작위 임상 시험(prospective randomized clinical trial) 결과가 거대세포종 치료에 사용되기에 제한 요소로 작용하고 있다. 이런 상황에서, 본 연구는 연속적 동맥 색전술을 이용한 천골 접수일 Conclusion: Although serial arterial embolization is not an effective modality on sacral and pelvic giant cell tumors, it may be a pilot modality under narrow indication of tumors with poor vascularity at first angiogram.
To assess the performance of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for the diagnosis of cervical spondyl... more To assess the performance of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for the diagnosis of cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) in patients with deformed spinal cord but otherwise unremarkable conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. A total of 33 patients who underwent MRI of the cervical spine including DTI using two-dimensional single-shot interleaved multi-section inner volume diffusion-weighted echo-planar imaging and whose spinal cords were deformed but showed no signal changes on conventional MRI were the subjects of this study. Mean diffusivity (MD), longitudinal diffusivity (LD), radial diffusivity (RD), and fractional anisotropy (FA) were measured at the most stenotic level. The calculated performance of MD, FA, MD∩FA (considered positive when both the MD and FA results were positive), LD∩FA (considered positive when both the LD and FA results were positive), and RD∩FA (considered positive when both the RD and FA results were positive) in diagnosing CSM were compared...
Biomedical in vivo sensing methods in the near-infrared (NIR) range, which that provide relativel... more Biomedical in vivo sensing methods in the near-infrared (NIR) range, which that provide relatively high photon transparency, separation from auto-fluorescence background, and extended sensitivity, are being used increasingly for non-invasive mapping and monitoring of molecular events in cancer cells. In this study, we fabricated an NIR fluorogenic nanosensor based on the nanoparticle surface energy transfer effect, by conjugation of fluorescent proteolytic enzyme-specific cleavable peptides with gold nanorods (GNRs). Membrane-anchored membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinases (MT1-MMPs), a family of zinc-dependent proteolytic enzymes, can induce the metastatic potential of cancer cells by promoting degradation of the extracellular matrix. Therefore, sensitive detection of MT1-MMP activity can provide essential information in the clinical setting. We have applied in vivo NIR sensing to evaluate MT1-MMP activity, as an NIR imaging target, in an MT1-MMP-expressing metastatic tumor mouse model.
To assess whether multi-echo Dixon magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with simultaneous T2* estimati... more To assess whether multi-echo Dixon magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with simultaneous T2* estimation and correction yields more accurate fat-signal fraction (FF) measurement of the lumbar paravertebral muscles, in comparison with non-T2*-corrected two-echo Dixon or T2*-corrected three-echo Dixon, using the FF measurements from single-voxel MR spectroscopy as the reference standard. Sixty patients with low back pain underwent MR imaging with a 1.5T scanner. FF mapping images automatically obtained using T2*-corrected Dixon technique with two (non-T2*-corrected), three, and six echoes, were compared with images from single-voxel MR spectroscopy at the paravertebral muscles on levels L4 through L5. FFs were measured directly by two radiologists, who independently drew the region of interest on the mapping images from the three sequences. A total of 117 spectroscopic measurements were performed either bilaterally (57 of 60 subjects) or unilaterally (3 of 60 subjects). The mean spectrosco...
International journal of clinical oncology, Jan 28, 2015
We performed this study to define distinctive clinical features of leiomyosarcoma by assessing pr... more We performed this study to define distinctive clinical features of leiomyosarcoma by assessing prognostic factors. Between 1988 and 2011, 129 leiomyosarcoma patients who underwent surgical resection with curative intent were retrospectively reviewed. Of the 129 leiomyosarcoma patients, the distribution of anatomic locations was: extremity (n = 25), pelvis (n = 40), thoracic cavity (n = 11), intra-abdomen (n = 19), retroperitoneum (n = 23), and head/neck (n = 11). We classified the anatomic locations into two categories as abdominal (intra-abdomen and retroperitoneum, n = 42) and extra-abdominal (extremity, pelvis, thoracic cavity, and head/neck, n = 87). Prognosis was worse for the abdominal group than for the extra-abdominal group (median DFS 2.9 9.0 years, P = 0.04). Similarly, overall survival (OS) was also significantly worse for abdominal group (P = 0.027). Independent prognostic factors for survival were primary site (P = 0.041, hazard ratio (HR) 1.7; 95 % CI 1.2-2.8), tumor s...
Journal of the Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2014
ABSTRACT To establish a pH measurement system for a mouse tumor study using a clinical scanner, t... more ABSTRACT To establish a pH measurement system for a mouse tumor study using a clinical scanner, to develop the 1H and 31P radio frequency (RF) coil system and to test pH accuracy with phantoms.
Object The aim of this study was to describe the strain ratio in histopathologically confirmed su... more Object The aim of this study was to describe the strain ratio in histopathologically confirmed superficial soft tissue tumors using ultrasonic elastography (USE). Methods From March to August 2012, 94 soft tissue tumors in 79 consecutive patients (age range 19-70 years) were examined using USE for palpable masses. Among them, 39 lesions in 36 patients were histopathologically confirmed. Thirty-four lesions in 31 patients with lipoma, ganglion, epidermal inclusion cyst, and pilomatricoma were included: 34 histopathologically confirmed mature lipomas (n = 19), ganglia (n = 6), epidermal inclusion cysts (n = 5), and pilomatricomas (n = 4). Ultrasonographic features of margins, echogenicity, walls, ultrasonic transmission, and vascular flow via Doppler ultrasonography were evaluated. The strain ratios were calculated from the USE strain measured within the lesion and in adjacent tissue. Intraclass correlation (ICC) with Cohen's kappa was used to determine intraobserver agreement, and the strain ratios of the three groups were compared using Mann-Whitney U tests. All statistical analyses were performed using R package statistical software, and p values \0.05 were considered to be statistically significant. Results On USE, repeated measurements of the strain ratios showed excellent intraobserver agreement [ICC value = 0.952 (CI 0.905-0.977), p \ 0.05]. The strain ratios of lipomas (median ± standard error 0.83 ± 0.18) were statistically different (p \ 0.05) from those of ganglia, epidermal inclusion cysts, and pilomatricomas. The strain ratios of ganglia (2.78 ± 0.48) were also statistically different (p \ 0.05) from those of epidermal inclusion cysts and pilomatricomas. The strain ratios of epidermal inclusion cysts (0.17 ± 0.21) were not statistically different (p [ 0.05) from that of pilomatricomas (0.13 ± 0.02). Conclusion Strain ratios determined by USE help to differentiate lipomas and ganglia from other superficial soft tissue tumors. Our results suggest that USE could be used in addition to traditional ultrasound techniques to obtain diagnostic clues in the evaluation of superficial soft tissue tumors.
To obtain compensatory ultra-short echo time (UTE) imaging and T2-weighted (T2W) imaging of Watan... more To obtain compensatory ultra-short echo time (UTE) imaging and T2-weighted (T2W) imaging of Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (WHHL) rabbits following dextran-coated magnetic nanocluster (DMNC) injection for the effective in vivo detection of inflammatory vascular wall. Magnetic nanoparticle was synthesized by thermal decomposition and encapsulated with dextran to prepare DMNC. The contrast enhancement efficiency of DMNC was investigated using UTE (repetition time [TR] = 5.58 and TE = 0.07 ms) and T2W (TR = 4000 and TE = 60 ms) imaging sequences. To confirm the internalization of DMNC into macrophages, DMNC-treated macrophages were visualized by cellular transmission electron microscope (TEM) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. WHHL rabbits expressing macrophage-rich plaques were subjected to UTE and T2W imaging before and after intravenous DMNC (120 μmol Fe/kg) treatment. Ex vivo MR imaging of plaques and immunostaining studies were also performed. Positive and negative contrast e...
ABSTRACT The non-equilibrium charge dynamics in conducting polymer polyaniline (PANI) have been b... more ABSTRACT The non-equilibrium charge dynamics in conducting polymer polyaniline (PANI) have been barely understood. Utilizing ultrafast spin-resolved spectroscopy, we show that the charge dynamics in PANI is dominated by the excitonic photoresponse.
We have investigated the feasibility of THz time-domain reflectometry for the discrimination of h... more We have investigated the feasibility of THz time-domain reflectometry for the discrimination of human early gastric cancer (EGC) from the normal gastric region. Eight fresh EGC tissues, which were resected by endoscopic submucosal dissection, were studied. Of them, six lesions were well discriminated on THz images and the regions well correlated with tumor regions on pathologically mapped images. Four THz parameters could be suggested for quantitative discrimination of EGCs.
Characterization and control of proteolysis of peptides by specific cellular protease is a priori... more Characterization and control of proteolysis of peptides by specific cellular protease is a priori requisite for effective drug discovery. Here, we report the nanomechanical, in situ monitoring of proteolysis of peptide chain attributed to protease (Cathepsin B) by using a resonant nanomechanical microcantilever immersed in a liquid. Specifically, the detection is based on measurement of resonant frequency shift arising from proteolysis of peptides (leading to decrease of cantilever's overall mass, and consequently, increases in the resonance). It is shown that resonant microcantilever enables the quantification of proteolysis efficacy with respect to protease concentration. Remarkably, the nanomechanical, in situ monitoring of proteolysis allows us to gain insight into the kinetics of proteolysis of peptides, which is well depicted by Langmuir kinetic model. This implies that nanomechanical biosensor enables the characterization of specific cellular protease such as its kinetics.
To correlate the findings of nonossifying fibroma at magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with those a... more To correlate the findings of nonossifying fibroma at magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with those at pathologic examination. In 19 patients (age range, 8-25 years; mean age, 14 years) with pathologically proved nonossifying fibroma, MR images were analyzed for signal intensity and patterns of contrast enhancement. Findings at MR imaging and biopsy were correlated. On T1-weighted images, all nonossifying fibromas had low signal intensity compared with that of skeletal muscle. On T2-weighted images, 15 lesions (79%) were hypointense and four (21%) were hyperintense. On gadolinium-enhanced images, intense contrast enhancement was seen throughout 15 lesions (heterogeneous pattern in 12 and homogeneous in three) and in the margins and septa in four. Extensive hypercellular fibrous tissue and hemosiderin seen at pathologic examination were depicted with low signal intensity on T2-weighted MR images. The distinguishing features of nonossifying fibroma included hypointensity and septation on ...
To assess the efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in objectively defining a state of rem... more To assess the efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in objectively defining a state of remission in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) after treatment. Ten patients with RA involving the wrist were evaluated before treatment with methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine, and then mean 14 mo later with a followup evaluation. Clinical variables, laboratory measurements, and MRI using various techniques (T1 weighted image, T2 weighted image, fat suppression T2 weighted image, postcontrast T1 weighted image, postcontrast dynamic image, postcontrast 3 dimensional image) were observed. Remission was defined by ACR criteria. MRI changes were observed using 3 variables: extent of synovial proliferation; extent of bone marrow edema; and development of new erosion. In 6 of 10 patients, synovial signal intensity time curve changes at 30 s (E30 ratio) were determined for quantitative assessment of synovitis. Four patients achieved remission and 6 did not. All patients in remission showed decrease in e...
Korean journal of radiology : official journal of the Korean Radiological Society
To determine whether MRI is able to demonstrate the effect of radiation synovectomy after the int... more To determine whether MRI is able to demonstrate the effect of radiation synovectomy after the intra-articular injection of holmium-166-chitosan complex for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee. Fourteen patients aged 36-59 years were treated with 10-20 mCi of holmium-166-chitosan complex. A criterion for inclusion in this study was the absence of observable improvement after 3- or more months of treatment of the knee with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. MR images were acquired both prior to and 4-months after treatment. Clinical evaluation included the use of visual analog scales to assess pain, and the circumference of the knee and its range of motion were also determined. MR evaluation included measurement of the volume of synovial enhancement and wall thickness, the amount of joint effusion, and quantifiable scoring of bone erosion, bone edema and lymph nodes. Visual analog scale readings decreased significantly after radiation synovectomy (p < 0.05). MRI ...
Primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is a rare hereditary disease without evidence of underlying... more Primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is a rare hereditary disease without evidence of underlying diseases. We report a very unusual case of primary HOA accompanied by Crohn's disease with the primary HOA mimicking secondary HOA, which is a rare manifestation of Crohn's disease. We also review the literature to find the correlation, if any, between the two.
The Journal of the Korean Bone and Joint Tumor Society, 2013
김승현 • 윤길성 • 조용진 • 신규호 • 서진석* • 양우익 † 연세대학교 의과대학 정형외과, *영상의학과, † 병리학과 ser), 전기 소작(electric cauteri... more 김승현 • 윤길성 • 조용진 • 신규호 • 서진석* • 양우익 † 연세대학교 의과대학 정형외과, *영상의학과, † 병리학과 ser), 전기 소작(electric cauterization), 골 시멘트 충전술(polymethyl methacrylate; PMMA) 등의 보조요법들의 도입으로 병소내 소파 술 후에도 10% 이하의 재발률이 보고되고 있다. 6) 하지만 천골 및 골반골에 발생한 거대세포종의 표준 치료에는 아직 이견이 많다. 이는 해부학적 특성상, 과도한 출혈, 감염, 신경학적 손상의 위험 이 높고 재건술 시행이 어려우며, 7-9) 재발률이 다른 부위에서 보 다 높게 보고 되고 있어, 4,10) 수술의 효용성이 사지에 발생한 거대 세포종에 비해 많이 떨어지기 때문이다. 이런 이유로, 천골 및 골 반골 거대세포종의 수술 외 대체 치료법과(alternative treatment) 보조 치료법들이(adjuvant treatment) 많이 보고되어 왔다. 방사선 치료, 11,12) 동맥 색전술, 13-16) 파골세포 억제제, 17-19) 등이 대표적이나, 방사선 치료의 경우는 이차성 악성 신생물(secondary malignant neoplasm) 발생, 동맥 색전술의 경우는 낮은 성공률, 파골 세포 억 제제의 경우는 빈약한 전향적 무작위 임상 시험(prospective randomized clinical trial) 결과가 거대세포종 치료에 사용되기에 제한 요소로 작용하고 있다. 이런 상황에서, 본 연구는 연속적 동맥 색전술을 이용한 천골 접수일 Conclusion: Although serial arterial embolization is not an effective modality on sacral and pelvic giant cell tumors, it may be a pilot modality under narrow indication of tumors with poor vascularity at first angiogram.
To assess the performance of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for the diagnosis of cervical spondyl... more To assess the performance of diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) for the diagnosis of cervical spondylotic myelopathy (CSM) in patients with deformed spinal cord but otherwise unremarkable conventional magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) findings. A total of 33 patients who underwent MRI of the cervical spine including DTI using two-dimensional single-shot interleaved multi-section inner volume diffusion-weighted echo-planar imaging and whose spinal cords were deformed but showed no signal changes on conventional MRI were the subjects of this study. Mean diffusivity (MD), longitudinal diffusivity (LD), radial diffusivity (RD), and fractional anisotropy (FA) were measured at the most stenotic level. The calculated performance of MD, FA, MD∩FA (considered positive when both the MD and FA results were positive), LD∩FA (considered positive when both the LD and FA results were positive), and RD∩FA (considered positive when both the RD and FA results were positive) in diagnosing CSM were compared...
Biomedical in vivo sensing methods in the near-infrared (NIR) range, which that provide relativel... more Biomedical in vivo sensing methods in the near-infrared (NIR) range, which that provide relatively high photon transparency, separation from auto-fluorescence background, and extended sensitivity, are being used increasingly for non-invasive mapping and monitoring of molecular events in cancer cells. In this study, we fabricated an NIR fluorogenic nanosensor based on the nanoparticle surface energy transfer effect, by conjugation of fluorescent proteolytic enzyme-specific cleavable peptides with gold nanorods (GNRs). Membrane-anchored membrane type 1-matrix metalloproteinases (MT1-MMPs), a family of zinc-dependent proteolytic enzymes, can induce the metastatic potential of cancer cells by promoting degradation of the extracellular matrix. Therefore, sensitive detection of MT1-MMP activity can provide essential information in the clinical setting. We have applied in vivo NIR sensing to evaluate MT1-MMP activity, as an NIR imaging target, in an MT1-MMP-expressing metastatic tumor mouse model.
To assess whether multi-echo Dixon magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with simultaneous T2* estimati... more To assess whether multi-echo Dixon magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with simultaneous T2* estimation and correction yields more accurate fat-signal fraction (FF) measurement of the lumbar paravertebral muscles, in comparison with non-T2*-corrected two-echo Dixon or T2*-corrected three-echo Dixon, using the FF measurements from single-voxel MR spectroscopy as the reference standard. Sixty patients with low back pain underwent MR imaging with a 1.5T scanner. FF mapping images automatically obtained using T2*-corrected Dixon technique with two (non-T2*-corrected), three, and six echoes, were compared with images from single-voxel MR spectroscopy at the paravertebral muscles on levels L4 through L5. FFs were measured directly by two radiologists, who independently drew the region of interest on the mapping images from the three sequences. A total of 117 spectroscopic measurements were performed either bilaterally (57 of 60 subjects) or unilaterally (3 of 60 subjects). The mean spectrosco...
International journal of clinical oncology, Jan 28, 2015
We performed this study to define distinctive clinical features of leiomyosarcoma by assessing pr... more We performed this study to define distinctive clinical features of leiomyosarcoma by assessing prognostic factors. Between 1988 and 2011, 129 leiomyosarcoma patients who underwent surgical resection with curative intent were retrospectively reviewed. Of the 129 leiomyosarcoma patients, the distribution of anatomic locations was: extremity (n = 25), pelvis (n = 40), thoracic cavity (n = 11), intra-abdomen (n = 19), retroperitoneum (n = 23), and head/neck (n = 11). We classified the anatomic locations into two categories as abdominal (intra-abdomen and retroperitoneum, n = 42) and extra-abdominal (extremity, pelvis, thoracic cavity, and head/neck, n = 87). Prognosis was worse for the abdominal group than for the extra-abdominal group (median DFS 2.9 9.0 years, P = 0.04). Similarly, overall survival (OS) was also significantly worse for abdominal group (P = 0.027). Independent prognostic factors for survival were primary site (P = 0.041, hazard ratio (HR) 1.7; 95 % CI 1.2-2.8), tumor s...
Journal of the Korean Society of Magnetic Resonance in Medicine, 2014
ABSTRACT To establish a pH measurement system for a mouse tumor study using a clinical scanner, t... more ABSTRACT To establish a pH measurement system for a mouse tumor study using a clinical scanner, to develop the 1H and 31P radio frequency (RF) coil system and to test pH accuracy with phantoms.
Object The aim of this study was to describe the strain ratio in histopathologically confirmed su... more Object The aim of this study was to describe the strain ratio in histopathologically confirmed superficial soft tissue tumors using ultrasonic elastography (USE). Methods From March to August 2012, 94 soft tissue tumors in 79 consecutive patients (age range 19-70 years) were examined using USE for palpable masses. Among them, 39 lesions in 36 patients were histopathologically confirmed. Thirty-four lesions in 31 patients with lipoma, ganglion, epidermal inclusion cyst, and pilomatricoma were included: 34 histopathologically confirmed mature lipomas (n = 19), ganglia (n = 6), epidermal inclusion cysts (n = 5), and pilomatricomas (n = 4). Ultrasonographic features of margins, echogenicity, walls, ultrasonic transmission, and vascular flow via Doppler ultrasonography were evaluated. The strain ratios were calculated from the USE strain measured within the lesion and in adjacent tissue. Intraclass correlation (ICC) with Cohen's kappa was used to determine intraobserver agreement, and the strain ratios of the three groups were compared using Mann-Whitney U tests. All statistical analyses were performed using R package statistical software, and p values \0.05 were considered to be statistically significant. Results On USE, repeated measurements of the strain ratios showed excellent intraobserver agreement [ICC value = 0.952 (CI 0.905-0.977), p \ 0.05]. The strain ratios of lipomas (median ± standard error 0.83 ± 0.18) were statistically different (p \ 0.05) from those of ganglia, epidermal inclusion cysts, and pilomatricomas. The strain ratios of ganglia (2.78 ± 0.48) were also statistically different (p \ 0.05) from those of epidermal inclusion cysts and pilomatricomas. The strain ratios of epidermal inclusion cysts (0.17 ± 0.21) were not statistically different (p [ 0.05) from that of pilomatricomas (0.13 ± 0.02). Conclusion Strain ratios determined by USE help to differentiate lipomas and ganglia from other superficial soft tissue tumors. Our results suggest that USE could be used in addition to traditional ultrasound techniques to obtain diagnostic clues in the evaluation of superficial soft tissue tumors.
To obtain compensatory ultra-short echo time (UTE) imaging and T2-weighted (T2W) imaging of Watan... more To obtain compensatory ultra-short echo time (UTE) imaging and T2-weighted (T2W) imaging of Watanabe heritable hyperlipidemic (WHHL) rabbits following dextran-coated magnetic nanocluster (DMNC) injection for the effective in vivo detection of inflammatory vascular wall. Magnetic nanoparticle was synthesized by thermal decomposition and encapsulated with dextran to prepare DMNC. The contrast enhancement efficiency of DMNC was investigated using UTE (repetition time [TR] = 5.58 and TE = 0.07 ms) and T2W (TR = 4000 and TE = 60 ms) imaging sequences. To confirm the internalization of DMNC into macrophages, DMNC-treated macrophages were visualized by cellular transmission electron microscope (TEM) and magnetic resonance (MR) imaging. WHHL rabbits expressing macrophage-rich plaques were subjected to UTE and T2W imaging before and after intravenous DMNC (120 μmol Fe/kg) treatment. Ex vivo MR imaging of plaques and immunostaining studies were also performed. Positive and negative contrast e...
ABSTRACT The non-equilibrium charge dynamics in conducting polymer polyaniline (PANI) have been b... more ABSTRACT The non-equilibrium charge dynamics in conducting polymer polyaniline (PANI) have been barely understood. Utilizing ultrafast spin-resolved spectroscopy, we show that the charge dynamics in PANI is dominated by the excitonic photoresponse.
We have investigated the feasibility of THz time-domain reflectometry for the discrimination of h... more We have investigated the feasibility of THz time-domain reflectometry for the discrimination of human early gastric cancer (EGC) from the normal gastric region. Eight fresh EGC tissues, which were resected by endoscopic submucosal dissection, were studied. Of them, six lesions were well discriminated on THz images and the regions well correlated with tumor regions on pathologically mapped images. Four THz parameters could be suggested for quantitative discrimination of EGCs.
Characterization and control of proteolysis of peptides by specific cellular protease is a priori... more Characterization and control of proteolysis of peptides by specific cellular protease is a priori requisite for effective drug discovery. Here, we report the nanomechanical, in situ monitoring of proteolysis of peptide chain attributed to protease (Cathepsin B) by using a resonant nanomechanical microcantilever immersed in a liquid. Specifically, the detection is based on measurement of resonant frequency shift arising from proteolysis of peptides (leading to decrease of cantilever's overall mass, and consequently, increases in the resonance). It is shown that resonant microcantilever enables the quantification of proteolysis efficacy with respect to protease concentration. Remarkably, the nanomechanical, in situ monitoring of proteolysis allows us to gain insight into the kinetics of proteolysis of peptides, which is well depicted by Langmuir kinetic model. This implies that nanomechanical biosensor enables the characterization of specific cellular protease such as its kinetics.
To correlate the findings of nonossifying fibroma at magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with those a... more To correlate the findings of nonossifying fibroma at magnetic resonance (MR) imaging with those at pathologic examination. In 19 patients (age range, 8-25 years; mean age, 14 years) with pathologically proved nonossifying fibroma, MR images were analyzed for signal intensity and patterns of contrast enhancement. Findings at MR imaging and biopsy were correlated. On T1-weighted images, all nonossifying fibromas had low signal intensity compared with that of skeletal muscle. On T2-weighted images, 15 lesions (79%) were hypointense and four (21%) were hyperintense. On gadolinium-enhanced images, intense contrast enhancement was seen throughout 15 lesions (heterogeneous pattern in 12 and homogeneous in three) and in the margins and septa in four. Extensive hypercellular fibrous tissue and hemosiderin seen at pathologic examination were depicted with low signal intensity on T2-weighted MR images. The distinguishing features of nonossifying fibroma included hypointensity and septation on ...
To assess the efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in objectively defining a state of rem... more To assess the efficacy of magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) in objectively defining a state of remission in rheumatoid arthritis (RA) after treatment. Ten patients with RA involving the wrist were evaluated before treatment with methotrexate and hydroxychloroquine, and then mean 14 mo later with a followup evaluation. Clinical variables, laboratory measurements, and MRI using various techniques (T1 weighted image, T2 weighted image, fat suppression T2 weighted image, postcontrast T1 weighted image, postcontrast dynamic image, postcontrast 3 dimensional image) were observed. Remission was defined by ACR criteria. MRI changes were observed using 3 variables: extent of synovial proliferation; extent of bone marrow edema; and development of new erosion. In 6 of 10 patients, synovial signal intensity time curve changes at 30 s (E30 ratio) were determined for quantitative assessment of synovitis. Four patients achieved remission and 6 did not. All patients in remission showed decrease in e...
Korean journal of radiology : official journal of the Korean Radiological Society
To determine whether MRI is able to demonstrate the effect of radiation synovectomy after the int... more To determine whether MRI is able to demonstrate the effect of radiation synovectomy after the intra-articular injection of holmium-166-chitosan complex for the treatment of rheumatoid arthritis of the knee. Fourteen patients aged 36-59 years were treated with 10-20 mCi of holmium-166-chitosan complex. A criterion for inclusion in this study was the absence of observable improvement after 3- or more months of treatment of the knee with disease-modifying anti-rheumatic drugs. MR images were acquired both prior to and 4-months after treatment. Clinical evaluation included the use of visual analog scales to assess pain, and the circumference of the knee and its range of motion were also determined. MR evaluation included measurement of the volume of synovial enhancement and wall thickness, the amount of joint effusion, and quantifiable scoring of bone erosion, bone edema and lymph nodes. Visual analog scale readings decreased significantly after radiation synovectomy (p < 0.05). MRI ...
Primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is a rare hereditary disease without evidence of underlying... more Primary hypertrophic osteoarthropathy is a rare hereditary disease without evidence of underlying diseases. We report a very unusual case of primary HOA accompanied by Crohn's disease with the primary HOA mimicking secondary HOA, which is a rare manifestation of Crohn's disease. We also review the literature to find the correlation, if any, between the two.
Papers by Jin-Suck Suh